
  1. Ron Strider

    IL: Blunt Talk From Democrats About Legalizing Marijuana

    A Pass-around Agenda? Democratic gubernatorial hopeful J.B. Pritzker wants to legalize marijuana as part of his crime-fighting plan, which he unveiled Thursday at the DuSable Museum of African American History. "We don't need more studies on this," Pritzker said. "We need to act. Let's...
  2. SashaShiva


    There are a few things that should be brought up that have not been brought up yet. The "Marijuana Industry", as it is known, has made it a long way since the 90s in America, and since the 50s and 60s (and even earlier really) Internationally. Amsterdam is known for Coffee, Marijuana and...
  3. J

    Where'd the smell go?

    I've grown NLA, Candy Cane, White Widow and only once has my green smelled strong, had dence buds and tasted awesome. Not sure what I'm doing wrong or what I did right once but it's always coming out not as tasty, tight and strong smelling. Still get buzzed af but not so tasty. Any ideas? Common...
  4. SashaShiva

    Lightshade, Altitude and Green Dragon Denver/Aurora & Colorado Genepool

    I have been to a ton of Dispensaries in Denver, Medical and Non-Medical (I had a Medical Card from 2011-2014), but these are the 3 Dispensaries I have been to most recently. I will also post a little bit of information about other dispensaries in the area. I am talking to the Marijuana...
  5. vyserage

    Day 21 flower defoliation question - Video

    To remove or not to remove, that is the question! I defoliated the bottom of plants and am curious if i should leave or cut the bottom nodes that grew upwards and have clear signs of growing a single bud (hairs can be seen in video) YouTube
  6. Sister Vee

    Can cannabis replace vaccines? Case study

    Can Cannabis Replace vaccines? Dedicated to Professor Ester Fride It's not every day that a 2 month old baby gets admitted to hospital and leaves without having any medicine administered. The parents of this baby made a decision after a traumatic few nights after this baby's first set...
  7. B

    Tips of the leaves are looking down

    Hello everyone, I'm the new member of this community. This is my first grow and I'm little bit over worried about many things but I'm not making any actions without proper search on the forums. I was not able to find an answer about my problem so I decided to create the new thread. (Hope it's...
  8. Ron Strider

    Caribbean: Marijuana Challenge

    San Francisco. The very evening I arrived in downtown San Francisco, I was shocked to see the big marijuana sign on the moving bus. In bold, colorful letters, the sign celebrated the words, Marijuana Is Here. And indeed, it is, very much so. Next January, recreational use of marijuana becomes...
  9. Ron Strider

    Confusion Coming With California's Legal Marijuana

    Ready or not, California kicks off recreational marijuana sales on Jan. 1. And, mostly, it's not. Los Angeles and San Francisco are among many cities still struggling to fashion local rules for pot shops and growers. Without the regulations, there could be limited options in many places for...
  10. onewarmguy

    Chop or not? That's the question of the day

    To chop or not to chop - A question for my brother buddersWell my brother budders, the time has come for the ultimate question... To chop or not to chop? and I'm asking for you opinion. I've flushed twice over the last two weeks and my trich's are about 80% cloudy with a few random ambers and I...
  11. Ron Strider

    CO: Could Hemp Be The Next Viable Energy Source

    Hemp: It's a green, leafy plant that, with the exception of its rocky past, would seem to have very little in common with coal, Northwest Colorado's largest commodity. "Hemp Coal" is a registered trademark of the AXIM Biotechnologies company, "a business involved in the research and...
  12. H

    It's That Time Of Year

    I have worked in the outdoor lighting industry for over 20 years and it's the slow time of the year for lighting suppliers / distributors. Add in the fact that most of the manufacturers are phasing out 'last years' lights for new and improved ones. I'm not saying this is a certainty but I...
  13. Ron Strider

    UK: Mum Crippled By Agonizing Back Pain Says Cannabis Oil Ended 13 Years Of Agony

    Brenda Davidson has told how she was left stunned with the results of just a few drops of the oil after it was recommended by her hairdresser. The 55-year-old mum of three from Orkney has revealed she couldn't believe the results after over a decade of taking strong painkillers offered her...
  14. Ron Strider

    Gossamer, A Media Brand For New Cannabis Culture

    Cannabis is a big business on the upswing. The recreational marijuana market reached $6.5 billion in sales in 2016, according to a recent report from Greenwave Advisors, up 35 percent year-over-year. What's more, 29 US states and Washington D.C. have legalized marijuana in some form. It was only...
  15. Ron Strider

    NY: Cannabis Advocate's Event Sheds Light On The 'Prisoners Of Pot'

    Thursday's event will discuss incarceration rates, sentencing and what happens after prison "for those not facing a life sentence for a plant." When most people think about advocates for the legalization of weed, they likely imagine tie-dye-wearing stoners just looking to get high without the...
  16. Ron Strider

    WA: State's Pot Tracking Software Causes Headaches For The Legal Weed Industry

    A shutdown of the state's pot tracking software next week is already causing confusion and headaches for the more than 1,500 legal weed businesses in the state. While legal weed retail sales are unlikely to be affected, some pot shops are already stocking up on hundreds of thousands of dollars...
  17. Ron Strider

    Marijuana And Alcohol DUI's Should Not Be Treated Equally

    For a long time the U.S. government has conducted studies through the National Highway and Traffic Safety Association which show that marijuana use has little effect on a person’s driving ability. Yet, our government continues to prosecute people under antiquated and inadequate laws that equate...
  18. Ron Strider

    RMHIDTA's Marijuana Reports Are Nothing But Propaganda

    Law enforcement officials recently released volume five of their ongoing series of reports: "The Legalization of Marijuana in Colorado." Like past reports on this subject issued by the Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (RMHIDTA), this paper is neither objective nor...
  19. Ron Strider

    MA: New Cannabis Control Exec. Had Head Start

    Shawn Collins will get to help shape the budding legal marijuana industry in Massachusetts after all. The Cannabis Control Commission selected Collins, an assistant treasurer who has been Treasurer Deborah Goldberg's point person on pot for the last two years, to lead the nascent commission...
  20. Ron Strider

    Scientists Gave Fish Marijuana To See If It Would Make Them Relax

    It didn't. But it would've been a lot cooler if it did. You've probably heard of edibles–tasty treats fortified with marijuana oil for medicinal or recreational use in humans. But what if there was an edible designed for animals? According to a paper published last month, scientists in...
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