
  1. M

    Best type of HID Reflector?

    Greetings, Looking for your opinions and experience. Is it better to run your bulb vertical or horizontal? (looking for even light distribution) What is the best type (style) of reflector to get even light in your opinion? Thanks and Cheers :thumb:
  2. B

    The Guy Next Door

    Hi fellow 420 lovers...looking forward to learn from your experience and to read all interesting threads :volcano-smiley: becycle Ottawa
  3. Agemon

    The Red Cup!

    For those of you looking to join in, follow along, or just chime in, we are headed for maximum yield in a not so standard container. We are using clones in 18 oz solo cups with no more than 4 drainage holes, your soil of choice, your nutrients of choice, your strain of choice. We are going to...
  4. Ron Strider

    10 Benefits Of Cannabis

    By now you know that cannabis has been legalized for medicinal use in many states across the country. But what exactly does this mean? And how could it impact your health? What’s the difference marijuana, hemp and cannabis? Is it all just “weed?” Let’s start at the top. Marijuana and hemp both...
  5. Ron Strider

    Cannabidiol And Craft Cocktails

    Unusual ingredients like dried angelica root, tobacco syrup and smoked meats have expanded horizons for those who love mixing and drinking craft cocktails. With enough expertise, an accomplished bartender/brewer may use almost any edible item to enhance or balance the other components of a...
  6. Ron Strider

    CBD Oil: The New Cure For Chronic Pain?

    With many states making marijuana legal, there is no lack of discussion about the leafy green drug in the news lately. Unfortunately, it seems that the health benefits of cannabis are being overshadowed by the "drug" aspect of marijuana. What interests me about cannabis culture, and what I would...
  7. S

    High everyone!

    All I would like to do is say hello to you guys, hope to join your discussion. Thanks a lot.
  8. J

    DWC & PH & Air?

    Hello, Those using DWC setups and a digital ph meter, do you test ph with your air pumps on or off? Thank you, JohnsonDoe
  9. Teddy Edwards

    NOTM 420 Magazine's Nug of the Month: May 2017

    Welcome to the 420 Magazine Nug of the Month Contest. Please submit a photo of your best nug. (There is a separate contest thread for plants) The nug must be your own, either purchased or grown. Optionally, we'd love to hear about the strain, taste, aroma, potency, effect, weight or any other...
  10. Teddy Edwards

    Welcome To Our New Sponsor Best Organic Nutrients - MightyGrow

    Please join us in welcoming our new sponsor Best Organic Nutrients - MightyGrow to our mission of spreading Cannabis awareness to the world. 420 Magazine began life 24 years ago in an endeavor to end prohibition by creating a forum where appreciation and awareness of the Cannabis plant could...
  11. Klaatu

    Holy Hardwater Batman!

    I have a problem with hard water in my tubs. I don't have the $ to get R.O. and would need to get 40 gal. of distilled water delivered to me every week, that's $250 per month.. So, neither of those are options right now. I was hoping this would help; "GH Floramicro for hardwater" Flora Micro...
  12. E

    Anybody ever buy off

    I wanna know how well of a job they do before I buy off there.
  13. Saibot

    Stop including photos in "Reply with Quote"!

    Unless you are referencing a particular photo, please remove the photos from your reply with quotes. There is no need to replicate the photos otherwise. Here's how you do it. Look for the text that is surrounded by [ ]. Delete the bracketed IMG text and everything in between. So easy a caveman...
  14. K

    Noob grower

    I need help with this entire process i encourage you to leave comments and voice your growing roots upon me . I know for sure I'm going dwc and the led combo . any tips or suggestions? Feel free to add your comments I need them
  15. P

    PhatTommy Is Concerned - MMJ In AZ

    Well, it has been nearly a year since I received my MMJ Card (which was a wise choice). My medical conditions (pain related) have been well & truly controlled by using the appropriate medicines (Salves, and Vapes, primarily). My issue is this. Arizona is currently a "Med MMJ" State only, but...
  16. Gardenseed

    120 Volts or 240 Volt? What are you using?

    So I was reading this from one of our sponsors after considering switching from 120 to 240. What are you guys and girls running on? Knowledge Center 120 Volts Compared to 240 Volts: Is It Beneficial? All Articles, Grow Tests & Comparisons 2016-12-17 Advanced LED Lights Michael Pereckas /...
  17. Teddy Edwards

    NOTM 420 Magazine's Nug of the Month: April 2017

    Welcome to the 420 Magazine Nug of the Month Contest. Please submit a photo of your best nug. (There is a separate contest thread for plants) The nug must be your own, either purchased or grown. Optionally, we'd love to hear about the strain, taste, aroma, potency, effect, weight or any other...
  18. J

    Human urine as a nute!

    Hey j/w if anyone has ever read or heard you can use your own urine for a nutrient? Apparently it is high in nitrogen and has other nutrients beneficial to the marijuana plant? I read your supposed to immediately mix it with a gallon of water after you urinate and thats all you need. I know...
  19. D

    Best Cloning Method?

    In your opinion, what is fastest and most reliable method to clone,spray,air bubble or rockwool or similar medium?I'm new to this and I'm looking for the most reliable method.........thanks for your time.
  20. B

    Wet trim & blanching cannabutter method

    As promised in another thread, here's my take on making cannabutter. I employ a lot of what can easily be found in all the other various threads on this, but I do use a few other tricks that I haven't seen anywhere else that really cater to my tastes when it comes to edibles. That is, when I eat...
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