
  1. C

    1st Grow - How long to harvest?

    This is my first grow. It is an outside grow as part of my garden. Flower began approx. 8 wks ago. The buds are maturing each and every day. Everyone says wait until the pistils turn red or brown to ensure maturity of the buds and reach max potency of trichomes. The pistils on my plant...
  2. S

    Week 5 flower since sight of pistils

    P.S This picture does not give all the crystals justice.. some of the buds are just white.
  3. W

    Male or Hermie? Pistils on one node but pollen sacs everywhere else, pics

    I started with a few plants but a couple died so i had 2 left, one was a confirmed male so i took him out and the other was showing preflowers with white hairs sprouting so i thought "hey, i got me a female!". but i wasn't noticing any more pistils else where but i waited and waited and still...
  4. G

    Are these ladies ready for harvest?

    Plants will be used for medical purposes. I've been reading: trichomes 25% amber, pistils 75% amber, brown. When I look at my plants only a small amount of the pistils are brown, but most of the pistils are still white. But when I look at the trichomes, many have already turned amber. So I'm...
  5. S

    Help - Question

    As I was saying in my last thread. I have 6 beautiful females from seeds I have collected over the years. I have no clue what strain they are. some look like white widow some got purple coming out in them. Anyway all started together and all are in the 7th week into flowering all are showing...
  6. S

    A peek at my girls

    As I was saying in my last thread. I have 6 beautiful females from seeds I have collected over the years. I have no clue what strain they are. some look like white widow some got purple coming out in them. Anyway all started together and all are in the 7th week into flowering all are showing...
  7. S

    Late Bloomer

    I have 6 beautiful females all started together and all are in the 7th week into flowering 50-50 white & amber pistils. I have noticed my biggest prize plant pistils have not changed yet from white to amber. I don't see it changing in 1 week maybe ill go a couple more weeks on my prize. I will...
  8. Justones

    Pistils turning at 28 days?

    I have a concern. The pistils are starting to turn on my two girls. Here is a picture of one of the most changed buds. Its only been about 28 days of flowering. Soil pots, outdoors & sun. I dont see any bananas. Theres no males around I know of. We have had lots of rain this past week though.
  9. Turbostang

    NYC Diesel - When does she show pistils?

    Hello. In have a grow started June 22. Started to pop out a few days later. June 27. At what time do the pistils show . I believe according to CKS web site it says flower in 7 weeks . I'm close . Or no?
  10. cbgb

    Female - Regular seed photos

    hope this helps my 420 friends and newbees !!!!!! this is a female plant's white pistils.............:welcome::420::Namaste:
  11. D

    Is it a boy or a girl?

    Hey guys, i wanted to ask you a question regarding one of my grows this summer. I have been growing only auto-feminized plants at the moment, but I found a good seed some weeks ago on a bag of weed. It grew really quickly, germinated fast like an auto and now it's starting to show some signs of...
  12. G

    WWxBB 59 days flowering - Advice on pistils?

    Hey fellow growers I currently have a grow journal in progress but wanted to see if there's anyone about who has grown white widow big bud or could advise me. I'm currently at day 59 flowering. I flushed a few days ago and since then new pistils have shot out. Trichomes seem about 50/50 clear...
  13. B

    Extra long flowering time

    I have some Barney's Pineapple Chunk clones that are 10wks into flower but flowering should be done in 64 days I took the mother plant at 71 days into flower, the pistils were still white but the trichomes were 90% cloudy with no ambers showing. After 1st wk of cure I tried it out. Its OK, more...
  14. B

    Harvesting your clone

    This is my first group of clones grown from a Barney's Pineapple Chunk. This mother was in flower for 12wks before I harvested it. A lot of the pistils where still white but the trichomes were 75% cloudy. In those cases do you wait for the pistils to do a big change in color from white to...
  15. J

    Hermi plants? At 7 week flowering

    hello. i need help. my timers fuze broke for the lights on the 5 week of flowering and went on 24/0 for about 5 days. it is now 7 week flowering gone about 7 days since i turned it back to 12/12. since those 7 days the buds have remained the same size. the cheese plants have almost no pistils...
  16. H

    Pistils on 3 week old seedling?

    Hey guys, so my seedling is just under 3 weeks old since sprouting, and I was looking at it today and noticed something that looked like pistils to me. This is my first baby so I'm no expert :P It was bagseed from an unknown strain. This is what it looks like Is it even possible to show...
  17. F

    Spraying Natural Insectizidal Soap - Pistils Turned Brown

    I had a MASSIVE spidermite problem so I sprayed all my plants good with natural insecticidal soap, including the flowering ones. I know that "usually" you shouldn't spray anything on flowering plants, but I did it after reading the instructions and it says the soap is all natural, non-toxic and...
  18. A

    Bud development

    im growing 3 og kush (royal queen seeds) in scrog, they growing in coco with advance nutrients line. they were veg for about 6 weeks and went into flower 4 weeks ago, the problem is...i switch the light almost 4 week ago(starting week 5) and just now the pistils showig up. its important to...
  19. N

    Cut now or wait?

    She's about 8 weeks in and from the scope, I can see maybe 10% amber, but the pistils on a lot of the top and bottom buds tells me otherwise. I see a lot of amber pistils but I also see a ton of new buds and white pistils everywhere. The bud pics are of the top buds where most of the amber...
  20. GrowInTheDark

    Brown pistils in early flowering?

    Hi i have 6 plants that are 12 days into flowering, they are 63 days old, grown in potting mix and under 8 100w cfl 2700k bulbs. i give them calmag, and 2-7-7 npk nutes. I noticed that some of the pistils have started going amber/brown on one plant, and i was wondering if this was normal? This...
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