
  1. Katelyn Baker

    Market For Legal Marijuana Could Pass $20 Billion

    The marijuana market is about to boom. Voters in four states approved legal recreational pot on Tuesday. Four more states expanded access to medical marijuana. All told, it could expand the national market to $21 billion by 2020, according to New Frontier Data, which partnered with the...
  2. Katelyn Baker

    Canada Legal Cannabis No Tax Windfall

    Ottawa - Canada will have little wiggle room to tax recreational marijuana sales when it moves to legalize the psychoactive drug, a report to parliament said Tuesday. One of the principal rationales cited by supporters for ending the prohibition on pot has been the bounty of tax revenues...
  3. Katelyn Baker

    Canada: Legal Marijuana Could Be A Gold Mine For Governments, PBO Report Finds

    Ottawa - Legal recreational marijuana sales could begin as soon as January 2018 and generate hundreds of millions in preliminary revenue for governments, says a new report by the parliamentary budget officer. Given an average legal price of $6 to $15 per gram and an average illicit price of...
  4. Katelyn Baker

    CO: Marijuana Industry Created 18,000 Jobs

    In 2015, the legal marijuana industry in Colorado created more than 18,000 new full-time jobs and generated $2.4 billion in economic activity, according to a first-of-its-kind analysis of the economics of legal cannabis in the state. The study, conducted by the economic consulting firm...
  5. Katelyn Baker

    Marijuana Industry Created More Than 18,000 New Jobs In Colorado Last Year

    In 2015, the legal marijuana industry in Colorado created more than 18,000 new full-time jobs and generated $2.4 billion in economic activity, according to a first-of-its-kind analysis of the economics of legal cannabis in the state. The study, conducted by the economic consulting firm...
  6. Katelyn Baker

    CA: Creating Humboldt County's Marijuana Tourism Market

    For Matt Kurth, the essentials of life have come through his love of the outdoors and organic gardening. And cannabis. When he tried to blend two of these passions and grow marijuana one year, he found that he had his work cut out for him. "I wanted to be a grower and then I tried it and...
  7. Katelyn Baker

    What's Missing From The Debate About Legalizing Marijuana In Maine?

    Seriously, it's taken me five days to figure out how to articulate my frustration with and disappointment in the discourse surrounding Question 1 on the ballot this November. Question 1 asks voters to consider legalizing the sale of marijuana for recreational use. I've been frustrated since I...
  8. Katelyn Baker

    NV: Marijuana Opponents Missing Big Picture In Argument About Black Market

    If you can find a connection to the black market, you can purchase a lot of things there. Jewelry, guns, custom wheels for your car - you name it, and somebody's probably stealing it and selling it illicitly. Even laundry detergent became a plentiful black-market product a couple of years ago...
  9. Katelyn Baker

    United By Pot, Divided By Policy - How Maine's Pro-Marijuana Forces Disagree

    Augusta, Maine - If you only knew that Mike Damron and Benny Carrasco were licensed to grow medical marijuana in Maine, you'd assume they support the recreational legalization proposal in Question 1 on Maine's 2016 ballot. But you'd be wrong. Damron of Augusta is against it, saying it'll hurt...
  10. Katelyn Baker

    United By Pot, Divided By Policy - How Maine's Pro-Marijuana Forces Disagree

    Augusta, Maine - If you only knew that Mike Damron and Benny Carrasco were licensed to grow medical marijuana in Maine, you'd assume they support the recreational legalization proposal in Question 1 on Maine's 2016 ballot. But you'd be wrong. Damron of Augusta is against it, saying it'll hurt...
  11. Katelyn Baker

    A Big Shift Is Necessary To Successfully Market Cannabis To Minorities

    In the early 1900's when marijuana first came under heavy scrutiny by the governing bodies of the United States, it was rare to mention marijuana without mentioning minorities. It was after all, the new influx of Mexicans entering the USA that popularized the use of the plant for recreational...
  12. Katelyn Baker

    Gummies Replace Chocolate As Leading Edible In Colorado

    Gummies have gotten sticky in the marijuana market, replacing chocolate as the top-selling cannabis candy. According to a study by BDS Analytics, infused chocolate bars dominated the marketplace in 2015. That year, chocolate bars outsold all other cannabis products by almost 50 percent...
  13. Katelyn Baker

    CO: Wholesale Cannabis Price Drops 40 Percent

    According to Tradiv, a cannabis trading platform based in Boulder, wholesale cannabis prices have fallen from approximately $2,500 per pound in October of 2015 to around $1,500 per pound in August of this year. In the beginning of Colorado's legal market, companies didn't know what to expect...
  14. Katelyn Baker

    Colorado-Owned Florida Cannabis Company Opposes 'Colorado-Style' Legalization

    Jake Bergmann is Atlanta's go-to guy on cannabis investments even though it's only barely legal there. In 2015, Georgia parents won a hard-fought battle to get extracted high-CBD medicines to epileptic children in the state, but most still don't have safe access. Although it is now legal for...
  15. Katelyn Baker

    VT: A Regulated Cannabis Market Promotes Public Safety

    Having failed to convince the public that our disastrous War on Drugs will find success if we just wait long enough, prohibitionists have frantically switched arguments, and now warn about the supposed evils of "big weed" and "commercialization", rather than the substance itself. If we legalize...
  16. Katelyn Baker

    Why There's A Push For Diversity In The Marijuana Industry

    Even Jay-Z is weighing in. America's legal marijuana industry has a huge diversity problem - and it couldn't be more ironic. The Drug Policy Alliance estimates that less than 1% of the market to grow legal weed is owned or operated by people of color, a startling statistic considering...
  17. Katelyn Baker

    Pot Goes Posh - Upscale Marijuana Eatery Thrives In Colorado

    Recreational marijuana usage elicits visions of dread-locked burnouts giggling over pot gummies, but a more refined market is developing - at least in Colorado. Cultivating Spirits is an upscale eatery in Silverthorne, CO offering cannabis pairings to complement their food and wine offerings...
  18. Katelyn Baker

    Canada: Cannabis Producers Getting High On Expansion In Anticipation Of Rising Demand

    Toronto - Canadian cannabis producers say they are ramping up their operations to keep up with growing demand for medical marijuana and in anticipation of legislation that would allow for recreational use of the drug. Alberta-based Aurora Cannabis is planning to expand its operations by 600,000...
  19. Katelyn Baker

    The Price Of Pot Is Tumbling In Colorado

    Colorado's weed is getting much cheaper. In October last year, the cost of a wholesale pound of cannabis in Colorado was around $2,400 to $2,600. That price has almost been cut in half to between $1,400 and $1,600 last month, according to data from Tradiv, an online marijuana distribution...
  20. Katelyn Baker

    MA: Legal Marijuana Safer Than Black Market

    Boston - The strongest reason for voting yes on Question 4 is that a legal and regulated marijuana industry would be safer than the black market since state regulators could test and clearly label the product, according to a 20-voter Citizens' Initiative Review panel, which also concluded that...
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