
  1. R

    The Marijuana Business Might Have A High-Stakes Pest Problem

    Moving the black market in marijuana into the light has been a boon for state tax coffers, entrepreneurs and cannabis users, but an inconvenient fact went unaddressed in the process: Potentially dangerous chemicals are used to grow it. That changed last fall, when a Colorado newspaper's...
  2. R

    Arizona Requires No Cannabis Testing For Pesticides, Despite Recalls In Colorado

    In Colorado, the past 16 weeks have seen 15 recalls of cannabis products because of pesticides, including the largest such recall last week. The state's one of several that now mandate or encourage testing of recreational marijuana for contaminants. But in Arizona, the products of...
  3. R

    Pesticides Lead To Biggest Marijuana Recall Yet In Colorado

    It was a dark day in Denver for edibles and the people who love them. More than 99,500 packages of Mountain High Suckers–marijuana-infused candy–were recalled on Wednesday. It was Denver's largest recall of marijuana or marijuana products yet and the 15th such recall in 16 weeks. Back in...
  4. G

    White Flies

    Hi everybody. I'm into my 60 days of veg. when i noticed white flies. I just dicovered them, they are few but i know they'll multiply fast and be a prob. soon if i don't do anything about it. Any suggestions to get rid and some info about this pest. Thanks in advance PEACE
  5. A

    Outdoor Grow, San Diego - HeadBand

    Hello all, I am new to this site so forgive me if this has been answered yet.. I am currently growing outdoors in smart pots with coco using roots organic and a few other nutes. I have Headband (707) / Alien / GodsGift and some weird sativa shwagg... All of my plants grow great and are...
  6. WizHigh

    Look like Worms in my RockWool Help!

    Ive planted 4 seeds in rockwool and put them in the humidity dome with heating pad. today 2 of the seedlings surfaced. One of the seedlings leaves were wide open a couple hours I check back on them and the leaves had closed back and I noticed a yellowish brown mark under one of the leaves. Also...
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