
  1. Katelyn Baker

    Cannabis Superior To Drugs For Crohn's Disease

    When drugs fail and surgery is the only remaining option on the horizon, cannabis may provide an effective and safe natural alternative intervention for the debilitating inflammatory bowel disease known as Crohn's disease. Crohn's disease is a debilitating inflammatory bowel disease that...
  2. Katelyn Baker

    Cannabis Superior To Drugs For Crohn's Disease

    When drugs fail and surgery is the only remaining option on the horizon, cannabis may provide an effective and safe natural alternative intervention for the debilitating inflammatory bowel disease known as Crohn's disease. Crohn's disease is a debilitating inflammatory bowel disease that...
  3. Katelyn Baker

    Study - Legalization Does Not Affect Crime, Economics

    Anchorage - Proponents and opponents of marijuana legalization have more in common than they think: each side makes predictions that for the most part have not come true. The Cato Institute, a Washington, D.C.-based public policy think tank focusing on free market and limited government...
  4. Katelyn Baker

    Corrupted Science - The DEA And Marijuana

    While I was on my book tour for Jesse Ventura's Marijuana Manifesto, I was shocked to discover how many Americans didn't know our Founding Fathers grew cannabis. From talk radio and TV hosts to fans at my book signings, many were unaware that the 13 colonies were of great value to the British...
  5. Katelyn Baker

    OH: Menorah Park Wants To Administer Medical Marijuana

    Beachwood, OH - Medical marijuana officially became law in Ohio on Sept. 8. An assisted living center in Beachwood is working to become the first facility in the state to administer clinical pot. Helene Weinberger lives at the Menorah Park RH Myers Apartments in Beachwood. She's not shy to...
  6. Katelyn Baker

    Haas Case Study And Speaker Series Explore A High-Growth Industry - Legal Cannabis

    The legal cannabis industry is smoking hot: sales are projected to reach $6.7 billion this year and to top $21 billion by 2020, according to research firm IBISWorld. Twenty-four states now allow medical use of the drug, four states permit adults to partake for fun, and eight more - including...
  7. Katelyn Baker

    New Study Says Pot May Lead To Lower Body Mass Index

    Although "the munchies" is a side effect regularly associated with smoking pot, a new study claims that marijuana use may actually contribute to lower body fat, despite previous claims of appetite increase and weight gain. Researchers at the University of Miami recently studied the link...
  8. Katelyn Baker

    American Epilepsy Society Accepts Cannabis Obliterates Seizures In Epileptic Children

    As the United States Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) continues to display its arrogance, refusing to remove marijuana from schedule 1 of the Control Substance Act (CSA), thanks to certified professional bodies in the country, more and more details on medical efficacy of the plant is being...
  9. Katelyn Baker

    American Epilepsy Society Accepts Cannabis Obliterates Seizures In Epileptic Children

    As the United States Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) continues to display its arrogance, refusing to remove marijuana from schedule 1 of the Control Substance Act (CSA), thanks to certified professional bodies in the country, more and more details on medical efficacy of the plant is being...
  10. Katelyn Baker

    Study - Cannabis Dosing Influences Pain Sensitivity

    Cannabis inhalation influences subjects' sensitivity to pain, according to clinical data published online ahead of print in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence. Investigators at the Columbia University Medical Center in New York assessed the effects of cannabis versus placebo in subjects...
  11. Katelyn Baker

    Study - Cannabis Dosing Influences Pain Sensitivity

    Cannabis inhalation influences subjects' sensitivity to pain, according to clinical data published online ahead of print in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence. Investigators at the Columbia University Medical Center in New York assessed the effects of cannabis versus placebo in subjects...
  12. Katelyn Baker

    America Loves Marijuana

    Based on a survey of over 500,000 US adults between 2002 and 2014, the study found that marijuana use rose from 10.4 percent of the population in 2002 to 13.3 percent in 2014 - from 21.9 million to 31.9 million. The number of daily or near-daily users was about 8.4 million in 2014, they...
  13. Katelyn Baker

    NSW: Cannabis Study - Parents Risking Prosecution To Treat Children With Epilepsy

    It's the agonising decision: watch your child's tiny body writhe under the strain of an endless procession of severe seizures, or risk prosecution under Australian drug laws in the hope that cannabis could relieve the contortions. The parents of children with epilepsy who choose the latter...
  14. Katelyn Baker

    Can Medical Marijuana Save The U.S. Millions?

    Scientists still have a lot to learn about marijuana's medicinal properties, but thanks to a recent study, we now know this: People are filling fewer pharmacy prescriptions for certain medical conditions in states, like Colorado, where medical cannabis is legal. The research, published in the...
  15. Katelyn Baker

    Can Medical Marijuana Save The U.S. Millions?

    Scientists still have a lot to learn about marijuana's medicinal properties, but thanks to a recent study, we now know this: People are filling fewer pharmacy prescriptions for certain medical conditions in states, like Colorado, where medical cannabis is legal. The research, published in the...
  16. Katelyn Baker

    Marijuana Could Treat These Five Conditions

    It's now legal to use marijuana to treat certain medical conditions in 25 states, but the Food and Drug Administration has still not approved the marijuana plant as a treatment for any disease or health issue. That's because there haven't been enough large studies of the drug to show that its...
  17. Katelyn Baker

    Marijuana Could Treat These Five Conditions

    It's now legal to use marijuana to treat certain medical conditions in 25 states, but the Food and Drug Administration has still not approved the marijuana plant as a treatment for any disease or health issue. That's because there haven't been enough large studies of the drug to show that its...
  18. Katelyn Baker

    Study Finds Lifelong Cannabis Users Are Healthy

    In a study of nearly 1,000 New Zealanders tracked over 40 years, people reporting nearly 20 years of consistent pot smoking did not show any signs of a decline in lung function, high blood pressure, diabetes, or any other deterioration of physical health. In fact, the only negative consequence...
  19. Katelyn Baker

    Influential State Pot Study Flawed, Researchers Say

    A chorus of doctors, social workers and academics have criticized a state marijuana study completed this legislative session. An assessment of the public health risks if Vermont were to legalize marijuana was released mid-January by the Department of Health. The 84-page report offered policy...
  20. Katelyn Baker

    Influential State Pot Study Flawed, Researchers Say

    A chorus of doctors, social workers and academics have criticized a state marijuana study completed this legislative session. An assessment of the public health risks if Vermont were to legalize marijuana was released mid-January by the Department of Health. The 84-page report offered policy...
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