Thursday, January 2, 2025


  1. Ron Strider

    CA: Officials Still Unsure About Cannabis' Future In Napa County

    The future of the cannabis industry in Napa County and its cities is still uncertain despite the passing of Proposition 64 last year. Local leaders met again this week to discuss the possibilities during a meeting of the Napa Countywide Cannabis Roundtable. Some members of the roundtable...
  2. Ron Strider

    Future Is Looking Green For The Socially Conscious Purveyors Of Legalized Cannabis

    It is a truth universally acknowledged that in 2017, a millennial with any access to money must be in want of experiences on which to spend it. For the pioneers of the cannabis "green rush," those venture capitalists and M.B.A. types who've sensed the rapidly shifting sensibility around...
  3. Ron Strider

    Congressmen Push Jeff Sessions On Stalled Medical Marijuana Research

    A bipartisan group of congressmen have asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions to explain why the Justice Department is dragging its feet more than a year after promising to eliminate barriers preventing researchers from studying marijuana’s potential medical benefits. The congressmen voiced their...
  4. Ron Strider

    CO: Marijuana Review - Blue Rhino

    A zone-out-and-lie-down sort of weed that'll make your joints hum a whole bunch and the holes around your eyeballs throb a little bit, Blue Rhino provides a steady, unwavering high and has a one-note stoned kind of thing going on. In contrast to some of the discordant weed strains I've dubbed...
  5. Why Doe

    Help me solve a watering problem

    On my second grow, in soil, doing much better in the smart pots. I find it extremely hard to water because of my LST and how short I like to keep my girls. I use a gallon pitcher and I just can't get in there. Do you guys know of a different watering system I could use? Maybe something that has...
  6. O

    Thanks for the good advice

    Thank you everybody for the great advice. One more question. I have three ww autoflowers with an led 600 watt light. It looks like they could take more light. What is optimal wattage?
  7. G

    Another grow

    Can anyone tell me why my plant is look in like this?
  8. M

    What are these?

    Can anyone tell me what these things are please? None of my other plants have these on their stems? Also... they look like balls but I've not seen the weird little "wings" on the stem.
  9. Zafu

    Suspicious if this lady was pollinated

    EDIT and Update: In hindsight a better title for this post would be "I fear I have a male. Do I? " ;p Since posting this a few hours ago, I've pulled pulled it out of my garden. Hope I was correct in doing so. Greetings all, Last year was my first grow and it was incredibly successful; in...
  10. NACnCO

    T4 Trimmer in Denver

    I've come into possession of like new Twister T4 Trimmer and I want to sell it. What's the Best way to Sell something like this in CO? Is there a Local Supplier who Sales used equipment? or should I just use Craigslist? Or is there some other option?
  11. Amy Gardner

    Waving from the south south Pacific

    HI all, figured i ought to formally introduce myself here. Have lurked the 420 forums on & off for years. Registered an account back in 2014 but when I came back recently I decided I didn't like my screen name so this is a fresh start (that old account is still active - I don't know how to...
  12. Jack420

    Strawberry Cough

    Hey i have a pritty big plant in hydro 39 day flower c the pistils but no flower like i have a smaill branch in the bottom.that 2 me is flowering but the plant is like at a stuck i kno it a lock up cuz i have other plant thats are doin fine would love if someone out dare can giv a few pointers
  13. T

    Anyone see something like this?

  14. O

    Is this any good?

    I rather like it.
  15. H


    Greetings from Bermuda Dunes, California. Currently I grow organic vegetables using Vermiculture Technology and will start applying that to growing flowers. Also would like to share like information.
  16. K

    Magic Butter Machine and leaves and what not

    I am wondering if the Magic Butter Machine would help me make fan leaves, unwanted males etc become useful. As a grower from seed, I always have leaves that I trim away or have unwanted males and other material that does not make the cut into what I vape. Would using something like the Magic...
  17. Ron Strider

    Legal Pot Dealers Find Home: Oregon's Cannabis Coast

    Eddie Biggar sports a black-and-green suit dotted with tiny green leaves as he dances jovially on a corner of the Pacific Coast Highway. Some two-and-a-half hours southwest of Portland, he owns the sidewalk. Just like a sign-waiver might promote the local pizzeria, The Weedman boasts $5...
  18. Why Doe

    Question about edibles

    So I know how to make Canabutter but nowhere can I find how to cook with it, this might be a stupid question but like when a brownie recipe box says to use 1 stick of butter, do you just replace that with your 1 stick of canabutter?? I'm wanting to make little chocolate candies and I was...
  19. 420

    What Is The Best CBD Oil?

    With so much bunk CBD oil circulating, even some toxic stuff from China, we'd like to know what you believe are the top three CBD oils and why? :thanks:
  20. Drugg

    Hello - New to this forum and growing

    Name is Derek, i live just outside Boston, have been smoking for over 10 years. I like to play sports, snowboard, kick it, pretty typical stuff. I started growing 31 days ago precisely, and already hooked... o ya i almost forgot, my last name is Drugg
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