
  1. F

    Folfy's Seedsman Lowryder 2 - MarsHydro Mars300 LED - Single Plant

    This is my very first Cannabis grow, and im still very new to growing...well anything. Bought seed from Seedsman and planted in Fox farm's Ocean forest soil in the late fall to simulate rougher conditions. To be honest im still very brown in my growing experience as i only started herbal growing...
  2. Katelyn Baker

    Welcome To Our New Sponsor Seedsman

    Please join us in welcoming our new sponsor Seedsman to our mission of spreading Cannabis awareness to the world. 420 Magazine began life 23 years ago in an endeavor to end prohibition by creating a forum where appreciation and awareness of the Cannabis plant could flourish. We are not only the...
  3. F

    Seedsman Stealth?

    Hi there, it wasnt long ago when i came across some seedbanks few months ago and found out we could actually order seeds off the internet, i know i sound like an idiot now lol, well i researched for 3 months with heavy readings and reviews, i decided to grow my own and decided to go with...
  4. L

    Where has the joint doctor gone?

    Where has he gone? Why are all his seeds sold out from the usual places for months. I was kind of joping hed be beinging something new soon. Only place i seem to see his stuff is branded as seedsman
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