
  1. BCG 18

    BCG 18

  2. BCG 18

    BCG 18

  3. BCG 18

    BCG 18

  4. BCG 3

    BCG 3

  5. BCG 6

    BCG 6

  6. BCG 2

    BCG 2

    Odd mutation
  7. BCG 2

    BCG 2

    Sex? Odd mutation
  8. BCG 1

    BCG 1

  9. It's a girl!

    It's a girl!

    Gorilla Glue
  10. Clones of Shiva Skunk & Afghani

    Clones of Shiva Skunk & Afghani

    Clones are healthy and strong. I have pulled the males. I #the Moms to the clone, so when they were sexed I knew what the clone would be
  11. Veg Room

    Veg Room

    3 gal sexed 1 gal unsexed
  12. Shiva skunk laughed, Afghani Right

    Shiva skunk laughed, Afghani Right

    Females will be transplanted to 3 gallons as I sex.
  13. L-R Shiva Skunk & Afghani

    L-R Shiva Skunk & Afghani

    3.5 veg LST,half Shiva is still not doing great, just burnt looking. But they aren’t. Small signs of sex! L
  14. HugePeckerhead

    First grow ever: please help sex!

    So this is my first grow ever. I have one plant under LED lighting. It's nearly 8 weeks old and stands 2 ft from bottom of vase to the top. Now that I'm flipping to 12/12 I wanna know if he is a she or she is a he. hahaha I've named her Peggy at germination for luck. Any help or details maybe...
  15. P

    Is this a male plant

    Hey four hundred and twenty people, I have never seen a Male plant in person, can anyone confirm that this is a male?
  16. W

    Is this a male or female?

    Need help first grow, I need professional eyes to give an option please thank you in advance !
  17. AB4E19C5-50D7-4133-B012-E364D19C633C.jpeg


    Sex signs - day one flower ? Female confirm?
  18. Jackalope

    Regular seeds

    One of the oldest strains I grow is only in regular seeds. I forget just how wonderful this strain can be. The most special thing is these regular seeds usually run around 80% female. I have seen other strains bred by the same breeder that do it also. I have also run across this with major...
  19. Ron Strider

    Marijuana Users Have More Sex

    Marijuana use is becoming commonplace in the United States. Over the past two decades, 29 states have legalized its use for recreational or medical purposes, and latest estimates suggest there are 22 million current users. A Gallup poll found that, in only three years, the percentage of...
  20. Ron Strider

    Marijuana Revs Up Sex Drive

    California already has medical marijuana. Now there's evidence that pot might work as "marital marijuana," revving up sex drives in both men and women. The exact nature of the cannabis-coitus connection remains unresolved, but researchers attempted to cut through the haze with a new study...
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