
  1. Ron Strider

    Study: Deadly Crashes Involving Marijuana Users Did Not Increase Where It's Legal

    Doctors with Seton Healthcare recently published a study finding that states with legalized recreational marijuana don't have a greater increase rate of car crash deaths. The study, which was published in the American Journal of Public Health, looked at auto crash fatalities in Colorado and...
  2. Ron Strider

    Is Treating Cancer The Next Great Opportunity For Marijuana Stocks

    Many cancer patients already benefit from taking a drug with an active ingredient that is a synthetic version of THC, the primary psychotropic chemical in marijuana. Marinol won U.S. regulatory approval back in 1985 for alleviating nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy used to treat...
  3. Ron Strider

    RI: Supporters Of Legal Pot Say They Will Boycott Study Commission

    Marijuana legalization forces say they will not participate in a study commission if it is approved by the General Assembly, calling such a group a "flawed delay tactic." Regulate Rhode Island and members of its coalition are instead pressuring legislative leaders to vote on a scaled-back...
  4. Ron Strider

    Researchers Figured Out The Amount Of Marijuana That Helps People Relax - Too Much

    Marijuana and relaxation have always had a bit of a funny relationship. On the one hand, nearly half of cannabis users say that their goal is to relax. Yet many people are also familiar with the marijuana freak-out, or have seen a paranoid friend disappear from a party because they "just...
  5. Ron Strider

    Another Obstacle Hits Arizona Study On Whether Marijuana Helps Veterans With PTSD

    Two major research universities have cut ties with a Valley doctor's efforts to answer this question: Does smoking marijuana help veterans struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder? Dr. Sue Sisley, who was fired by the University of Arizona in 2013 after her study was underway, learned in...
  6. Ron Strider

    R.I. Legislators Push Bill To Legalize Marijuana In 2018

    Marijuana legalization advocates are planning to introduce a scaled-back version of their legislation that would legalize the drug next year but put the brakes on immediate plans for retail stores. While the previous version of the bill called for legalizing the drug immediately, the new...
  7. Ron Strider

    Weed Is A Cancer Cell Destroyer, Study Finds

    Researchers in London found compounds extracted from marijuana combined with chemotherapy treatment helps target and kill cancer cells. A study out of the University of London released in June found tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), derived from cannabis, boosts the...
  8. Ron Strider

    How Medical Marijuana Can Help Those With ADD and ADHD Focus

    Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD) is a chronic condition that affects over three million people per year. From hyperactivity to impulses and inattentiveness, ADD and ADHD are most common in children but can persist in adult years. The chronic...
  9. Ron Strider

    ID: Promise Of CBD Oil Proven Again

    A study proves once again the promise of CBD's medical benefits, which still aren't available in Idaho. A study published days ago in the New England Journal of Medicine finds that a cannabis extract can dramatically cut–and even potentially eliminate–epileptic seizures in those who suffer...
  10. Ron Strider

    Study: Marijuana Smokers Don't Quit After Becoming Parents

    A study by the University of Washington has found adults who smoke marijuana typically cut back when they become parents but do not necessarily quit completely. More than half of Americans now support legalizing marijuana, according to a 2015 Pew Research Center report, and data from 2014...
  11. Ron Strider

    RI: Marijuana Legalization Headed For A Study Commission; Vote Wednesday

    Marijuana legalization in Rhode Island appears to be headed to a study commission, severely minimizing the chances that lawmakers will take any other action on the issue this year. The House is expected to vote some time after 4 p.m. Wednesday on a bill creating a 17-member panel to "conduct...
  12. Ron Strider

    Marijuana May Be A Weapon Against Brain Aging, Suggests New Study

    Since the legalization movement began hitting full stride, new research discoveries about marijuana's potential health benefits have been surfacing with regularity. Among the most recent, a study shows that the psychoactive chemical in marijuana, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), restores cognitive...
  13. Ron Strider

    Marijuana Extract Sharply Cuts Seizures In Severe Form Of Epilepsy

    An oil derived from the marijuana plant sharply reduces violent seizures in young people suffering from a rare, severe form of epilepsy, according to a study published Wednesday that gives more hope to parents who have been clamoring for access to the medication. Cannabidiol cut the median...
  14. Ron Strider

    Marijuana Extract Reduces Seizures In Kids With Rare Disorder

    A highly anticipated clinical trial has shown that treating patients with epilepsy with a compound derived from marijuana can significantly reduce and, in some cases, eliminate seizures in children and young adults. In the study, children and young adults with a rare and debilitating form of...
  15. Ron Strider

    Marijuana Extract Helps Some Kids With Epilepsy, Study Says

    A medicine made from marijuana, without the stuff that gives a high, cut seizures in kids with a severe form of epilepsy in a study that strengthens the case for more research into pot's possible health benefits. "This is the first solid, rigorously obtained scientific data" that a marijuana...
  16. Ron Strider

    Research Leads Medical Cannabis Industry with Release of Largest Illinois Study

    Aclara Research, a leader in the development of patient and consumer insights within the medical cannabis industry, today released the results of The Illinois Medical Cannabis Patient Experience Study - the first of Illinois patients since the inception of the pilot program in 2012. The study...
  17. Ron Strider

    The Government's Best Weapon Against Heroin Might Be Marijuana

    Sometimes, efforts that begin with the best intentions can just end up making things worse. The Centers for Disease Control and state and local regulators have been fighting the national epidemic of prescription opioid painkiller abuse by increasing regulation of prescription opioid drugs and...
  18. Ron Strider

    Harvard Study: This Is What Happens To Your Brain If You Smoke Marijuana

    There has been much controversy regarding the medicinal benefits of marijuana, but that is all in the past. The studies have been performed, the research has been done, and the facts are here; marijuana is one of the most powerful natural medicines we know of today. Marijuana has been shown...
  19. Ron Strider

    Study: Minnesota Medical Marijuana Patients Report Benefits

    Most patients who used medical marijuana during the first year of Minnesota's tightly regulated program reported benefits, the state Health Department said Tuesday. The study was based on patient surveys and other data. The program began July 1, 2015, and the data runs through June 31, 2016...
  20. Ron Strider

    Canada: Cannabis May Help Wean People Off Crack, Study Finds

    Cannabis has been identified as a potential substitute for users of legal or illicit opioids, but a new Vancouver-based study shows the drug may also help reduce people's cravings for another highly addictive substance: crack cocaine. Scientists at the BC Centre on Substance Use tracked 122...
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