
  1. G

    Veg grow light for SCORG

    Ive tried vegging my plants unders 2x250w CFL 6500K at 20cm and under a 580W chinese LED panel at 50cm. My problem have been that the plants turn into short "leaf balls" more than branchy bushes suitable for scrogging. My work around have been to veg the first 5-6 weeks with the lights close...
  2. P

    Want opinions on this light

    I dont know much about COB lighting and I have some questions. Will this light be enough to grow a plant from veg through flower? And is it overpriced? If the light isnt good enough anyone know of another COB under $160 that is good enough for a plant. Max coverage area I am looking for is 2x2...
  3. HigherTheHigh

    Skunk XL - 3 weeks veg - 10 plants - 4x8 tent

    HELLO ALL! I hope everyone is happy and healthy and hopefully some growers can help me out here. I have 10 skunk xl that are 3 weeks from seed, I did 4 northern lights 5 weeks veg from seed in 20L pots on the last grow and yielded 20.3oz dry. QUESTION IS: How long should i veg for to get the...
  4. A

    This Is My Perpetual & Experiments Grow

    experiment flower room veg fell free to comment
  5. Grandpa Tokin

    Grandpa Tokin Grows

    Hi all. I'm Grandpa Tokin and I'm a medical patient who grows his own dank. This is not my first rodeo but I don't consider myself an expert by any means. I was a member of another forum for a long time but they went tits-up. My goal here is real simple; share my knowledge, my grows, and make...
  6. Stage

    Hey Stage: Where Ya Been? Fall 2017 DBHBB Perpetual

    High and good afternoon people. :welcome: I miss this place, people and plants here. Before I continue I want to dedicate this journal to a couple of very deserving people. SweetSue- High sugar.:Love::hugs::hugs: Thanks for leaving the porch light on and the door cracked. Muaah! Shiggity...
  7. HigherTheHigh

    Mainlining question from pre growers

    Hello all! Just wanting a few questions answered on mainlining to only have 1 large cola. What size pot did you use? How long did you veg for? What was your final dry weight? Im thinking of doing 16 in a 4x4 space with a 600w hps - 32 in a 4x8 space running 3 600w hps, 7L pots...
  8. BluePhoric

    Euphoria - RQS - CFL - Soil - Second Grow

    So, this will be my second grow. I'll grow one single plant, from seed. I plan to Veg longer and train more, to finish with a bigger plant / bigger yield. The details are about the same as my first grow (see the synopsis). The things I'll do different : - Veg for longer (1 to 2 months). "...
  9. B

    Outdoor Grow UK - Honeysuckle

    Hello All, This is my first Outdoor grow. I am a complete novice so please bear this in mind when commenting . I have grown once which was an indoor grow which went on but nothing special. Strain = Honeysuckle (freebie from vendor) Outdoor from seed in late April. (Never started off...
  10. S

    Male or lady - Help please

    Hi guys just a quick question i have a plant 3 months into veg and i just got a show of pre flowers but i am stumped as to the gender of this plant because all the pre flowers are not the same. this plant has been growing under a 400watt mh light and five 36watt cfl's and two 36watt t8's.
  11. F

    New grower - Need some advice please

    thanks for reading my post. I would love to find a couple decent people to give great advice on a number of issues i have. 1. I have an auto flower entering into the flowering stage. my concern is that up until now i have ran with 24/0 veg led. i have read differing opinions on the next stage...
  12. B

    Don't wanna be no noob

    About to start growing with these materials using these directions. What else could be done better? Area: - 36 sqm - 1 bedroom apartment - 37th floor - Medium sized windows - 1 single cabinet - Tropical country Materials : - 1 4x4 tent for the veg stage - 2 4x8 tent for the flow...
  13. NastyAce05

    Crop King Seeds White Widow Feminized 4'x4' Room Cannabis Grow Journal

    What strain is it?Crop King Seeds White Widow Feminized Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages?60% Indica - 40% Sativa Is it in Veg or Flower stage?1st Day of Veg. If in Veg... For how long? 14 days from seed Since Braking Soil/Rockwool It will be in Veg For 6 weeks Ending on...
  14. D

    Your ways to veg with HPS with a low ceiling?

    One of my spare rooms has a ceiling that's 8.5 feet high. How would it be possible to veg in this room with my Gavita DE, if possible at all... Would it work with a low table/canopy, and training/topping my plants so the height doesn't become a issue? Need suggestions! Thank you very much in...
  15. Weezze

    Amnesium - Clone#1 - 2'x2' - ProMix HP - Mars Pro II 80

    What strain is it? Amnesium (former Amnesia) from Victory Seeds Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? Mostly Sativa Is it in Veg or Flower stage? It's a clone, 2 months under a little led light Indoor or outdoor? Indoor, tent 2'x2'x5' Soil or Hydro? Pro-Mix HP (soiless) Temp of Room/cab? 80F RH...
  16. M

    Can HID be used during veg and flowering?

    Hi there, I am growing my first plant indoors in a few years. Feminised White Russian (indica). My question..... what is the best light to use during both veg and flowering phase , is there one light I can use all the way through.??( apart from full spectrum led) what type of light can I use...
  17. M

    Lighting clones & re-veg

    I live in a tiny condo and am forced to use my kitchen as my veg room. Have north facing double slider for glass. Question. Can I run my T5 and 400 during dark hours and use natural daylight to achieve 18 and or 24 hours of lighting? How should I set up lighting. This will be a multi purpose...
  18. B

    Is this some kind of nutrient deficiency?

    This girl have already got nute burns (lost few pair of leaves) and then it grew up new healthy leaves for like a week and then it seem to be sick again. ) oh after it recover from note burn i moved it to a lot bigger pot (about a gallon) and i water them lesser time but lots of it each...
  19. TheDarkTriad

    GG#4 5 weeks into flower currently

    so this is how 99% of leaves look. i am 5th week of flower, growth has stopped, buds are popcorn size, almost no smell almost no trics. Veg went perfect. ran veg 90 days. second week into flower the problem begain. first thought nuets,ph,ferts. all the usual everything was normal. no im...
  20. G

    3 weeks into Veg and my timer fails me

    Im 3 weeks into veg and my timer failed me. (I messed up) I was having it on 18/6 and my plan was to veg it for about 10 weeks but then I left it in the dark for 15hours:( What do I do? Can I continue veg or do I need to go 12/12 for bloom?
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