
  1. J

    LED question?

    Hi all, I have tried this question in the lighting forum with no avail, so I wanted to try here. I have 2 mars hydro reflector series right now. I am looking to add some supplemental lighting. Can a person use a 4ft led type lamp like you would hang in your garage? I wasn't sure about the...
  2. Ron Strider

    Cannabis: Perspective Of A Dutch Person Living In New Zealand

    I came to New Zealand late 2006 after being born and raised in the Netherlands. For as long as I can remember cannabis has been tolerated. Despite popular belief it is not legal in the Netherlands — it is decriminalized for personal use and can be consumed in coffee shops. If one does not...
  3. G

    How Many Twist Bulbs?

    The indoor grow was suspended for a personal reason and am considering an outdoor grow of Autos, but was planning a possible indoor grow towards winter. I current have a couple of 4200 lumen twist bulbs I was using for Veg and Balcony window light for the grow. If I grow this winter? How many...
  4. J

    Stupid question maybe?

    Hi all, I currently have 2 mars hydro led lights I am using now.. I am looking to add some supplemental lighting. Can a person use the 4ft led lights like you would hang in your garage? Stupid question maybe, I didn't know if the color would be right or if that mattered? Thanks in advance!
  5. Ron Strider

    Turning New Zealand's Black Market Cannabis Economy Green

    What happens to the economy, the criminal gangs, the growers and the dealers when an illicit drug is legalized? Whatever form it takes, legalization is likely to mean the use, production, sale and supply of cannabis is allowed with restrictions. As with tobacco or alcohol, age and point of sale...
  6. wildride

    Mentor/s Needed

    Hi, first time indoor grower here ( outside expirience though ) needing some guidance so as not to screw up again ( heat issues/ Fox Tailing first rough attempt ). First allow me to explain where I am at. I have a rough 10 x 14 room, with 3 1000 watt ( going to 5 ) digital ballast run lights...
  7. Ron Strider

    New Zealand: Could Our Farmers Cash In On Legal Cannabis

    Dairy, wine ... hemp? If the currently restrictive laws on the cultivation of cannabis were loosened, it could change the agricultural landscape of New Zealand. "I think it will be up there with dairy and other agricultural commodities," says Richard Barge about low-THC industrial hemp. "It...
  8. Ron Strider

    Town In Arkansas Hopes To Cash In On Medical Marijuana

    A small town mayor in Crittenden County, Arkansas hopes to cash on medical marijuana. "We do have the room for the dispensary. That's what I would like to shoot for," said Turrell Mayor Dorothy Cooper. Cooper said she's in the process of applying to land a medical marijuana dispensary. An...
  9. T

    My name says it all

    Hey everyone, I have been sort of lurking around for a little bit - I'm like the kid on the fringes of the group who wants to join the fun but is too chicken to try it. I'm an over-30 woman living in Houston with my wife and our two young kids. I've only smoked a few times in my life, but I...
  10. Ron Strider

    Peter Tosh's Son In Coma: Inside Fight For Jawara McIntosh

    If all had gone as planned, Jawara McIntosh would be home in Dorchester, Massachusetts right now, legally using cannabis as part of his Rastafarian faith, enjoying the early summer with his four children, perhaps working on new music. Instead, he is in a hospital in Boston in a coma. On...
  11. Ron Strider

    GA: The Buzz About Decriminalizing Weed In Savannah

    I was going to make a bunch of stoner jokes about a new movement to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana in Savannah, the folks stoking the blaze beat me to it. At an exploratory meeting at Bull Street Labs last Monday about how to implement a fine-only, no arrest policy...
  12. Ron Strider

    BC: Medical Marijuana Production Facility To Open On Annacis Island

    A medical marijuana facility will be starting up on Annacis Island after more than four years of legal disputes and council delays. On June 26, council voted unanimously to approve the facility at 1668 Fosters Way, despite objections from UA Plumbers and Piperfitters Union Local 170, who...
  13. Ron Strider

    Colorado Cannabis Kingpin John Lord Wants To Open Stores In New Zealand

    The expat Kiwi who heads Colorado's biggest weed seller promises thousands of jobs for New Zealand if the drug is legalized here. John Lord spoke with Florence Kerr as part of Stuff's 'What if it was legal?' series. He's done it in Colorado, so would John Lord peddle legal pot back home in...
  14. Ron Strider

    How Much Could New Zealand Earn From Taxing Legal Cannabis

    A regulated market in cannabis would net $70 million in new tax revenue, independent analysis carried out for Stuff reveals. The New Zealand Institute of Economic Research modeling shows a 25 per cent excise tax on legal marijuana would raise $40m, on top of an extra $30m from GST. The...
  15. Ron Strider

    CA: Modesto Not Decided On Having Marijuana Businesses, But It Could Have A Tax Ready

    Modesto voters in November will decide whether to impose a tax of as much as 10 percent on marijuana businesses, whose proceeds the city says would be used for any government purpose, including parks and recreation, neighborhood safety and creating jobs. The City Council voted 5-2 on Tuesday...
  16. Ron Strider

    What Would Happen If New Zealand Legalized Cannabis

    Peter Dunne, the bespectacled politician in the bow-tie, was the unlikely hero of drug reform. In May, the Associate Health Minister ventured that "some, if not all" class C drugs should be reclassified and regulated. Outraged cries of "Minister for Stoners" were conspicuous by their...
  17. SwAggNiFiCeNt

    1st time grower with some questions

    hey everyone, im brand spanking new to the growing arena. just wanted as much feedback as possible before i got going so any help would be greatly appreciated. 2x2.5x 6'11 gorilla grow tent 220W california light works solarflare full spectrum led 2 Hurricane inline fans (both 4") timers...
  18. D

    CBD for Tourettes

    I live in Mississippi, USA and don't have access to much as far as Medicinal products goes. I've been looking for a retailer online (skeptical) and trying to figure out how to make the oil myself. Not too keen on getting back into black market purchases, but I feel like I would benefit greatly...
  19. Ron Strider

    MA: Six Questions About How The Legislature Will Rewrite The New State Pot Law

    Massachusetts legislators were toiling in secret Thursday to finalize a rewrite of the voter-passed marijuana legalization law, trying to iron out differences between a House version that would alter major parts of the ballot measure and a Senate bill with more modest changes. If House and...
  20. Ron Strider

    CA: City One Step Closer To Allowing Cannabis Businesses

    In a unanimous vote during a special budget meeting this past Monday, the Patterson City Council moved a step closer to allowing certain types of cannabis-related businesses to operate within the city. The item passed on a 4-0 vote, with council member McCord having been excused from the...
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