
  1. F

    Floranova Bloom - Schedule Confusion & Lucas Formula With Floranova Bloom

    I am planning to switch to Floranova Bloom (w/ Lucas formula which is 8ml per gal, 2.11ml/L) My confusion is because: SOME people say not to always feed 8ml/gal but only each 2nd or 3rd watering? Should I *also* want to use Floranova Bloom in soil, what dosage should I use then? (Otherwise I...

    Hi all! FNG first time DWC - Please take a look and give opinions!

    Our setup is top fed dwc with 185w LED. Single quarkle strain in 4th week of flower in 2'x4'x5' tent, temp is set to 68-75. Dual outlet air pump for 60g aquarium with 2 10" stones. 6gal res with 3gal r/o water. Recently switched to tigerbloom from age old bloom organic. 2tsp per gal nuts...
  3. R

    U.S. Legalized Pot Industry Poised For Major Expansion

    Legal marijuana is becoming more and more entrenched in the United States each year, and 2016 looks to be no exception. In fact, some observers say it could be a "tipping point" for an ever-growing industry already worth billions of dollars. By the end of the year, nearly a dozen states...
  4. S

    Confused with yellowing plants - Help!

    Hello Guys After a successful grow a few months ago thanks to all you kind people on here helping me out I started a new grow with cbd crew critical mass and trying the scrog method, however I seem to have run in to a problem, the plants are looking yellow and not to happy at all. This is...
  5. V

    Advance Nutrient Help!

    I'm a newbie and this will be my first time growing outdoor.. Will this be any good as I'm confuse with adding amount of AN per gallon.. Been doing tons of research and will be picking these up soon at my local hydro store.. Vegetating stage Sensei grow a-b mix half and half per gallon...
  6. D

    Wattage and number of lights help - Can't make up my mind!

    Hello everyone Joe AKA D3vilRid3r Here! Aside from the basic HPS/MH information and lumens per square foot. My current grow is a 4x2x6 tent. Im doing 2 DWC LST Plants. Im having a hard time deciding how i should go about this. 2 600w lights? 1 1000 watt light? 2 400w lights? 1 600 per plant...
  7. G

    Advice on HID lighting - 600 watt? Or 1000 watt dimmed to 750?

    So I am slowly building up for my first grow and need some advice on lighting. I am going to be growing in a 4'x4'6.5' grow tent. I will also be using a 6" inline fan(with speed control, phresh filter, and vented a few feet out window) and my room stays around 72-76 degrees year round. (AC in...
  8. R

    University Of Hawaii Study Suggests Industrial Hemp Could Be Grown In State

    A report by University of Hawai'i College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources suggests that the State could yield over 70 tons of industrial hemp a year. Harry Ako, principal investigator of the study, "discovered that three crops a year could be grown in [the] State. ... In the...
  9. G

    Hesi starter kit for soil

    Hey guys , i am going to use Hesi starter kit for soil but i got confused. Here the problem I am going to use 3 different products According to instruction The first one 5 ml per liter The other one 2 ml per liter The last one 5 ml per liter I will use approxmetaly 4 liters water per...
  10. E

    Its a jungle in there - Martian Candy OG

    I'm 4 weeks in into flowering and things are smelling great. . Temps with lights on are about 76-81 and at night it gets into the 60s 4x4 Gorilla 400w aircooled HPS 2x Mars Hydro Reflector Series 96 (490w each allegedly) 4"Canfilter/Hurricane/PhreshSilencer ventilation 3 parts coco 1 part...
  11. B

    Growing Big Plants - First Time Ever Growing

    This is my first time growing cannabis, not in hydro or soil, I mean growing cannabis period. I did conduct a lot of research before starting including reading forums and one member i gotta give my thanks too TheCapn amazing info really. now I can assure you this won't be the most accurate...
  12. S

    Purple stems?

    I've got 2 plants (Purple Haze and Maui Waui) in CycoCoco. It's just straight coco with no added biologicals. I'm feeding AN Sensi Bloom basic line. I'm feeding as per there schedule and just a few days into 12/12. Both plants look fabulous. The Maui does have some red stems. The PHaze shows...
  13. BlazingBill

    Dr. Earth grow 6 plants great

    Howdy all, I got this from another site and its a msg posted from Milo Shamus AKA DR. EARTH I accidentally posted this in a wrong forum then tried to remove it, so here is the right area hopefully. DR. EARTH LSP 258 KIT INDOOR ORGANIC GARDEN POTTING SOILS & NUTRIENTS FOR MAXIUM POTENCY...
  14. rillos

    How much Cal/Mag needed in DWCR and Coco-coir

    It seems in my growing that my Dwcr system plants show cal/mag def while in my coco-coir don't at the same 2ml per gallon. I thought it was supposed to be the other way around where I would see def in coco-coir before I would in my Dwcr.
  15. rillos

    Help identify these brown spots

    :420: I only spotted this 1 fan leaf. This leaf was midway from the top in a scrog. Dwcr system using GH nutes following the lucas formula with 2ml of cal/mag per gallon. PPM 850-900 and PH is 5.8. 16 days from flip and the strain is OG Kush. :thanks:
  16. V

    Vinkids First Grow! - 15 Plants - Coco - Lukas - 2200 Watts - 2x2m Tent - Lemon Venom

    Hi everyone! So this is my first grow ever, and its a funny one, i originally planned on growing autos but the seeds i mistakenly ordered where regular fems and i only released 8 days after planting them what i had done! i just want to make sure i am doing everything right. I'm not sure what...
  17. D

    Colorado Marijuana Law

    My understanding is that cultivating 6 plants is legal. Does anyone know if that is 6 plants per household, or 6 plants per adult in household? I'm a landlord and Ive got a couple of adult tenants who want to grow in a house I'm renting to them. Any information for this situation will be...
  18. LabMan

    MarsII 700 or 900?

    i am planning on upgrading light for a 3x3 area. I can't decide between the 700 or 900 will a 900 give me noticeably better yield? The 700 gives me 35 watts per sf. 900 is 45 watt per sf. Any pros and cons? Thanks
  19. S

    Think I've got a magnesium deficiency

    Im back again with my second grow and I've got a few leaves that are showing signs of a magnesium deficiency. Plants are in week 4 of flower. 1000w HPS Promix HP in 3gallon pots Plants were flushed when light was switched to 12/12 with 8 gallons of 5.8ph water. Currently feeding 20ml of cal mag...
  20. Jacob Redmond

    Uruguay To Sell 3 Types Of Marijuana In Drug Stores

    Registered Uruguayan consumers will be able to access three types of marijuana in drug stores with high, medium and low levels of tetrahydrocannabinol and correspondent levels of cannabidiol, said Milton Romani, president of the country's national drug office, on Saturday. "There are three...
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