
  1. cbdstealth

    Cbdstealth, CBD Crit Mass Clone x2, The Purp? Mendo? x1, Small Grow, Mar 2017

    2 x Feminized CBD Critical Mass cuttings from my other grow 1 x The Purp seed (believed to be Mendocino Purple) Just before switching my CBD Critical Mass (see journal) over to flower I decided to do some defoliating because the grow box was getting quite crowded. When I did the defoliating I...
  2. JaffyJoe

    Brightwood's G13 BG#2 LST 1000 Watt HPS Grow Journal

    What strain is it? G13 Blueberry Gum #2 2x unknown bag seed 2x Loud seeds Ganja Farmer OG 2x Reserve Privada Tangie Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? Mostly indicas Is it in Veg or Flower stage? All in various stages of veg If in Veg... For how long? BG#2 and unknown bag seed...
  3. J

    Stretching stems - Help

    Hey guys BEFORE U READ THIS LOOK AT MY PROFILE PIC THEN READ MY QUESTION, i cnt figure out how to load pics to the forum. Anyway...This is my first closet grow with cfl and led bulb, im pretty sure im following everything by the book but my seedlings stretched out, they look healthy and look...
  4. Gardenseed

    Can you tell what strain?

    I'm trying to get more info about a Mystery seed I got out of a bag of prime Kush. 3 out of 3 of the seeds from the bag grew to look exactly the same. I'm told it's Purple Kush but from what I've seen in my research Pk looks different. Does anyone have this knowledge and expertise?
  5. Jackalope

    Skunk #1000 ?

    Recreating a giant. Now days there are lots of reworked skunk #1 strains out there. My thought was to start at the beginning again. The key would be to use the supped up versions of Afghani, Acapulco Gold, and Columbian Gold Barneys Farm has a reworked Acapulco Gold that's true to the stain but...
  6. C

    Yellow leaves drying out

    Hello, I am growing two plants in soil, currently they are 18 days old and during the past few days lower leaves turned yellow and then started to dry out. After consulting several websites I have concluded that it can either be a nutrient deficiency or a light burn as the plants were quite...
  7. S

    How do I sign out

    How do I sign out of 420 mag
  8. A

    Advice about one of my girls.

    So I'm using the MG AeroGarden. I started with 3 plants, sadly one was male and I chopped him down. Now out of the two females, I have one that is flowering beautifully, while the other is flowering very slow, the pistils on it are very thin, almost like they are growing in withering. They are...
  9. Katelyn Baker

    Make Drugs Dull - Legalising Cannabis The Canadian Way

    Bill Blair, the former police chief of Toronto, slides into his restaurant chair and twinkles at the waitress. He's 6ft 6in, white-haired now but perky. Bill has 120 years of policing behind him. He, his father and his grandfather all served 40 years in the force. Now he's an MP and he's...
  10. P

    Power outage during flowering

    Hello all let me start the thread by thanking you for taking time out of your certainly busy days to help me troubleshoot my issue here. My plants are in their second week of flowering and yesterday my power went out due to some local wind storms. This puts the outage at 18 hrs and counting...
  11. Southerncough

    Fluffy LED nugs - Any hope for density?

    Hi everyone, new grower here with a density dilemma...but first I'll fill you in with what I've done so far: On my first grow I had low expectations, I put some bag seed in miracle grow mix under CFLs and pretty much kept them alive long enough in a closet to produce a little herb. Wound up...
  12. Weaselcracker

    Is anyone using their carbon filter placed low?

    Rather than at the top of the grow space? And if so does it work fine? I got a new filter and fan. Turns out that with the length of the filter and all the ducting adapters I need to make it fit- there's not enough room at the top without getting in the way and affecting my quality of life in...
  13. M

    Best nutes to use in coco?

    hey folks! got a indoor grow with 2 w.w photos in coco under 2 leds. was using g.h flora with cal/mag. they're growing pretty good but I'm almost out and have to buy more. i wonder if there are better nutes out their for coco? I'm a fairly new grower. what you experts using? thanks for any replies!
  14. J

    Transplanting jiffy to a bigger pot

    Hello, I started a seedling inside a jiffy. It's already 5 days and the first leafs came out. It's 1 cm tall and I saw that a little root is sprouting out of the bottom of the jiffy. In which height I have to transplant it to a bigger pot? Does the jiffy needs to sprout more than one root...
  15. Jackalope

    High dollars seeds

    More and more new growers out there. Just thought I would make a suggestion to them. While genetics are the key to good smoke. It is best to make a grow or 2 to work out all the bugs in your system. Plus you learn more about growing indoors. There are lots of lower priced genetics out there to...
  16. Jackalope

    The art of the cure

    I have always started smoking when my plants are dry. I don't rush it and let each plant dry at its own rate. Not much humidity where I live so that makes it nice. The jars in the back row always seem to taste better. I am finally growing out a lot of the strains I have collected over time...
  17. howsjosh

    Howsjosh's LED Soil Grapefruit, Strawberry, Blue Dream, Blue Widow Grow

    So here we grow again... I just got some clones from the dispensary and while inspecting them I saw some stippling on the leaves of the Grapefruit... I am going to keep an eye on this I thought I saw one bug but I crushed it... so I am going to keep a look out on then and once the soil dries out...
  18. 2

    The Easiest & Best Way To Make An Edible

    After three years of making edibles for myself on a daily basis, I think I've found the best and easiest way to make an edible. By “best” I mean an edible that uses the ALL of the chems naturally present in their most potent forms. My tolerance is through the roof so please adjust quantities...
  19. T

    Yet another newbie on a budget

    I'm setting up a nice little 4x4 feet indoor garden. While most of my issues have been worked out, I'm still uncertain about the lighting. Ideally I'd make my own LED setup, but I have no time to build one and my budget isn't all that I could wish for. I have considered BossLED. They're cheap...
  20. Katelyn Baker

    FL: Where Does Wellington Stand On Medical Marijuana?

    Medical marijuana debates are heating up in Wellington and across the state. I wrote a story about the Village Council discussing how to regulate it. When that story went up on the Post on Wellington Facebook page, negative comments started. "How 'bout we insist that our Village pass...
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