
  1. Katelyn Baker

    Why Big Pharma Is Fighting The Legalization Of Marijuana So Hard

    There is a growing body of research that Big Pharma is trying to keep under wraps and hide from you that reveals the threat medical marijuana poses. These multi-billion dollar drug companies are doing anything and everything they can to prevent the legalization of medical marijuana, but the...
  2. Katelyn Baker

    Why Big Pharma Is Fighting The Legalization Of Marijuana So Hard

    There is a growing body of research that Big Pharma is trying to keep under wraps and hide from you that reveals the threat medical marijuana poses. These multi-billion dollar drug companies are doing anything and everything they can to prevent the legalization of medical marijuana, but the...
  3. Katelyn Baker

    Why Hemp Is A Cash Crop Just Waiting To Happen Again

    Hemp is a plant that has been cultivated in parts of the world for 10-12,000 years — possibly longer — and is estimated to have between 25,000 to 50,000 uses, with 5,000 uses in the textiles industry alone. Hemp has had a bad rap in the United States, supposedly thanks to the protectionist...
  4. Katelyn Baker

    As States OK Medical Marijuana Laws, Doctors Struggle With Knowledge Gap

    Medical marijuana has been legal in Maine for almost 20 years. But Farmington physician Jean Antonucci says she continues to feel unprepared when counseling sick patients about whether the drug could benefit them. Will it help my glaucoma? Or my chronic pain? My chemotherapy's making me...
  5. Katelyn Baker

    As States OK Medical Marijuana Laws, Doctors Struggle With Knowledge Gap

    Medical marijuana has been legal in Maine for almost 20 years. But Farmington physician Jean Antonucci says she continues to feel unprepared when counseling sick patients about whether the drug could benefit them. Will it help my glaucoma? Or my chronic pain? My chemotherapy's making me...
  6. Katelyn Baker

    DEA To Make Long-Awaited Marijuana Announcement Thursday

    A long-awaited decision that could determine the future of the U.S. marijuana industry is expected Thursday. The Drug Enforcement Administration said late Wednesday that it would publish its response to a congressional petition to reschedule marijuana in the Federal Register on Thursday...
  7. Katelyn Baker

    The Biggest Legislative Marijuana Policy Reforms Of 2016

    On July 29, Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner (R) signed a bill removing the threat of arrest for small amounts of marijuana, capping a record year of legislative and administrative marijuana policy reforms throughout the country. Two states, Pennsylvania and Ohio, enacted effective medical...
  8. Katelyn Baker

    As Legalization Spreads, Marijuana Use Now Poised To Overtake Tobacco

    Declining tobacco use could soon intersect with a steady uptick in the smoking and consumption of another leafy drug — marijuana. Marijuana use among American adults has seen such a large spike after partial legalization that it could overtake the number of tobacco users within several years...
  9. Katelyn Baker

    States Where Marijuana Is Legal, Might Be Legal And Isn't Legal

    As the country heads into the final three months of what may seem like an endless political campaign, voters in five states will get to have their say at the ballot box on whether marijuana for recreational use should be legal. The biggest noise comes from California, where a legalization...
  10. Katelyn Baker

    States That Approved Medical Cannabis See 25% Plunge In Prescription Overdose Deaths

    From a libertarian point of view, there's no reason that the government should be regulating plants in the first place. From a health perspective, the fact that marijuana still isn't legalized all across the United States is even more frustrating. Even though new evidence isn't needed to justify...
  11. Katelyn Baker

    States That Approved Medical Cannabis See 25% Plunge In Prescription Overdose Deaths

    From a libertarian point of view, there's no reason that the government should be regulating plants in the first place. From a health perspective, the fact that marijuana still isn't legalized all across the United States is even more frustrating. Even though new evidence isn't needed to justify...
  12. Katelyn Baker

    Where Will Pot Be Legal Next? Recreational Marijuana On The Ballot In 5 States

    Despite Americans' statistical lack of enthusiasm for both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, the Green Party still has little chance of getting nominee Jill Stein into the White House. But another kind of green is poised to have a big election day this year: recreational marijuana. Alaska...
  13. Katelyn Baker

    Research Suggests Marijuana Saves Lives And Money

    The debate preceding the legalization of medical marijuana in Ohio focused primarily on its risks, but a number of recent studies indicate the benefits of marijuana treatment could mean the difference between life and death in some instances, and even help control Medicare spending. In the 17...
  14. Katelyn Baker

    Medical Marijuana - How Do You Get A Prescription?

    Using marijuana to treat serious illnesses isn’t just for hippies and sketchy back alleys anymore. As an increasing amount of states have continued to approve medical marijuana for a number of ailments, using cannabis as a legitimate treatment is coming out from the shadows. And while the...
  15. Katelyn Baker

    Medical Marijuana - How Do You Get A Prescription?

    Using marijuana to treat serious illnesses isn’t just for hippies and sketchy back alleys anymore. As an increasing amount of states have continued to approve medical marijuana for a number of ailments, using cannabis as a legitimate treatment is coming out from the shadows. And while the...
  16. Katelyn Baker

    Does Trump Disagree With Christie On Marijuana?

    Trenton - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said Friday he would not use federal laws to eliminate legalized marijuana in states like Colorado. That puts him at odds with the stance peddled by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, considered to be Trump's possible pick for U.S. attorney...
  17. Katelyn Baker

    AR: Secretary Of State Office Continues To Verify Signatures On Marijuana Initiative

    Little Rock, Ark. The secretary of state's office is continuing to count signatures on two more ballot petitions. Recently, the office spokesperson said the proposed casino amendment is back out getting more signatures. Right now, they're going through the second medical marijuana petition...
  18. Katelyn Baker

    AR: Secretary Of State Office Continues To Verify Signatures On Marijuana Initiative

    Little Rock, Ark. The secretary of state's office is continuing to count signatures on two more ballot petitions. Recently, the office spokesperson said the proposed casino amendment is back out getting more signatures. Right now, they're going through the second medical marijuana petition...
  19. Katelyn Baker

    Medical Marijuana Cuts Down Overdose Deaths In Other States

    The debate preceding the legalization of medical marijuana in Ohio focused primarily on its risks, but a number of recent studies indicate the benefits of marijuana treatment could mean the difference between life and death in some instances, and even help control Medicare spending. In the 17...
  20. Katelyn Baker

    Medical Marijuana Cuts Down Overdose Deaths In Other States

    The debate preceding the legalization of medical marijuana in Ohio focused primarily on its risks, but a number of recent studies indicate the benefits of marijuana treatment could mean the difference between life and death in some instances, and even help control Medicare spending. In the 17...
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