
  1. M

    Greetings to you all!

    Hello everyone! Of course, I am new here and I'm somewhat new to growing this 'weed.' I have done a LOT of reading and I am still doing such. My problem is one many would like to have: I have TOO many plants! I started with one AeroGarden and now I have five. Even so, I have too many...
  2. Katelyn Baker

    A Midstream View - Legalize Marijuana

    In 1971, President Nixon declared a war on drugs; it has cost us approximately $1 trillion and counting, jailed or imprisoned thousands of people, been responsible for many deaths in Mexico and our country and has not reduced any drug's availability. By most accounts, our much ballyhooed war has...
  3. Katelyn Baker

    Legalizing Marijuana In Canada Has Many Business Considerations, Says Lawyer

    In one episode of HBO's hit show The Wire, Stringer Bell, the brutal head of a heroin drug cartel in Baltimore, insists that his meetings about the day-to-day operations of the "game" run in strict compliance with Robert's Rules of Parliamentary Procedure, a book first published in 1876 that...
  4. Stage

    Stage Hits The Brix! - COB LEDs & More

    High all, Once again it's on. I'm back on my bs again. :welcome: Last time you all were in a Stage journal I was running bottled nutes in coco hydro. Won a contest or two with my entry and received some fantastic prizes to include COB leds. This year I'm going to run DBHBB kit. Why? Why...
  5. D

    First time grow

    I'm a month in with my unknown strain. She's growing great.- Using a single e2724wled?I'll upload some pics soon.
  6. B

    Help to choose the right watts LED lamp

    hello. for a grow room width 0,80 cm , length 1,10 cm , height 2,70 cm ( 4 plants) how many watts led lamp i need? i was told i need an hps 400 watt for this space .how many watts in led?
  7. G

    Just little ol' me in the Pacific Northwest

    Just found this site and am very happy to find like minded friends here. I'm 65, been "involved" since I was 17. My gateway drug was and is MJ. Not into alcohol. Many years and many surgeries later, I still am Pharma free (except while in the hospital recovering from surgery) Been around the...
  8. S

    First Attempt Outdoor in Pots - Advice Welcome!

    Hello, This is my first attempt growing after many, many years of smoking. Strain - Sensi Skunk Medium - Potting mix/Store bought fertilizer/Perlite/Vermiculite (42.5%/42.5%/7.5%/7.5%) Current Issues - Too windy, sometimes too wet, sometimes frost (hopefully all fixed with a small greenhouse)...
  9. R

    A History Of Hemp And Cannabis In Indiana

    Hemp, believe it or not, has a longstanding history in Indiana. Hemp seemingly grows all over the world, and there isn't a way to pinpoint its exact origins. In the 1800s, hemp was brought to the states and was widely used for clothing and cloth home goods. In fact, hemp was so common that is...
  10. H

    Quick question

    I'm sorry in advance as I know the answer to this is in so many threads here but I just can't seem to find a straight answer. What is the best way for my mother with lung cancer to take the oil. Tacking? Eating? Or under the tongue? I got lost for over an hour in sweet sues study hall then...
  11. S

    Hi from South Africa

    Hi everyone! I'm new on here, thought I'd join up for a few tips on indoor growing and advice. I'm trying out my first indoor grow! Living in Africa I have grown successfully outdoors for many many years so would be happy to share my knowledge and experience on that too. Happy days!
  12. N

    CFL watts - Ugh!

    Tell me guys for a small plant, how many cfl watts would u use?
  13. K

    Organic Nutes attract too many bugs?

    This question is mainly for Guerilla Growers but do you find that all these organic fertilizers with fish, blood/bone ect. attract too many bugs to your plants? I have a plot in the forest but can't decide if I want to use organic or chemicals for this reason. I am also using water crystals...
  14. mussh

    Anyone else having trouble uploading pictures?

    I have been uploading pictures for years here. now I cant. it appears there is no "browser" button to start my search. it has been like this for over a week now. if I am doing it wrong, I have uploaded many...many...many photos before, please point me to a link or just tell me. :Namaste:
  15. Stinky Snid

    Stinky Snid's Nursery & Flower Shop - Welcome To My Perpetual Adventure

    I'm going to start this journaling adventure by stating my thoughts about this community and what it's been like to be a part of this amazing collection of wonderful folks. This forum has brought me to tears but also many good laughs, it's definitely not just a budporn site. You guys/gals have...
  16. R

    Medical Marijuana Answers Prayers For Many Pennsylvanians

    Ignore the righteous bloviating by the naysayers. You know, the fortunate ones to whom pain and suffering do not go. Listen instead to the ailing, the infirm, those riddled with pain from cancers, HIV/AIDS, autoimmune diseases or any of the countless debilitating medical conditions that shackle...
  17. R

    New Zealand: Time To Regulate The Cannabis Industry

    Currently, the New Zealand cannabis industry is worth millions of dollars per year and is totally unregulated due to the legal status of cannabis. This has led to all sale and distribution being controlled by career criminals who have no ethics when it comes to selling this product to children...
  18. F

    Happy day everyone!

    I would like to say Happy day everyone!!! I would like to introduce myself to the 420 Forum. I've been on many of marijuana forums providing helpful advice to people like myself who want to see marijuana legalized and like growing it. I've been growing for many years learning more and more with...
  19. R

    Va. Legalizing The Manufacturing Of Industrial Hemp

    A cash crop banned in Virginia for decades will soon be legally grown in the commonwealth, thanks to some new legislation. Governor Terry McAuliffe signed a bill this week that will let people legally manufacture industrial hemp products. That law goes into effect July first this year. The...
  20. jack hu

    N00b Saibot! lol

    Hello everyone!!! I'm Jack. I've been a medical user for a 3 years now, helping me with my post military health and wellness. I do travel to many different cities in many different states including the Carolinas, Cali, MN, FL, PA, NY, DE, MD, AL, TX as well as overseas to Dubai, England...
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