
  1. C


    so... i'm 7-days into 12/12 and it's official... i've got 4 males, 3 females and one that i'm not seeing any indication of sex on. i know i've got to work fast because the pollen sacks on the BIG ASS male hasn't ruptured yet, but it will probably happen over night... i know I have to move the...
  2. S

    Late stage pollen sacks appearing, need help

    Have about 2 weeks left in my budding and just noticed that a few pollen sacks have appeared. I have noticed that some pollen has fallen out while trying to remove them and with the fan on I can only imagine that it has spread throughout the room. Is there anything I can do to make sure that...
  3. J.Cervantes

    The Male Plant, a Closeup Look with Jorge Cervantes

    This video shows male pollen dispersing into the air. You see a closeup vue of the super fine minute grains of male pollen wafting away from the flower into the air.
  4. T

    Pollen sack storage?

    What is the best way to store pollen sacks? Can you use a plastic baggy?
  5. T

    Feminized seed questions?

    Can you make feminized seeds with pollen sacks from a hermie strain on a female non-hermie strain Or will this produce hermie seeds?
  6. S

    Can hermaphrodites pollenate my veg plants??

    i have now learned days away from harvesting that i have hermaphrodite in my flower room; big buds with a bunch of seed pods (i cant believe i didn't notice all these seeds earlier). Not seeing the signs when it happened i believe since i never experienced this before. It is the first...
  7. BigJnHI

    Sharpstone Grinder and Pollen Press

    I just received my new, aluminum 2.5", four piece SHARPSTONE herb grinder along with my new aluminum, five piece SHARPSTONE pollen press. Having had only owned a simple 1.75" wooden grinder with pins (nails) prior to this purchase, this was a much deserved upgrade. Although there are many...
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