
  1. TorturedSoul

    Radioactive Soil

    To those of you who build your own soil and use so-called "organic" (IOW, not the "chemical" nutrients that come in a form already readily accessible to the plants' roots) amendments... Have you ever used a Geiger counter to check your soil, lol? I have read that pretty much all mined phosphate...
  2. E

    Hello I'm new to growing and want to learn it so I can get some quality herb

    Hello, im new to this forum and have zero experience in growing cannabis and want to learn it so i can grow like a pro. Wich sub threads do you recommend me to read ? Lookin forward to read on this forum and learn more. Regards.
  3. D

    Seeds In Germany?

    Hi I am from The Netherlands. I will be traveling across Germany to a different country... Let's say I get pulled over... is it legal for me to possess the seeds? I've read a lot of mixed answers but I want to have a sure answer as I will be taking a lot. I don't want to run in any trouble along...
  4. Kbomb

    Co-planting a la Cannabelle anyone?

    Hello I am very interested in the concept of planting some spring onions (or other 'companion' species) in the same container, like what I have read with great interest on the likes of Cannabelle's threads. Does anyone do this regularly, or tried it before? Opinions good or bad?
  5. J

    Noob nute questions and soil additives? Please help

    I plan on starting a soil grow very soon and i am completely stumped on which way to go as far as nutes go. I plan on using RO original soil and i was leaning towards organic lines such as GO,Roots line,Age old line and then i read how much better yields people get with synthetics. So can you...
  6. josh223

    Sour D

    I'm thinking about growing Sour Diesel in the near future. What breeder makes the best feminized rendition? From what I've read the real deal is clone only. I'm fine with that. Many breeders have their take on it. Who, preferably from a sponsor-easy to procure from the internet, makes the...
  7. R

    Clone flowering in the veg state or pre-flowers?

    Hey guys! Long story short i've got a white widow clone (unknown mother age) and it looks like its starting to flower but it is in 18/6 veg light. I have read that if they become root bound they have a tendency to flower (They were a little root bound when I bought it) but I have also read that...
  8. N

    Large mogul based CFLs?

    Im not too sure where i read this but, i read that the large CFLs like the 10-12 inch 125watt+ ones are best when presented to the plant sideways rather than up and down... these kind.... i just want to make sure i use it to the best of its advantage :):thanks::Namaste::thumb:
  9. O

    Mark forums read?

    Howdy Need a bit of help. For the life of me I can't find where to mark all forums read. Thanks
  10. MickFoster

    Bad Advice

    The title of this forum is Frequently Asked Questions - Growers helping each other learn. As I read through the threads on the different forums, it's amazing to me the amount of wrong and potential harmful advice that is given to people that need help. I have always known that the bad advice...
  11. M

    Pass that shit

    Hello beautiful people. Yeah, Thane is happy 'cause he got more weed tonight...I is poor, but I manages. One thing of particular note is the extra weed money since I quit tobacco 2 weeks ago finally. Dude, I tried Chantix, read Allen Carr's book & used patches & gum all to no avail...
  12. B

    So So New

    Yep, new on here and thank you guys for letting me in!!!!! and new to 420 as it has changed tremendously in thirty years! That was the last time I had any. Can't wait to read and learn from you folks. I'll be the guy against the wall paying attention. Thanks again. :thanks:
  13. R

    Nutrient burn or heat stress?

    Hi, I'm so very new at this. I did a lot of research before I started this first grow, actually I only started with 1 plant as well since from what I have read new growers always do something wrong so I didn't want to wast my time with several to tend to. It is 5 weeks old now and over the past...
  14. P

    Blue Dream - First transplant & feed from solo - Let's time it perfectly!

    Ok so I need advise so I can try and time this transplant right + the first 1/2 dose feeding, I've done a TON of reading. Please help! Here is what I'm working with: Blue Dream is my strain. G8 900 LED 30" from tops. FFOF soil with 20% perlite added. DIY Co2. Basically all the Fox Farm nuts +...
  15. PLAT

    Good read

    Science just discovered how cannabis combats Alzheimers: Role of the cannabinoid system in the transit of beta-amyloid across the bloodâ€"brain barrier
  16. P

    Does anyone know anything about Cinderella 99

    I'm finishing up my 7th week of flower. One of my strains I'm running is Cinderella 99 from g13 labs. The breeders claims its one of the fastest finishing sativas. Claiming it finishes at 50-55 days. I thought that was weird when I first read it. Because I have never had a Sativa finish...
  17. B

    Add CalMag+ to Promix HP when using R.O water

    I am wondering if people add Calmag+ in this circumstance. I've read a lot of contradicting information. I've read That Promox HP doesn't need it since it has it in the mix...others say that although it is in the mix, it doesn't 'break down' fast enough for the roots to access it...
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