
  1. HigherTheHigh

    Nutrients advice needed - Already running a selection but want to add

    hello all! in to week 5 now. currently running northern lights with: canna a+b. canna boost. advanced nutrients big bud. advanced nutrients bud candy. what else can i run to get a heavey yield, buds are looking really nice and want to add a bit more if i can as im going to cure...
  2. E

    Hey need some help

    Hello everyone. This is 7 week for Flowering. Size of breeding space 40x40. 120 Lighting: 140w led Fan Clips 6 "Plus One Floor 11" A charcoal filter can be filtered Fertilizers: Hesi-startpack Land from Idro Shop An advanced factor of nutrients - bud X And I started adding this week to the...
  3. N

    Plant stretching

    I have four plants under a Scrog. All plants are same and have been subjected to same conditions, watering, nutrients, light, temperature. One of the plants has serious stretch. Any ideas? White widow x big bud. Bloom nutrients Mars Hydro 144 lights Canna Terra Proffessional Medium...
  4. H

    First Timer - Soil Water & Nutes

    Hey guys, I've done a good amount of research and am just about ready to get started but I'm brand new to this so bare with me. Im growing purple kush and crown royale indoors in 7 gallon plastic pots (7gallon each with drainage holes and saucers all that). Wanted to know what brand or type of...
  5. M

    Nutes and fungi & pest control in EU

    Hello, major population of this forum prob lives across the ocean from me so most of the existing threads have info about Nutrients and Control tolls i have no access to. My site to buy from so far seems to be -hydroponics e u ( if somone knows better in eu please info) Now i need 2...
  6. R


    first of all... she was doing much worse five days ago, leaves started to yellow and curl down, now she is 25days yang since sprout. these pics are taken today, . i was watering her with tap water, had not given any nutrients. now i started to water with Distilled water and gave organic...
  7. GrowGrowGrow

    Miracle Grow vs Fox Farm? Added nutrients or no?

    Hey what's up guys. From my first grow 6 years ago until now, I have always used soil that is recommended for growing weed, and used nutrients, both organic and synth. I'm growing an outdoor plant this year alongside my wife's parents plant. They are way more of an old school hippy stoner...
  8. Ron Strider

    Welcome To Our New Sponsor Dutch Master Nutrients

    Please join us in welcoming our new sponsor Dutch Master Nutrients to our mission of spreading Cannabis awareness to the world. 420 Magazine began life 24 years ago in an endeavor to end prohibition by creating a forum where appreciation and awareness of the Cannabis plant could flourish. We...
  9. choccitydgk

    ChocCity Genetics Perpetual Grow

    Wassup 420Mag community. I am back to try and complete a full journal. During my last journal attempt, my wife had a pregnancy issue and we ended having our baby girl 3 months early. All is well now, both the wife and baby are doing great (baby girl now 13 months old). Now that things have...
  10. K

    Water Softness & Nutrients

    I am getting ready for a 'fertigation' grow, basically hydro in coco filled pots. One of my problems going forward is what to do with my local tap water, both when using as a carrier for nutrients and when just watering. It is usually between 20 and 23ppm out of the tap while it appears the...
  11. Why Doe

    A few questions

    Hey guys thanks for taking the time to help out a newbie, I've done hell of lot of research and learned almost all that I can but most people don't seem to talk about these things 1. Do I measure PH on plain water then add nutrients or do I measure the PH with the nutrients already mixed or...
  12. J

    Proper Watering Techniques - pH Concerns etc.

    I have seen some say they use a PUR filter on their sink. I would imagine a Brita pitcher/filter would help in the same way, right? Should the water be treated for pH (or anything else) prior to watering or is pH something which is controlled in the plant/soil itself? Is the water treated...
  13. M


    Hi, I'm hoping to hear about any experience with using the microbe product Soil Balance Pro? I've used Mammoth and Great White before with good success but I hear amazing things about this new one (mostly from their sales people :) ). Anyone tried it? Their website has lots of amazing claims on...
  14. F

    When to start feeding nutes in this particular case

    I happened to grow with unfertilized Promix and Floranova Bloom (Lucas Formula) which I use for 2+ years with excellent results. (Since Promix is unfertilized, I never had any worries w/ nutes since I simply started giving them FNB as soon as they were out of the seedling stage) Now, I want to...
  15. Kidokush

    Kido's Multi Spectrum Coco Grow

    Hi fellow grower and Readers This is not my first grow,but my first i will be documenting.i feel the is alot i can learn and there is always room for improvement. Setup 1.5 x 1.5 x 2 GT Hydro tent 8" extraction + 8" carbon filter 600w MH (dual spectrum) /HPS 180w Noca S4 LED NUTRIENTS...
  16. J

    Flowering stage

    Hello My plant's been switched on to 12/12 regime & still isn't flowering…hardly any signs of flowering can be detected. Because of this abnormal development the plant keeps stretching up, now grown almost by one meter & still growing. Pot is 15 liters, coco with perlite, Led of 600 WAT, basic...
  17. S

    Reusing soil for non-organic outdoor grow

    Ive been spending around $5k on fox farm soil every summer and just leave the soil in the pots until next summer when i dump it out. I'm thinking about reusing the fully flushed soil and supplementing the lack of nutrients in the soil with chemical fertilizers and micro nutrients during...
  18. P

    New grower leaf problems

    Leaves are turning yellow around edges and tips. Ph is 6.1 ppm is 370 after nutrients added started with ppm of 21. Using foxfarm nutrients can't seem to figure out what to add to raise the ppm cause I'm pretty sure from what I've read it's nitrogen deficiency. Thanks for the help if you can.
  19. A

    Little Problem

    Hello everyone . this is my personal growth 18721182 1927196170857023 1910838488 o — . it has almost 2 months soon and i meet a problem . From what i read on internet is that i give them too much nutrients the plant can handle . and now i just ask for a simple opinion of your :)
  20. G

    Yellowing & browning but unsure why

    Hi there, new here, first grow. Soil Grow (Vigoro Organic Potting Mix & Perlite) @ about 2 months in... Blueberry fem Indica Only growing three plants in a 3x3 space. Lighting: Apollo Horticulture GL80LED Full Spectrum 240W LED Grow Light (supplemented with big full-spectrum compact...
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