
  1. PacificPeach

    Sick Plant Question

    Hello, I have done a couple of indoor grows. But I am still a newbie. This summer I planted 2 Fast Buds LSD 25 seeds outside. They are about 6 weeks old now. I have fertilized them about 1-2 times per week according to the Fox Farms soil schedule with Big Bloom, Grow Big, and Tiger Bloom. One...
  2. M

    Dying Leaves - Red Stems - Curling Tips And Yellowing During Early Flowering

    Hi farmers, First time grower here. I'm in week 3 of flower with my Bruce Banner, grown in coco. She's been an extremely healthy looking and fast-growing plant until just recently, when I started to notice some brown/ dying spots on like all of my fan leaves. They don't seem to match any...
  3. B

    Is this some kind of nutrient deficiency?

    This girl have already got nute burns (lost few pair of leaves) and then it grew up new healthy leaves for like a week and then it seem to be sick again. ) oh after it recover from note burn i moved it to a lot bigger pot (about a gallon) and i water them lesser time but lots of it each...
  4. F

    Mah girl is sick!

    Meet Sam.What's wrong with Sam? She's a clone from an unknown source. Unknown strain. My wife did not do a good job of tending her (she brought it from a friend but again, no details) She is looking ill, but I'm too much of a newb to really tell. I think I did right, getting her into good soil...
  5. P

    What about my girl ? Need little help

    Hey there guys. I bought Whitewidow autos from same seed bank.I' m using 400 watts hps and 400 watts chinees full spectrum leds. But one of my girls unhaappy and seems she stressed . But i am confuesd . Everything is the same. Water, nutrients , soil but pot. Can you guys explain and help me out...
  6. P

    What is wrong with my girl?

    I bough same seeds from same seedbank . But one of my white widow looking stressed and unhappy. what is your oppinnions guys? I need a little help over here. last image the samae whitewidow from same seedbank. She doing well.
  7. G

    First grow - Think I have a sick plant

    What's up every body. This is my first grow and I think I may have a sick plant the rest look fine. My set up is a 4x8 grow tent 2 900w meizhi led lights I have 2 20 gal pots 2 13 gal pots and 2 5 gal pots. I'm using fox farm ocean forest soil and advanced nutrients grandmaster bundle. The...
  8. B

    Need Help With Sexing & Nutrition Issues?

    ok need help with these please. 1-4 are unknown seed plants.. i have a few questions i will list i need answered . is 1 male or female? i see the odd white pistol but mainly what you see in the pic 2 looks female to me but looks wilted ans yellowing leaves. what could be my issue? is 4...
  9. O

    1st timer needs help with sick plants

    This is my first time and I have a problem. I think it's MAG problem but I am not sure.
  10. W

    Complete deterioration of plant till near death

    Have some plants that have been in flower two weeks. None of them has stretched, yellowed completely, curled leaves on new growth. Could this simply be a terrible case of overwatering leading to root rot? Could I have shocked the root zone with cold water while also over saturating the medium...
  11. cnile

    Sick plant please help

    hey guys! so here is the same jack herer strain, looking healthy right? now here is the sick one. it looks like the CLAW and a purple stem. looking for help. its coco/perlite medium this one got a feeding like 10 hours ago of 250 ppm calmag and general hydroponics flora with a...
  12. Katelyn Baker

    Victory For Medicinal Marijuana Use In SA

    The Health Department announced it would soon regulate access to medicinal cannabis for prescribed health conditions yesterday. The announcement was made during a meeting of Parliament's Health Portfolio Committee. The department says the new regulatory framework could be available for...
  13. K

    Sick WW need a doctor

    Can anyone help me out here my Cks White widows are sick. I haven'y fed them yet but they may have not like the heat in my growbox, they are now in my tent. I have the GH flora grow box of nutes. What should I do? They are almost 3 wks old. :volcano-smiley:
  14. B

    Strange things are happening! Sick plants

    My fellow growers, I am new to the 420 scene and never made a post. I have spent a lot of time on here reading and learning like im studying for the damn bar exam. So heres my problem with pictures includes. Oh and this is my first time ever growing cannabis. 12 plants with 8 of them to be...
  15. A

    Sick or mature? Please help!

    Plz help me with my sick girls.
  16. K

    Sick plants?

    Hi, im new to all the growing buissnes, but recently my plants started showing signs of sickness, i think. the plants are over a month old, and some , not all, leaves have tiny white/light brown dots on them, and like white veins in some places. I grow them outside and use cal-mag , these...
  17. G

    Please Help! Seedlings Dying! Don't know what the issue is!

    Hi, i left the plants with out watering on friday and saturday and got back mid sunday to water them. I thought they would be fine but it looks like 3/4 plants did not like that! They are wiltering and i fear it may be too late. I was hoping watering would somewhat quickly bring them back to...
  18. A

    Need some advice about sick plant - Odd color on leaves - Weird sickness

    I really need to figure this out, if any of you guys could help me out, I'd really appreciate it. Haven't gave her any nutes, she about 30 inch from the light, still in a solo cup. Not really sure what's wrong she just started to get these weird spots for no reason. Roots organics soil.
  19. D

    Plant is dying all of a sudden - With pics

    It was a very healthy plant with a stable and fast grow. I was away for 2 days and when I came back the plant looks like its almost dying. It's leaves are curled down and crispy and some fell off but I am sure it is not underwatered, the soil is still wet. They are in a grow tent under 300W LED...
  20. C

    Help! Brown spots, curly leaves and it is spreading

    Hello everyone, Please help! My plants are sick and I have no idea what is wrong with them...I'm growing is not in flowering stage yet but will be in no later than 3 weeks from now... i have brown spots all over the leaves, they are curling downside and its spreading. I noticed a...
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