
  1. Katelyn Baker

    Dr. Oz Looks At Medical Marijuana As A Potential Cure For Opioid Addiction

    Opioid painkiller addiction is the fastest growing drug addiction in the United States today, and it was recently featured on the popular Dr. Oz TV show. Dr. Oz pointed out the astonishing statistics that 48 million Americans, one out of every 5, have reported that they have abused prescription...
  2. Katelyn Baker

    Dr. Oz Looks At Medical Marijuana As A Potential Cure For Opioid Addiction

    Opioid painkiller addiction is the fastest growing drug addiction in the United States today, and it was recently featured on the popular Dr. Oz TV show. Dr. Oz pointed out the astonishing statistics that 48 million Americans, one out of every 5, have reported that they have abused prescription...
  3. Katelyn Baker

    UT: Weinholtz Outlines Policy Proposal For Extending Legalization Of Medical Cannabis

    Salt Lake City - Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mike Weinholtz outlined policy proposal details Thursday that favor more extensive legalization of cannabis for medical use in Utah. Weinholtz alludes to state Sen. Mark Madsen's bill from earlier this year that proposed legalized access to...
  4. Katelyn Baker

    UT: Weinholtz Outlines Policy Proposal For Extending Legalization Of Medical Cannabis

    Salt Lake City - Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mike Weinholtz outlined policy proposal details Thursday that favor more extensive legalization of cannabis for medical use in Utah. Weinholtz alludes to state Sen. Mark Madsen's bill from earlier this year that proposed legalized access to...
  5. Katelyn Baker

    Medical Marijuana Replaces More Dangerous Drugs

    Insys Therapeutics, the Arizona-based pharmaceutical company that recently became the biggest financial supporter of the campaign against marijuana legalization in that state, makes an oral spray that delivers the opioid painkiller fentanyl and plans to market another one that contains...
  6. Katelyn Baker

    Medical Marijuana Replaces More Dangerous Drugs

    Insys Therapeutics, the Arizona-based pharmaceutical company that recently became the biggest financial supporter of the campaign against marijuana legalization in that state, makes an oral spray that delivers the opioid painkiller fentanyl and plans to market another one that contains...
  7. Katelyn Baker

    Could Marijuana Become A Treatment For Heroin Addicts?

    Is marijuana a gateway drug? Carrie Roberts sure hopes so. Roberts, a consultant with Colorado-based Medicine Man Technologies, doesn't believe that marijuana use leads to abuse of harder drugs, though. Instead, she thinks it might present a gateway out of risky drug use for people struggling...
  8. Katelyn Baker

    Could Marijuana Become A Treatment For Heroin Addicts?

    Is marijuana a gateway drug? Carrie Roberts sure hopes so. Roberts, a consultant with Colorado-based Medicine Man Technologies, doesn't believe that marijuana use leads to abuse of harder drugs, though. Instead, she thinks it might present a gateway out of risky drug use for people struggling...
  9. Katelyn Baker

    Does Access To Medical Marijuana Reduce Opioid Deaths?

    The claim: When legal medical marijuana dispensaries start operating in a state, deaths from opioid overdoses in that state drop. Tell me more: In the United States, 25 states have legalized medical marijuana, including 19 that let patients with a prescription buy pot from dispensaries...
  10. Katelyn Baker

    Does Access To Medical Marijuana Reduce Opioid Deaths?

    The claim: When legal medical marijuana dispensaries start operating in a state, deaths from opioid overdoses in that state drop. Tell me more: In the United States, 25 states have legalized medical marijuana, including 19 that let patients with a prescription buy pot from dispensaries...
  11. Katelyn Baker

    Opioid Companies Lobby Against Medical Marijuana

    Our next several blogs will catalogue the various ways drug companies have ruthlessly promoted our nation's deadly opioid epidemic. This first installment on just the latest outrage- political lobbying to block the legalization of medical marijuana. Future blogs will each tell other aspects of...
  12. Katelyn Baker

    Opioid Companies Lobby Against Medical Marijuana

    Our next several blogs will catalogue the various ways drug companies have ruthlessly promoted our nation's deadly opioid epidemic. This first installment on just the latest outrage- political lobbying to block the legalization of medical marijuana. Future blogs will each tell other aspects of...
  13. Katelyn Baker

    Americans Find Success Using Cannabis To Fight Opioid Addiction

    It's no secret that there is an opioid epidemic here in the United States. It's also no secret that the continued practice of prescribing opioid painkillers is a huge contributing factor in the advancement of this epidemic. Even the CDC itself has admitted that prescription drugs are playing a...
  14. Katelyn Baker

    Marijuana Legalization Didn't Cause The Heroin Epidemic - It May Help End It

    "The secret history of the heroin crisis," Don Winslow writes at Esquire, is rooted in marijuana legalization. Specifically, Winslow claims that because marijuana legalization in Colorado and other states depleted drug cartels' revenues - by pushing marijuana out of the black market - the...
  15. Katelyn Baker

    Medical Cannabis A Viable Strategy To Address The Opioid Crisis

    Today, Americans for Safe Access (ASA) released the Medical Cannabis Access for Pain Treatment: A Viable Strategy to Address the Opioid Crisis report to educate legislators and health practitioners on the benefits of medical cannabis as a treatment option for the millions of patients suffering...
  16. Katelyn Baker

    Medical Cannabis A Viable Strategy To Address The Opioid Crisis

    Today, Americans for Safe Access (ASA) released the Medical Cannabis Access for Pain Treatment: A Viable Strategy to Address the Opioid Crisis report to educate legislators and health practitioners on the benefits of medical cannabis as a treatment option for the millions of patients suffering...
  17. Katelyn Baker

    Opioid Use Plummets In States With Legal Cannabis, And How Govt Ignores This Truth

    Yesterday we reported how Congress' "opioid bill," or Comprehensive Addiction & Recovery Act (CARA), was a hollow achievement, as it ignored medical cannabis alternatives and said nothing about the role of Big Pharma in the opioid abuse epidemic. Among the information missing from the...
  18. Katelyn Baker

    Opioid Use Plummets In States With Legal Cannabis, And How Govt Ignores This Truth

    Yesterday we reported how Congress' "opioid bill," or Comprehensive Addiction & Recovery Act (CARA), was a hollow achievement, as it ignored medical cannabis alternatives and said nothing about the role of Big Pharma in the opioid abuse epidemic. Among the information missing from the...
  19. R

    Opioid Overdose Rate Drops In Medical Marijuana States

    Medical marijuana may serve as a non-fatal alternative to prescription opioids when it comes to chronic pain management, according to some health experts. In a New York Times opinion piece, medical researcher Colleen Barry posits that while the rise in opioid prescriptions has mirrored the...
  20. R

    ME: Advocates Push To Treat Opiate Addiction With Medical Marijuana

    More than 50 supporters of a petition to add opioid addiction to the list of approved conditions that are treatable with medical marijuana packed a small hearing room Tuesday in Augusta. Many say medical marijuana was critical in helping them recover from opioid addiction. But some health...
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