
  1. Katelyn Baker

    WA: One Big Thing Opponents Of Marijuana Warned About Is Not Happening

    A state-run survey of 37,000 middle and high school students in Washington state finds that marijuana legalization there has had no effect on youngsters' propensity to use the drug. The Washington State Healthy Youth Survey found that the 2016 rate of marijuana use was basically unchanged...
  2. Katelyn Baker

    Washington Marijuana Advocates Handed Out Thousands Of Joints For Inauguration

    Throughout the day of President Trump's inauguration on Friday, activists hit the streets of Washington, D.C, marching and demonstrating–some breaking the law–for a variety of causes, including LGBT rights, drawing attention to climate change and immigration law reform. Among them was a group...
  3. DoubleDD

    Hello from Washington State

    Hello Everyone, New to the marijuana growing with the new laws up here in Washington State. Going to take some time to get thru all the information provided on this forum. Thanks Dennis
  4. Katelyn Baker

    DEA's Marijuana-Eradication Program Still Targets Washington, Where Pot Is Legal

    It's a scene that continues to unfold in Washington state: A helicopter hovers low over the trees, deep inside a park in the Cascade Mountains; a SWAT team dressed in Kevlar rappels from the chopper to the ground; other officers, federal agents and state environmental officials move toward the...
  5. Katelyn Baker

    Is Weed The New Black? Marijuana Fashion Is Growing

    I recently received my first pitch for cannabis fashion. I knew it was coming, given that medical marijuana is legal in 28 states as well as Washington, DC., and marijuana is legal in eight states (and Washington, DC), including California, Massachusetts and Washington. Even fashion mags...
  6. Katelyn Baker

    Colorado And Washington Laid The Groundwork For California

    Four years ago, two states broke with the federal government regarding marijuana policy. Colorado and Washington decided simple possession, cultivation, purchase and private use of marijuana by adults is no longer a criminal issue. These victories initially led the way for Oregon, Alaska and...
  7. Katelyn Baker

    FL: BOCC Approves Temporary Medical Marijuana Moratorium

    In a 5-0 vote Monday afternoon the Washington County Board of County Commissioners approved an ordinance to establish a temporary moratorium on growing, cultivation, processing, manufacturing, dispensing, distribution and wholesale and retail sale of medical cannabis, low-THC cannabis and...
  8. Katelyn Baker

    FL: Washington County Passes Ordinance On Medical Marijuana

    Washington County, Fla. - Washington County is joining other counties across the state with passing an ordinance to temporarily stop the use of medical marijuana in the county. On Monday, Washington County attorney Jeff Goodman presented a 240 day moratorium to the county commissioners in the...
  9. Katelyn Baker

    What Happened In Washington State After Voters Legalized Recreational Marijuana

    The nation's first recreational marijuana shop opened nearly three years ago in Colorado. Since then, a growing body of research has shown that the availability of recreational marijuana – in Colorado and elsewhere – is having little to no effect on teens' propensity to smoke weed. That's the...
  10. Katelyn Baker

    FL: Cities, County Eye Marijuana Moratorium

    Washington County - Washington County's Board of Commissioners and local municipalities are joining a growing trend across Florida by considering taking action to impose a moratorium on medical marijuana dispensaries and land used for cultivation. Amendment 2 will go into effect on Jan. 3...
  11. Katelyn Baker

    PA: Medical Marijuana Grower Considers Washington Township Site

    Zullinger, Pa. – A marijuana-growing and -processing company is eyeing Wharf Road Industrial Park in Washington Township, Pa., as a place to develop greenhouses and employ about 50 workers, if the company is approved for one of Pennsylvania's first medical-marijuana production licenses...
  12. Katelyn Baker

    Is The Washington Marijuana Industry Threatened?

    The Washington marijuana industry has been successful in the few years since legalization, but there is concern that President-elect Donald Trump's incoming administration could put the industry at risk, especially because Trump is favoring officials with strict anti-marijuana positions, such as...
  13. Katelyn Baker

    Marijuana Sales Reach An All Time High In The State Of Washington

    Washington State - New studies show legal marijuana sales in Washington are surging to an all time high, passing $200 million dollars in a quarter. In the first three months of this year, buyers spent $54 million dollars more on spirits than marijuana, but in the next three months that gap...
  14. Katelyn Baker

    What California's Impending Marijuana Economy Can Learn From Washington And Oregon

    As California prepares to enter the world of recreational weed, officials and business owners are closely watching how the state will govern the largest marijuana economy in the country. California has until January 2018 until formal regulations go into effect, giving the Bureau of Medical...
  15. Katelyn Baker

    Marvin Washington Wants Minorities To Have Seat At The Table In Marijuana Industry

    Marvin Washington enjoys attending cannabis business expos, but the former Jets defensive end says there's one thing about marijuana industry events he finds discouraging — few of his fellow ganja entrepreneurs look like him. Washington says African-Americans, Latinos and other minorities are...
  16. S

    Getting a Medical Card in Washington State or Oregon?

    Hi, everyone! I'm as new here (and in the entire cannabis world) as could possibly be. I'm here being guided by SweetSue (luckily) but I wanted help with options for getting a medical card. I don't necessarily want a naturopathic physician who wants to work on my whole health (been there...
  17. Katelyn Baker

    Legal Weed Does Not Wreak Havoc On Schools Or Roads

    A drumbeat of dire warnings sounded across Colorado and Washington as its voters moved toward to legalizing recreational marijuana in 2012, becoming the first states in the U.S. to do so. Opponents had argued that a surge in blazed drivers would litter the roads and highways with bodies. They...
  18. Katelyn Baker

    Legal Marijuana Hasn't Caused Any Of The Problems Opponents Said It Would

    When Colorado and Washington became the first states to legalize recreational marijuana in 2012, opponents of the measures warned that ending the longstanding prohibition on weed would wreak havoc on society. The fiscal benefits associated with taxed and regulated marijuana wouldn't be...
  19. Katelyn Baker

    Here's How Legal Pot Changed Colorado And Washington

    Marijuana has had little impact so far on various public health measures in states where it has been legalized, according to a report from the Drug Policy Alliance released Thursday. Three years after commercial marijuana markets first opened in Colorado and Washington, the nonprofit...
  20. Katelyn Baker

    Marijuana Legalization Will Win Big On Election Day - Here's Why

    Voters in five states – Arizona, California, Maine, Massachusetts, and Nevada – will decide this November on ballot initiatives seeking to legalize and regulate the adult use, production, and retail sale of marijuana. Polling data shows these measures to be leading among likely voters...
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