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    PA: Medical Marijuana Advocates Losing Patience

    Dana Ulrich says she doesn't relish being a political activist. The Spring Township woman has been on the front lines of the push to allow medical marijuana in Pennsylvania. She's lobbied lawmakers, had face time with the past two governors and has appeared on national television shows. But...
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    Florida Still Failing On Medical Marijuana For Seizures

    Here's another reason why Florida state government earns little respect from citizens: Two years ago the Legislature passed a law approving medical marijuana for a very small population of residents who suffer immeasurably from seizures. This was only a low potency cannabis that lacked any...
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    Indiana: Support Medical Marijuana Bill

    Sen. Karen Tallian has introduced Senate Bill 209, which seeks to establish a medical marijuana program in Indiana. The proposed program would consist of allowing, upon physician recommendations, patients and caregivers the right to possess a certain quantity of marijuana for medical purposes...
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    NY: Queens' Only Medical Marijuana Site Seeks To Overturn 'Stigma' Of Use

    The borough's first medical marijuana facility opened Friday inside a bright and airy former clothing shop on Queens Boulevard – but don't expect to find any pot cookies, flavored pot, or "trendy" pot brands. Vireo Health, at 89-55 Queens Blvd., will be different than other pot dispensaries...
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    My Son's Right To Cannabis: The Best Drug To Treat ADHD

    A brave Australian mother has forced the enemies of cannabis in her country to beat a retreat. It all started when Cherie Dell decided to treat her son Wyatt, aged six, who has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), with an extract from the marijuana plant. However, this was illegal...
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    Hawai'i Legislators Have Not Forgotten About Medical Marijuana

    Yesterday was Opening Day for the 2016 Session of the Hawai'i Legislature, and residents flew in from all over the state to hear what their elected officials have planned for the new year. Homelessness and affordable housing were hot-button topics in both the House and Senate Chambers, but...
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    California: City Council Adopts Medical Cannabis Delivery, Outdoor Cultivation Ban

    The Patterson City Council approved 4-0 the second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 788, which bans the delivery, outdoor cultivation and dispensing of medical marijuana within Patterson. Resident Alexis Juravic asked the council to reconsider the ban, sharing that medical marijuana has...
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    California: Atascadero Bans Medical Marijuana Cultivation

    Atascadero has become the final city in the county to officially ban medical marijuana cultivation facilities in the city – including at-home growth. The Atascadero City Council unanimously approved a ban Tuesday night that prohibits marijuana cultivation facilities, marijuana dispensaries...
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    A Brief History Of Medical Cannabis: From Ancient Anesthesia To The Modern Dispensary

    For many decades in the U.S., marijuana has been painted as the psychedelic drug of hippies and stoners who lay around smoking dope to the detriment of their cognitive function. This image of marijuana use can certainly be attributed to one aspect of its culture, but Cannabis – a category of...
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    New Hampshire Seeks To Add PTSD To List Of Medical Marijuana Ills

    A bill introduced Thursday in the New Hampshire state assembly seeks to add post-traumatic stress disorder to the list of ailments eligible for medical marijuana treatment, which was legalized in 2013 but remains hard to obtain in the Granite state. The proposed legislation comes as New...
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    Georgia: State Lawmaker Admits To Breaking The Law For Medical Marijuana

    A metro mom admits she got marijuana on the black market to allow her autistic child relief from violent rages. The mom told her story exclusively to Channel 2's Lori Geary in the hopes it will help lead to an expansion of Georgia's medical marijuana law. "I got to the point I was afraid of...
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    Mexico Medical Marijuana Bill Should Pass Congress By May

    Jan 21 A bill to allow medical marijuana should be approved by Mexico's Congress by May, thanks to cross-party support and a series of public debates on cannabis that should win over lawmakers, the ruling party senator who proposed the measure said. The bill, proposed by Institutional...
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    Kansas: Veterans Testify On Medical Marijuana Bill

    Navy veteran Raymond Schwab started treating symptoms from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder with a slew of prescription medications that he said nearly ruined his life. But he found relief in cannabis therapy that helped him to get a degree and be a more effective parent, Schwab told a panel of...
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    Nevada: Local Medical Marijuana Advocate Shares His Story

    Brian Gorham lifted a piece of steel the wrong way one day at his job at a steel mill in Nevada. He said it changed the course of his life for the next 12 years. In overwhelming pain, he sought out medical treatment and was initially diagnosed with having the lowest discs in his back bulging...
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    Medical Marijuana: The Challenge For Physicians

    As more states legalize medical marijuana, doctors increasingly find themselves serving as gatekeepers for a drug that they may not understand, and perhaps don't condone, with clinical and legal considerations to boot. By the fall of 2015, 23 states and the District of Columbia, had approved...
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    Maine: Starks To Consider Moratorium On Medical Marijuana Businesses

    The town of Starks is considering an ordinance regulating the establishment of medical marijuana businesses in response to an informal proposal to open a marijuana research laboratory in town. The proposed ordinance has not been drafted yet, but selectmen are planning to approve its spot on a...
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    Connecticut Announces Selection Of Three New Medical Marijuana Dispensary Facilities

    Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection Commissioner Jonathan A. Harris announced today the names and locations of three new dispensary facilities that will be licensed by the state's Medical Marijuana Program. Currently, there are 8228 medical marijuana patients registered in Connecticut...
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    Indio Becomes 2nd Desert City To Ban Marijuana Business

    ndio has become the second city in the Coachella Valley — behind Indian Wells — to completely ban medical marijuana-related businesses and cultivation within its borders. Indio previously rejected a proposal that would have allowed medical marijuana dispensaries to operate within the city, as...
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    One Way To Fight The Opioid Epidemic? Medical Marijuana

    The opioid painkiller and heroin epidemic has led to a record number of deadly drug overdoses, with the US recording an all-time high of 47,000 overdose deaths – two-thirds of which were opioid-related – in 2014. In states like New Hampshire, the crisis is so bad that it's overtaken the economy...
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    California: La Verne Bans Medical Marijuana Cultivation And Deliveries

    Cultivating and delivering medical marijuana is now illegal in La Verne. The City Council voted unanimously Tuesday to replace an existing medical marijuana ban, which prohibits dispensaries from operating in the city, with one that also outlaws pot cultivation and deliveries in La Verne...
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