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    Locals Collect Mendocino County's Cannabis History

    Marijuana has been a part of life in Mendocino since the back to the land movement of the 1960s and '70s, but new regulations for commercial cultivation and proposed recreational use are likely to bring a significant transition to local growing communities. Over the decades, the original long...
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    Kansas Needs Hemp As Cash Crop Option

    What if, when the Taylor Forge metal fabrication plant in Garnett shuts down this month as previously announced and puts an end to 28 local jobs, its former employees were able to drive across town to find comparable employment at a local plant that processes locally-grown industrial hemp? And...
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    Here Are The 4 Measures Competing To Legalize Marijuana In California

    In the November election, voters will likely be asked whether Californians age 21 and up should be allowed to legally smoke marijuana. It's been legal for only prescribed medical patients for about twenty years in the state. If voters say yes, the state attorney general's office estimates...
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    Many Oregonians Will Get To Vote On Marijuana Again In 2016

    Eighty-two Oregon cities and counties have banned recreational pot shops from operating; in 36 of those jurisdictions–from Manzanita to Fairview to Lake Oswego–residents will vote on those bans in the November 2016 general election. That's because the Oregon Legislature's rules for recreational...
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    National Marijuana Advocacy Group Asking Cities And Counties To Rethink Bans

    A national medical marijuana advocacy organization published a memo and model ordinance on Monday for California cities and counties, recommending that they regulate the cultivation of medical marijuana instead of banning it. The memo and model ordinance are part of a project by Americans for...
  6. Jacob Redmond

    Michigan: Police Propose Changes To Medical Dispensary Bill, End Of Caregiver Model

    Michigan law enforcement officials are not fully backing plans to overhaul the state's medical marijuana system, but unlike last year, they aren't standing in the way of proposed legislation. "While law enforcement cannot support any legislation that by definition is illegal under federal law...
  7. Jacob Redmond

    Michigan: Police Propose Changes To Medical Dispensary Bill, End Of Caregiver Model

    Michigan law enforcement officials are not fully backing plans to overhaul the state's medical marijuana system, but unlike last year, they aren't standing in the way of proposed legislation. "While law enforcement cannot support any legislation that by definition is illegal under federal law...
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