
  1. R

    Pot Science: Top Marijuana Findings Of 2015

    Researchers who study marijuana made a number of findings in 2015, from learning about the health effects of using the drug frequently and recreationally, to figuring out which diseases and conditions are most likely to benefit from the substance's use. The findings about marijuana that came...
  2. D

    2 tent set up

    I have been trying different set ups for about 5 years or so. I only need to grow enough for myself and the girlfriend. I have my own house. I have two 4x2 tents. lights include a 400 Watt HPS reflector and bulb, Mars hydro 144 reflector LED, and about a dozen or so CFL's 42 watt and 23...
  3. R

    Disabled Utah Mom Nearly Jailed For Child Endangerment Over Medical Marijuana Use

    A 27-year-old mother of two in Ogden County, Utah narrowly avoided jail time over her use of marijuana to alleviate the pain caused by her rare disease, KSTU-TV reported. Enedina Stanger appeared at the local sheriff's complex on Monday for processing after pleading guilty earlier this month to...
  4. EventHorizon

    Sun Blaster T5's?

    Hey I was thinking about getting a couple T5 Sun Blaster's on the 5th to add into my CFL tent for "side lighting." Anyone ever use these bulbs? They're supposed to be about 3,500 lumen each or something.
  5. R

    Country Passing Montana By On Medical Marijuana

    Some have characterized the loss of the marijuana legalization initiative in Ohio as an indicator of lack of support for the issue. However, what the defeat of the initiative reveals is the intent of citizens not just to make "pot" legal, but to do it right. In fact, the lack of support for the...
  6. 420Steve

    Plant Magic Nurtient line good or bad?

    Dear 420Growers, Currently i am growing with "Plant Magic" old timer grow and bloom organics with no benificals, for my next grow i am going to use the benificals hopefully for better results however my question is if i go with Plant Magic synthetic nutrients what benificals would be counter...
  7. R

    Pot Shots: The Long War Over Marijuana Legalization In Canada

    By 1971, marijuana's scent hung over most of Canada. Some 1.5 million folks had taken at least one drag on a joint. Hundreds of thousands were regularly firing up, grooving to Three Dog Night and learning from the leaked Pentagon Papers that the U.S. administration had lied about the Vietnam...
  8. T

    Brand new DWC - 6x6 tent - Need advice

    Merry Christmas! It seems that Santa thought I was great this year and brought me a new 6x6 tent to go along with the huge assortment of lights, fans, timers and other equipment. My dilemma is that I am having trouble figuring out the best use of my equipment. I have currently: 2x4x5 tent...
  9. R

    Oregon: Pot Growers Can't Use Federal Water

    Another snag for industry, law prohibits use of water from reclamation projects for marijuana. It's no wonder that marijuana growers gravitate to the Tumalo Irrigation District and other small water districts in Central Oregon. Their water rights have only loose ties to the U.S. Bureau of...
  10. R

    Mexican Cardinal Says Church Doesn't Oppose Medicinal Pot, Disagrees With President

    Cardinal Norberto Rivera, the Catholic Church's top authority in Mexico, said he has no problem with the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. The cardinal said Sunday that the church has never had a problem recommending the use of "all elements from nature that can be used to help improve...
  11. R

    Mexican Cardinal Says Church Doesn't Oppose Medicinal Pot, Disagrees With President

    Cardinal Norberto Rivera, the Catholic Church's top authority in Mexico, said he has no problem with the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. The cardinal said Sunday that the church has never had a problem recommending the use of "all elements from nature that can be used to help improve...
  12. Tris420

    How to use a PC fan?

    Hey 420 Friends... I Build a Drying room .. and I am using 1x12V PC Fan ... I thought i could use it with 9V batteries but they only last for like a few hours .. and now i need new ideas on how to use the pc fan ... other than with batteries .. Im a Noob in electrical stuff lol thats why i ask...
  13. Hill Billy

    Happy to be here!

    Hello, I use 420 Med's for brain Seizure's .
  14. J

    Miracle Gro Garden soil?

    Trying to find a soil that won't kill my plants. I like promix but I can't find it here anywhere. So the only thing was Miracle Gro Garden Soil Plus for flowers and vegetables, NPK is 0.15-0.05-0.10. When I got home I realized on the bag it says for in ground only, not for use in pots. But...
  15. Jacob Redmond

    Delaware Should At Least Study Legalizing Marijuana

    While Gov. Jack Markell has come out against legalizing marijuana in Delaware, the state has followed others in the country and loosened it pot laws during his tenure. On Friday, a new state law decriminalizing the possession and personal use of up to an ounce of marijuana went into effect...
  16. A

    New grower lost in how to use nutrients for soil grow

    Hi i am a new grower im growin 3 unknowns from seed in 3gallon smart pots under a 400 watt hid in a 2×2.5 5'7 grow tent. Tempertures and humidity are always between 78 and 88 and above 35% all times throug out the day. I started my seedlings in happy frog and now i potted up to the smart...
  17. B

    Has anyone use hydrogen peroxide to germinate? Does it help?

    Has anyone use hydrogen peroxide to germinate their seeds I was told if you use one cup of distilled water with one cap full of hydrogen peroxide it would help it Germinate better has anyone tried this and what was your results?
  18. Jacob Redmond

    Mexico: Grandmother's Secret Recipe In Use Despite Illegality Of Marijuana

    When her legs ache, this Mexican grandmother rubs them with marijuana-infused alcohol. She is well aware the homemade remedy defies the country's cannabis ban, but her family has used the concoction to treat ailments since she was a child, handing it down the generations. "I really have a lot...
  19. I

    Can I use this light?

    was wondering if I can use this light to grow
  20. Jacob Redmond

    Study Shows That Alcohol, Not Cannabis Is The Major "Gateway Drug"

    A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Florida has shown that alcohol is far more of a "gateway drug" than Cannabis is. The study concluded that: Results from the Guttman scale indicated that alcohol represented the "gateway" drug, leading to the use of tobacco...
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