
  1. T

    Best strain for growing outdoors in Oregon

    So I live in Salem Oregon, and I'm trying to get my summer grow figured out with what strains I want to grow. What's the longest flowering strain I could grow? Would a nine weeks strain be okay? I already have some bubba's gift that I am going to be putting out there, just want great strain with...
  2. E

    True North Seedbank

    I placed a order about 3 weeks ago and last week they told me that the shipment would be in today so to call back and they would get me taking care of. Well I called today and they said it should be in soon maybe another week though. When I originally placed my order they said nothing about what...
  3. H

    2'X2'x4' LED recommendations?

    Yea I'm looking for a led light to help me out here. I like them for the cool and not too hot factor. My mind is bogged over reading and looking for one I figure a 300w would be good. But I was looking and saw that 3w is cooler than the 5w? I also saw where they are a lot of fakes, shew wee...
  4. K

    Jacks Hydro plus Calcium Nitrate

    I recently decided to make the switch to Jacks after a lot of reading but I still can't figure out how to use this stuff. The info sheet they sent says 3.68g of 5-12-26, 1.13g of epsom salts, and 2.43g of calcium nitrate per gallon but I have a few questions. 1) Is this correct solution for our...
  5. R

    10 States That Are Getting Medical Marijuana Right

    Though marijuana is as accessible as it's ever been, thanks in part to large-scale political pushes and legalization efforts, huge swaths of the country still can't get their hands on it. And that's a monstrous issue, particularly for those who need medical marijuana or its derivatives to live...
  6. B

    Is it OK to mix FFOF with HP Pro Mix?

    Hey everyone, Is it ok to mix Fox Farm Ocean Forest with HP Pro Mix? I like FFOF but it doesn't dry out fast enough for me. So I was wondering about mixing the two to get better drainage and dry out a little faster. Would it change the PH level when mixing the two of them together? I was...
  7. 2

    Hello All

    Hello All: Hello, how's it growing? Well, I'm here to share experience, and learn, and I hope you are too! A bit about my growing experience thus far: Back in the 80s my family grew a strain from Hawaii, "Maui Wow-ee" it was called. Our first grow was in dirt, in a big homemade...
  8. LiftedMind

    Cree 3590 - Should I grow in soil or hydro?

    I'm new to indoor growing. I've grown before but still not a pro. I was wondering which setup is best to get the most out of my lights. Soil or Hydro? Tent Size: 3x3x6 Lights: 4x Cree 3590 (Don't know which specific driver. It's a MeanWell HLG series. It wasn't built by me. 225watts advertised.)
  9. LightHouse

    Help - My White Dwarf turned out to be cobra!

    Hey guys, it's my first grow in my pc grow box. Have White Dwarf Auto from buddah seeds, and i am struggling to grow it :( Germinated in cup of water, and i papertowel, had lil tap root and planted it in soil... And it came out like cobra, no leaves whatsoever... Is it something wrong...
  10. J

    Biobizz question for experienced Biobizz users

    Hi all, I have recently switched to Biobizz and I am suffering some P deficiencies. The plants were in coco coir and are now in Biobizz Light Mix and about 6 weeks along in veg. I have been following the Biobizz feed schedule for veg with 2 ml of Grow per L as well as using GH CalMag+. Plants...
  11. S

    T5 upgrade ballast

    I have a 32 watt t5 light from Walmart in total 18 bucks while doing carpet one light got damage live in a small town and only found a t12 light bulb put it in works not as bright as the t5 light but I couldn't just leave it with one light I figure different lumens for the plant cause I got two...
  12. Xenonrae

    For the life of me can't figure out what else to do to get my temps down

    3x3x5ft Tent. 400cfm inline exhaust fan. 600W hps in a blockbuster reflector (turned down to 75%~450W) passive intake with a box fan blowing fresh air from an open window into the tent. Fan placed inside the intake hole and vent(with carbon fabric to prevent light leaks out)
  13. K

    Help diagnosing issue I'm having

    Hi any help figuring out what is going on here would be great! Critical mass cbd by dinafem Grown in sea soil in a 10 gal under led Nutes are iguana juice grow, AN cold pressed seaweed and AN calmag Using r/o water was feeding at 400 ppm Watering at 6.5 ph runoff coming out at 6.2 This...
  14. T

    Cloning the cheap way

    Since mama plant hit 8 weeks, I wanted to try my hand at cloning. I thought about what I could do for a starter pot, and had an idea for just the thing - check it out: I took the empty container, drilled a small hole through the top, washed it out, then filled it with distilled water...
  15. Stinky Snid

    Some critter ate my seeds

    I had left a dozen or so bagseeds on my bud grinder out in my garage. When I got up this morning, all but one were gone. I looked around the grinder and found nothing except 6 little mouse poop droppings. Little bugger ate MY seeds and crapped them out right there to rub it in my face. I guess...
  16. BostonGreen

    Bubble bag question - Please help

    hey guys this is a simple question I'm running my first bubble bags i am just having such a hard time getting the product out of the bottom of the bag..... does anybody have any techniques or anything that make getting the hash out of the bottom of the bags easier... i use a spoon ovb but its a...
  17. BostonGreen

    Max potential in 4x4 tents?

    Hey everyone.. i got a few 4x4 tents and have been growing with them for awhile now.. Im just wondering what you guys all pull out of your 4x4's as I'm wondering weather to upgrade in size to something bigger or just keep dialing in my current grow rooms and try to max out my yields.. Whats...
  18. S

    Need some help guys

    hey everyone im very new at growing but have been a smoker for 2 years now, a friend of mine got me some auto flowering super bud seeds from Amsterdam anyyways long story short its been 2 weeks since iv put it in the soil i have checked everywhere and cant find out what the problem is with my...
  19. N

    Went into flower November 16th - Still nothing!

    So I've been growing this bag seed (first time growing BTW) and it has been in flower since Nov 16th. So that would make it close to 12 weeks of flowering now. Now obviously I don't know the strain since I pulled the seed out of a smoke bag but 12 weeks is a little excessive no? I know...
  20. S

    Drug test

    I have a drug test coming up what's the best way to clean my self out.. any help???
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