
  1. Ron Strider

    Montana Health Department Sets Temporary Rules For Medical Marijuana

    The state health department issued "temporary emergency rules" for the state medical marijuana program just days before an implementation deadline. On Friday, parts of Montana's new medical marijuana program will take effect as state regulators move toward full implementation, which is slated...
  2. Ron Strider

    The Latest On Arkansas' Medical Marijuana Program

    Despite strong opposition from Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson and most of the state's GOP Congress, the voter-passed Medical Marijuana Amendment of 2016 continues its slow and steady advancement and the program is on target to begin sometime early next year. Here is the latest on Arkansas'...
  3. Ron Strider

    Recreational Marijuana Sales On Track To Begin July 1

    Despite a pending legal challenge, recreational marijuana sales are on track to begin July 1. The Nevada Department of Taxation plans to issue recreational retail licenses this week, according to spokeswoman Stephanie Klapstein. Some of the approved retailers include medical marijuana...
  4. Ron Strider

    Running A Medical Marijuana Practice: 'Every Day I Feel Like I'm On The Right Side'

    Barry Gordon, M.D., opened a medical marijuana practice in Venice, Florida, on January 3. "I went from zero to over 700 patients" in less than six months, he told FierceHealthcare. So Gordon isn't worried about the success of his new practice, the Compassionate Cannabis Clinic or about...
  5. Ron Strider

    Australia: Medical Cannabis Industry Gets Peak Body

    A new industry body has been formed to position Australia as a leader in the production of medical cannabis. The Medical Cannabis Council, launching in Melbourne on Thursday, will be the unifying voice for the industry to engage with governments on all matters concerning medical cannabis...
  6. Ron Strider

    Australia: Medlab Clinical To Begin Trials Of Cannabis Based Medicines

    Medlab Clinical has received approvals to begin human trials of two different cannabis based medicines – NanaBis and NanaBidial. NanaBis is packaged as a mouth spray and will be clinically tested in advanced stage cancer patients with intractable pain. The drug is expected to meet a global...
  7. Ron Strider

    FL: Tampa's Joe Redner Wants To Grow His Own Cannabis Plants, Says Suit

    Tampa's outspoken strip club entrepreneur, Joe Redner, wants to grow his own marijuana plants. So much so that he's filed a lawsuit against the Florida Department of Health, which under current rules bars Floridians from growing cannabis plants for their personal use, even those who are legally...
  8. Ron Strider

    IL: Medical Cannabis Could Be Harder To Access

    U.S. Attorney Jeff Sessions is working to make medical marijuana harder to access throughout the nation. On Monday, a letter was released where he proposed undoing federal medical marijuana protections currently in place. Chris Stone, the CEO of HCI Alternatives a medical cannabis...
  9. Ron Strider

    FL: Lawmakers OK Medical Marijuana Program

    On the Tuesday after Memorial Day, Dr. Barry Gordon stayed busy seeing patients who qualified or might qualify to use medical marijuana under Florida’s new program. A former ER doctor from Ohio, he and his wife, Patricia, and their business partner, Patrick DeLuca, opened the Compassionate...
  10. Ron Strider

    ME: Caregivers Raise Alarm At Hearing Over Proposed Changes To Med Marijuana Rules

    Two years ago, doctors found a brain tumor in Michelle Caminos' 2-year-old son that persisted despite surgeries, radiation and chemo. The Waterville higher-education consultant was desperate when she asked the neurosurgeon about cannabis. He told her it would be "almost irresponsible to not...
  11. Ron Strider

    Why Is It So Hard To Get Medical Marijuana In New York

    Three years ago, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and New York state legislators made medical marijuana legal. It was welcome news for patients in the Empire State looking to alleviate pain and treat illnesses with cannabis. But ask New Yorkers how the program is working and you will get an earful...
  12. Ron Strider

    FL: Scott 'Absolutely Intends' To Sign Medical Marijuana Bill

    Florida Gov. Rick Scott said he "absolutely" intends to sign the medical marijuana bill passed Friday by the state Legislature. After the original legislation fell apart on the final day of the regular session last month, the chambers approved the bill during the final day of the special...
  13. Ron Strider

    Medical Marijuana In Nevada set Framework For Recreational Sales

    In the coming weeks, recreational marijuana retail sales are set to begin in Nevada. But how will it affect existing medical marijuana patients? Medical marijuana dispensaries opened across Nevada in 2015. The framework for the medical program is providing a "launching pad" for recreational...
  14. Ron Strider

    How Big Is The Marijuana Stock Opportunity In Cannabidiol

    A lot of progress is being made on understanding how marijuana's chemical cannabinoids can be used as medicine, and among the most intriguing of these cannabinoids is cannabidiol, or CBD. It's one of at least 113 active cannabinoids found in marijuana, it's not responsible for marijuana's...
  15. Ron Strider

    A Year After Ohio's Medical Marijuana Bill Signed: Patients Waiting, Growers Applying

    The landscape has changed since Gov. John Kasich signed Ohio's medical marijuana law one year ago today. Details of the new, tightly-controlled program began rolling out in November. The state began accepting applications for 24 grow licenses on Monday, and other businesses are preparing to...
  16. Ron Strider

    AR: Growers And Patients Eagerly Await Medical Marijuana In The Natural State

    On July 1, Arkansans will be able to start purchasing licenses to grow, sell, and buy medical marijuana. Corey Hunt, co-founder of Natural State Healthcare is excited, he plans to open a medical cannabis care center in Mulberry Arkansas. "We're hoping to bring in medical professionals...
  17. Ron Strider

    How Medical Marijuana Can Help Those With ADD and ADHD Focus

    Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD) is a chronic condition that affects over three million people per year. From hyperactivity to impulses and inattentiveness, ADD and ADHD are most common in children but can persist in adult years. The chronic...
  18. Ron Strider

    FL: Medical Marijuana Market Taking Shape

    Since medical marijuana officially became legal in Florida on Jan. 3, more than 650 patients have visited the Compassionate Cannabis Clinic in Venice to see if the treatment is right for them. Many of the patients are extremely sick, with conditions such as cancer, Parkinson's disease and...
  19. Ron Strider

    Medical Marijuana And Mental Health: Cannabis Use In Psychiatric Practice

    Psychiatrists and other behavioral health professionals need to better understand the relationship between cannabis and mental disorders so that they can respond to increasing medical and recreational marijuana use among their patients. More than half of states now allow for medical use, and 8...
  20. Ron Strider

    With Recreational Weed Sales Coming, What Will Happen To Medical Marijuana In Nevada

    The Denver dispensary is called Medicine Man and was founded on serving medical marijuana patients. Yet, since Colorado legalized recreational marijuana sales three years ago, few of the store's patrons have been making medicinal purchases. "There's less need for medical inventory because we...
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