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    Thank You To Our Renewing Sponsor YocanTech

    Please join us in thanking YocanTech for renewing their sponsorship! They have been and continue to be a huge asset in helping us further our mission of spreading Cannabis Awareness to the world. 420 Magazine exists so that you can fully appreciate the cannabis plant and interact with...
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    Pennsylvania Medical Society Misdiagnosing Medical Marijuana

    The Pennsylvania Medical Society (PAMED), one of the largest lobbying groups in the state, has issued yet another press release about medical marijuana. This time, they make a special appeal to the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to reclassify and research cannabis. What they are...
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    Australia: Cannabis Testing Is Ruining Lives Say Protesters

    Activists say they are undeterred that Lismore MP Thomas George was not present when they gathered outside his office this week to protest against the roadside drug-testing regime. About 70 people gathered to voice their concerns against the tests, which detect cannabis and other drugs, but...
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    Can The Cannabis 'Nuns' Of California Save Medical Marijuana?

    Sister Kate calls herself an “accidental nun.” At age 16, she tried marijuana for the first time inside a friend’s car during a cold Wisconsin winter. But that was when she was a “good mid-western Catholic girl,” and the drug did nothing for her. Years later, after her first marriage had come...
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    Harvest Time Is Serious Business At Las Vegas Medical Marijuana Grow Warehouse

    Leave the black lights and Jim Morrison posters in the attic. The methodically cultivated marijuana grown at Nevada Organic Remedies is not your father's weed. With a one-of-a-kind watering system, production extraction machine and multiple strains of the plant grown under very specific...
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    Davido, Sophia And The Weed Revolution In Nigeria

    Like many other nations, Nigeria, world's most populous black nation and Africa's largest economy, is racing against time to catch up with the rest of the world in so many areas. Irresponsible leadership and a docile, ill-informed following have combined to make nonsense of the abundant human...
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    Medical Marijuana Is A Life-Saving Resource That Oklahoma Needs

    Oklahoma's Green the Vote activists have unfortunately failed to gather the necessary signatures to place medical marijuana on the 2016 ballot by November. The all-volunteer activist group collected just over 70,000 signatures, but needed to reach a threshold of 123,725 in order to qualify...
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    Medical Marijuana Is A Life-Saving Resource That Oklahoma Needs

    Oklahoma's Green the Vote activists have unfortunately failed to gather the necessary signatures to place medical marijuana on the 2016 ballot by November. The all-volunteer activist group collected just over 70,000 signatures, but needed to reach a threshold of 123,725 in order to qualify...
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    How Should We Name Medical Marijuana In Canada?

    After someone named a strain of marijuana after former Toronto mayor Rob Ford, a battle over what to call the new prescription drug is lighting up. Bubbling quietly like each toke from a water bong, there's a new war brewing in the world of pot. This one's not about where you can buy it...
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    Supporters Of Recreational Pot Use In AZ Push For Mandatory Testing

    As momentum picks up for the legalization of recreational pot in our state, proponents point to Colorado's booming economy. One detail often left out is how many product recalls have plagued our neighbors up north. "In 2015, Colorado's on pace to sell $500,000,000 of retail marijuana," said JP...
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    Keven Moore: On Issue Of Cannabis, Insurance Things Are Up In The Air

    This past November Ohio voters soundly rejected marijuana legalization initiative. However legalized marijuana currently exists in four states — Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington — and the District of Columbia. Another six states are looking to legalize marijuana: Maine, Massachusetts...
  12. kotsotronic

    Harvest Question

    Is a lens at 5x good enough for checking Reisin or i need a bigger one cause is hard to find any 20x or 30x in my area and the sites i already visited are late on their arrivals.
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    U.S. Marijuana Legalization Cuts Mexican Pot Profits By 70%

    As marijuana is being legalized in the United States, Mexico is on the verge of facing a decline in profit due to the popularity of the said crop. The country which is known to be the biggest supplier of marijuana is starting at least 70% steep decline in income. Mexican cartels rely heavily...
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    "Nuns" Fight To Keep Their Marijuana-Based Business In California

    The "Sisters of the Valley" have been producing salves and tonics made with cannabis. While their products won't make anyone high, they are fighting to keep the city council from putting them out of business. The new year marks the first anniversary of a marijuana-based business in Merced...
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    Thank You To Our Renewing Sponsor GrowItBest

    Please join us in thanking Grow It Best for renewing their sponsorship! They have been and continue to be a huge asset in helping us further our mission of spreading Cannabis Awareness to the world. 420 Magazine exists so that you can fully appreciate the cannabis plant and interact with...
  16. R

    Join Us In Welcoming Our New Sponsor Timber Grow Lights

    Please join us in welcoming our new sponsor Timber Grow Lights to our mission of spreading Cannabis Awareness to the world. 420 Magazine exists so that you can fully appreciate the cannabis plant and interact with thousands of like-minded individuals around the world, sharing and gaining...
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    Many Oregonians Will Get To Vote On Marijuana Again In 2016

    Eighty-two Oregon cities and counties have banned recreational pot shops from operating; in 36 of those jurisdictions–from Manzanita to Fairview to Lake Oswego–residents will vote on those bans in the November 2016 general election. That's because the Oregon Legislature's rules for recreational...
  18. Teddy Edwards

    MOTY 420 Magazine's Member of the Year 2015

    Welcome to 420 Magazine's Member of the Year Contest During the past 12 months, we've seen so many members show and share their knowledge, time, experience and perhaps most importantly, spirit. We are truly grateful to each and every one of you for helping support our Mission. Each month one...
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    New Jersey Senate Panel Approves Job Protection For Medical Marijuana Patients

    New Jersey employers would be prohibited from firing people because they participate in the state medical marijuana program unless they can show these employees are impaired and unable to do their jobs, according to a bill approved by a state Senate committee Monday. The Senate Health, Human...
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    New Jersey Senate Panel Approves Job Protection For Medical Marijuana Patients

    New Jersey employers would be prohibited from firing people because they participate in the state medical marijuana program unless they can show these employees are impaired and unable to do their jobs, according to a bill approved by a state Senate committee Monday. The Senate Health, Human...
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