If you are using sub-irrigated planters, whether its a SIP, a SWICK, or any other bottom watering style, this is how I clone into a bottom watering atmosphere for minimal recovery time and maximum growth. I use living organic soil but this may work for synthetics too.
FEB 1 - DAY 1
Here is our...
RR XXL Auto vegged for 30 days and is on flower day 19 today, making her 38 days old when this was shot. For artistic effect I used a Lensbaby Scout with the star shaped insert. The photo was shot in RAW with simple post adjustments and saved as jpeg. The bokeh effects are from the lens.
I fed the wicks into the potting soil with the bbq skewer and left them soaking in the water. Each pot has one wick. The pots were raised off the reservoir by a cake rack.
Cloth wicks made from highly absorbent dishwashing cloth. I got lucky and found that the length and width of the wicks was fine for the little starter pots.
I'd like to invite some people to contribute to the development of this thread. Please feel free to contribute and invite others too: @el gringuito @Hash Hound @ReservoirDog @bluter @Azimuth @lazylathe @Pondwater Who else, people?
First off, I am a...