
  1. T

    Bud Washing

    First time grower, did some bud washing.
  2. giddygoat6

    Here's some pics of my 2nd grow a la swag

    New grower here so please feel free to comment or give tips
  3. Stupidface

    Stupidface's First Grow: White Widow Auto In Soil, LED, Advice Always Appreciated

    Hello and thanks for stopping by. I have been doing research on this site for a few weeks now and most of my equipment has arrived and seeds are germinating so I decided it's time to start the journal. It is my first time growing in over 20 years when i had some random seeds in my bedroom closet...
  4. Ron Strider

    FDA Hints It May Look Into Marijuana Health Claims

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration may start cracking down on claims that marijuana has health benefits that haven't been proven, the agency's commissioner said Tuesday. "I see people who are developing products who are making claims that marijuana has antitumor effects in the setting of...
  5. C

    Update to Thread - Late Start - Need Some Advice Please - Should I Continue Grow?

    Good afternoon all. Hope everyone is doing well. So with some encouragement from users on this forum, I decided to go ahead with the grow. It's my very first, and if nothing else, it was educational and FUN. I wasn't sure how to link the threads, or if I should have used the original thread...
  6. G

    Biggest buds turning brown at end of flowering stage

    Hey all, I've been so far doing a successfull grow of 3 girls with the '420 Carats' strain. I haven't had any issues with feeding/temperatures in the entire grow. But as I'm almost approaching harvest (about 1-2 weeks away) about 3 of my biggest colas are starting to show some worrying signs...
  7. J

    600W LED & 1200W HPS/MH - Coco - 9 Plants - 9 Varieties With 2 Auto

    So after my last grow, I went out and treated my plants to some new equipment, having changed from my last grow in a 4x8 tent into a permanent room. The room is 6ft x 9ft of which 6ft x 6ft is growing space. I built a sloping 6x6 fibreglass drip tray as i found water containment a pain...
  8. Ron Strider

    Four Questions With Leader Of Iowa Medical Marijuana Board

    A new state advisory panel charged with helping implement an expanded medical marijuana law in Iowa is trying to balance the demands of an expedited timeline with a go-slow desire to avoid pitfalls that may accompany the experiment to widen the approved uses of cannabidiol. "I think the state...
  9. H

    First DWC Grow - Peyote Cookies From Barneys Farm

    Hi there boys, this is my first message here on this forums, as well as my first DWC grow, i need some suport from the veterans here :P so i will detail all the things i got so you boys can help me a little bit with some tips and tricks. At the moment this is what i have: 1 80x80x160cm Tent 1...
  10. G

    Best Strains for Outdoors in MA

    Massachusetts grower here. Have done a few indoor grows but since it's legal and I have a decent garden, I want to plant some crop in the great outdoors. I'd love to get some advice from seasoned outdoor growers about what strains will work well in our chaotic climate. I live on a big hill...
  11. G

    Best Strains for Outdoors in MA

    Please delete, I should not have posted this in the CK forum.
  12. L

    Natural Fruit Extracts For Oil

    I am looking for all natural, no water or alcohol, extracts to add to my oil. Someone had given me some but i need more and can't find it anywhere.
  13. N

    LED coverage vs actual watts

    Hello fellas,i have a question about led lights. On the internet i find different suggestion and can't decide so im here :). My grow box is 4*4*6,5 with 6 plants. Im moving from hps to led (heat problems). Some web pages tell that for a 4*4 i need at last 512W of actual led wattage... Other...
  14. kushiwi

    Hi From Houston

    As you can see from my previous grow journals, I used to live and grow in NZ (some beauties from CKS). Recently come out to live in Houston for work and am totally clueless on the scene here. Hoping to find some friends to tide me over this dry times. Jah!
  15. J

    Yellow & Dry Spots

    Hi! How is everyone? I'm a first time grower, and I've been having some issues with my little plants. Two of them have been getting some burn-like spots near the edges and tip of the leaves (And turning kinda yellow). I really don't know what it is, since I moved the light farther away and it's...
  16. U

    Heat in my grow room is becoming a big problem

    I have a 80x80x160cm grow tent in a closet, literally the same size as the grow tent. This means I only have 1 4" duct vent which is currently being used by the carbon filter and outlet fan is located on the roof of the tent, which leads directly to the loft. I have 2 3" vents but no where does...
  17. dauzer

    Mold on buds - Will it spread?

    Hey, Just finished a crop of Incredible Bulk. I had some humidity issues during flowering and ended up with some mold on my main colas. When i was trimming the plants i done my best to remove all the buds and stems with mold, from what i could see i got it all until 2 days into drying. I...
  18. K


    Hi people. Having problems with my 3 week old seedlings. Seeing orange spots on the end of leaves on top side not many but also some leaves have oranging around the edges almost like nute burn. any suggestions
  19. F

    New grower - Need some advice please

    thanks for reading my post. I would love to find a couple decent people to give great advice on a number of issues i have. 1. I have an auto flower entering into the flowering stage. my concern is that up until now i have ran with 24/0 veg led. i have read differing opinions on the next stage...
  20. Ycontrol22

    Hello from Australia!

    Hello everyone, hope all is well in your lives. I joined here to be a part of the community as I don't really know anyone who enjoys buds and also was looking for some advice. A bit about me. I have been vaping for around 1.5 years now, averaging 2-3 nights a week mainly on the weekends...
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