Hi guys. Im a new grower and I started these seeds a couple weeks ago. I just happened to look at the cup and see the roots are growing like crazy.
Does this mean its time to transplant them?
Also, I noticed they are getting a little yellow on some of the leaves. What does this mean? Nute...
Seedlings put to sprout 2 to 2 1/5 weeks ago include two different Swaz bagseed, Blueberry, Malawi bag and aMaphondo. I am hoping to add a couple more this season.
New to the scene. Working on my first grow. I have four seedlings, sprouted about seven days ago. I have them on an 18/6 cycle, 6am-12am.
I've read that running lights during "off peak" times is cheaper and will save a few bucks in the long run.
If there's any truth to that, I want to go from...
My alarm clock was set for pm instead of am and i woke up 4:30 hours late to get my light on, i'm running 18.5 on 5.5 off, and I don't know if I should resume the normal light schedule or if I should make sure the light runs for 18.5 or maybe even 19 now before starting the new dark cycle or if...
Anyone know how to reduce the noise and heat generated by a pond pump? I love the smell of cannabis getting ready for sleep it's like a mowed lawn but with cannabis.
Im new To growing and I have one particular question about my new weed plant. There are these white tiny spots along the first two leaves that sprouted and I’m neverous if there is something I’m missing. I use a desk Lamp with blue light at 100W about 4/5 inches away from the plant in a...