1 x Master Kush - 60W LED - Grow

Looking good mate , I would have done an LST or anything to keep that plant flat, to let more LED penetration
is this your first grow ?
good job anyways you got me subbed :thumb:
Looking good mate , I would have done an LST or anything to keep that plant flat, to let more LED penetration
is this your first grow ?
good job anyways you got me subbed :thumb:

thanks, im growing since 2013 for medical reasons, its my 9th grow with this 90/60w light... the plant stretched 200% since 12/12, i switched the light 12/12 at 36cm she is now >100cm, next time i switch at 25cm this should give her a final high of 75cm

day 55 sprouted / day 27 12/12... bad news :( due to space problems i cutted the top head and some leaves off..... :( some leaves got also claws, to much nitrat i guess, i opened the saucer hole again, as "day 23 sprouted" described and flushed 10l clean water through the pot, then i mixed 1.5l water with 15ml canna terra flores (not canna bio flores), 4,5ml canna pk 13/14, 6ml canna bio boost (npk ... 20 - 59 - 82 per 1l | npk-ratio 1-3-4) and watered this into the pot
She looks great :bravo: any plans for training on your next run? Keep up the good work

thanks, no training, ill just change the light next time earlier to 12/12 and when she comes to close to the light, ill do a cut

day 60 sprouted / day 32 12/12... moisture meter @ 5%, watered 1,5l with 15ml canna terra flores, 4,5ml canna pk 13/14, 6ml canna bio boost slowly into the pot, npk-ratio: 1-3-4, npk per 1l: 20 - 59 - 82, the pot had a small runoff into the lower second saucer (~100ml), the runoff i have discarded

day 64 sprouted / day 36 12/12... moisture meter @ 5%, watered 1,5l with 22,5ml canna terra flores, 3,37ml canna pk 13/14, 6ml canna bio boost slowly into the pot, npk-ratio: 1-2-3, npk per 1l: 30 - 59,25 - 81,5, the pot had a small runoff into the lower second saucer (~50ml), the runoff i have discarded

day 68 sprouted / day 40 12/12...

moisture meter @ 5%

watered 1,5l of the following slowly in to the pot:
12,5ml/l canna terra flores
2ml/l canna pk 13/14
4ml/l canna bio boost

npk-ratio... 1-2-3
npk per 1l... 25 - 51 - 78

the pot saved all the water without runoff

day 71 sprouted / day 43 12/12... some hairs/pistils changed to orange/amber, moisture meter @ 10%, the upper earth feels very dry, watered 12,5ml canna terra flores, 2ml canna pk 13/14, 4ml canna bio boost per 1l water slowly into the pot until runoff, the runoff in the lower second saucer i have discarded, npk-ratio: 1-2-3, npk per 1l: 25 - 51 - 78
day 74 sprouted / day 46 12/12... 80% trichomes are cloudy and 20% clear, still no amber trichomes, upper earth feels dry, watered 15ml canna terra flores, 2,25ml canna pk 13/14, 4ml canna bio boost per 1l water slowly into the pot until runoff, the runoff i discarded, npk-ratio: 1-2-3, npk per 1l: 30 - 59,25 - 91,5
simple fast and good details, like how you do your journal.
nearly there a good week or two ?
when are you going to start to flush ?

hm... im not sure at the moment, i think i will feed her with the npk-ratio 1-2-3 until >50% or >75% trichomes are amber and then i flush her
well I feel that it's too late to stop feeding when amber trichomes appear, but since it's not your first grow you know what you are doing ^^, i stop my feeding when they are all milky.
well I feel that it's too late to stop feeding when amber trichomes appear, but since it's not your first grow you know what you are doing ^^, i stop my feeding when they are all milky.

i need a lot of amber trichomes with CBD for a sedative/medical effect

day 79 sprouted / day 51 12/12... moisture meter @ 5%, watered 17,5ml canna terra flores, 2,7ml canna pk 13/14, 4ml canna bio boost per 1l water slowly into the pot until runoff, the runoff i have discarded, npk-ratio: 1-2-3, npk per 1l: 35 - 70,1 - 107,8
day 82 sprouted / day 54 12/12... moisture meter @ 10%, watered 12,5ml canna terra flores, 2ml canna pk 13/14, 4ml canna bio boost per 1l water slowly into the pot until runoff, the runoff i have discarded, npk-ratio: 1-2-3, npk per 1l: 25 - 51 - 78
day 83 sprouted / day 55 12/12... today i flushed the pot with 8ml ghe ripen per 1L, npk per 1l: 0 - 48 - 40
day 84 sprouted / day 56 12/12... strategychange lol, the most trichomes are cloudy, the lower buds have 50% orange hairs, the upper buds have 20% orange hairs, flushed 10l water through the pot until clear runoff, runoff discarded, next update in ~ 1 week, i hope the trichomes will change to amber during flush for more CBD
Definitely subbing on this. By the way what kimd of pot is that and what is that a humidity reader? What is that thing called? super awesome setup you got here and am very impressed that a 60w metered can perform so well. I'm over killing my veg room I might be thinking hehe. Cheers and will be keeping up
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