
  1. N

    Noob 400 watt HPS Blue Dream soil grow

    Hey guys I am running 4 Blue Dream Clones under a 400 watt hps bulb. I just got an awesome deal via craigslist for a whole bunch of sealed nutrient bottles from a variety of companies. I have had some successful harvests (could have been better) using zero feedings but want to maximize my...
  2. MoonPixie

    400 Watt HPS - 4 x DWC & 3 x Soil - Pure Power Plant & White Castle

    This is our first closetroom growing. Nutrients: - Clonex for clones - AN Micro grow ph-perfect - AN Bloom ph-perfect - Co2 Tabs Clones
  3. TheFertilizer

    Hey what do you guys & gals think of these nutrients and cloning hormones?

    Well, I have been seeing these Growmore nutrients on Amazon and wanted to try them but the price went up, but I saw them on sale today at the grow shop so I nabbed them. Currently I use Flora Nova, but that is known to have a ton of salts in it and I always wind up having to flush mid-way...
  4. Tank Engine

    Guerrilla in the ranks

    Hey all, My names Tank Engine but you can all call me Tom I've been lurking about here for the better part of 8 months and have learnt a lot of information from all the seasoned vets here at 420 Magazine. I'm planning on starting my 2nd grow soon as my last plants were stolen in the midst of a...
  5. M

    Biobizz nutrients for auto flowers?

    I currently have a auto blue at 2weeks old and plan on topping in a day or two. But was wondering if anyone has ever used biobizz nutrients for autoflower? Or any experience using biobizz. I'll be using biogro. Biobloom and topmax
  6. S

    A Beginners Journal - 250W HPS - Indoor - Soil In Wardrobe - Advice Welcome!

    Hello everyone! First of all i wanted to say that this is really a great Website! It gives me a lot of usefull Information and helped me a lot. Thank you guys here for that! English is not my natural language, so please don´t be too harsh with my words :) But now, lets move on to my Project...
  7. S

    Polynesian Haze & Tangie Northern Oregon First Timer Outdoor Grow

    Strains: Tangie and Polynesian Haze Strains started from Seed Seeds were obtained form family friend breeder Soil: Indigenous mountain soil(Sedimentary and clay) 3ft deep tilled-in veg compost E.B. Stone top soil, Cocoa, and non fertilized E.B. Stone potting soil mix Mykos mixed in...
  8. Mag7

    Nutrient Question

    Long time user, new account. How long are nutrients good from in a non controlled Texas environment? PH DOWN FLORALICIOUS PLUSFLORA GROWFLORA BLOOMFLORA MACRO FLORAKLEEN FLORANECTAR KOOLBLOOM PH UP
  9. TheFertilizer

    Synthetic vs Organic

    Okay but hold on, let me explain first. Last few times I have used Flora Nova, some Fox Farms and Humbolt County's Own bottled nutrients. They've got me some pretty frosty nugs. Well, my friend gave me this organic mix that he puts together and sells. I mean it seems like it has good stuff...
  10. B

    How do I deal with super thick nutrients?

    So I am using the floor nova series of nutrients, 1 quart of both grow and bloom and last week I had to get a new nutrients syringe so I bought one with an extra long blunted needle so that The size of the bottles was no longer an issue. Well today when I put the syringe into the grow, I knew...
  11. TheFertilizer

    Amend Happy Frog with these nutrients?

    My friend makes these nutrients, and he gave me quite a bit of them and suggested I amend my soil with them. However since then I have switched soils to Happy Frog and I can't find an NPK rating on it anywhere. Do these look like good nutrients?
  12. S

    Cannatonic day 24 flowering still struggling to produce pistils

    Hey Everybody, Day 24 cannatonic 12/12 flowering under (2) LED's in 7 gal pots with ff Ocean forest and Happy frog. Didnt use nutrients until day 18 when I watered with 2 tsp/gal bb, 1 grow big, and 2 tiger bloom. Then day 22 watered with 3 tsp/gal bb, 2 grow big, 2 tiger bloom. They have...
  13. D

    Emergency - Help please - Nitrogen toxicity a month into flower!

    hi,im a first time grower and need HELP.I got Dr Earths Flower Girl for my nutrients (4-10-7). When i first started the grow. Its the kind of nuts that you mix with the top soil and it releases when watering. It worked great during the veg stage. Well hear is where i fuked up, i gave them a...
  14. TheFertilizer

    Reusing soils - What if it had on nutrients to begin with?

    I have read a little on the subject and people suggest all the nutrients would be used up but I am using a soil that was 0-0-0 from the start. I didn't have any issues with pests or disease so I am not worried about that, but there are probably a lot of salts left in from the last grow. Long...
  15. G

    New Grow - About 16 Days Stinger Leaf Colors

    hello all i am at week 3 today the plant is 4 inch tall now and got some nice looking progress i am using 450w led about 20 inch far away for soil i use verma soil for nutrients i use 0.5,0.5,1 and 7-9-5 i know i shouldn't give her nutrients at the first 3 weeks but because its my first grow i...
  16. D

    Advanced nutrients advice

    Hello all! This is my first post, I am at work so I'm going to keep it short and simple, I have 6 plants about to go into their dark phase in 3 days, this is my second year and I've decided to do completely different nutes, and was wondering what a good feeding cycle is using advanced nutrients...
  17. xave420

    Xave's Delicious Seeds Candy Feminised Indoor Grow

    Hey everybody I decided to make a 2nd journal for this little girl she is doing good and am ready to transplant her into a 3 or 4 gallon pot. I am going to use Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil mixed with Pro Mix BX to transplant into. my lighting is a 150 watt hps and many many cfl bulbs lol. my...
  18. H

    Just a beginner but like it?

    Hi there I'm new to the growing game but I like it I'm now on my 3rd with 2 not so successful hopping for a good one this time now iv switch from vitalink to fox farm there is one question do I need to use all the nutrients on the grow chart or can I just use gro big big bloom tiger bloom...
  19. P

    Problem - New grower

    High! i'm a new grower, just trying to plant something to be proud to smoke my own. i got hands on a seed and i didnt now until i topped it that was an autoflower strain. i used lst to bend the stems and get more light. im planting on soil and mixed lightings( during the day she gets all the sun...
  20. Donz

    New problem starting with my leaves?

    hi all. im in week7 of flowering. plants been super healthy all the time. im growing in soil 3 gallon pots in a 4x3x2 closet. i feed every other watering with no problems at all. this time i watered with usual tap water that i always use and started to see some problems, rust/brown spots on my...
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