lighting advice

  1. E

    Newbie needs your help!

    Hi everyone! PLEASE BE NICE AND BARE WITH ME :Love: Sooo I'm a newbie to this whole indoor growing thing and I need some pointers from all you experts :circle-of-love: I attempted to germinate a few seeds that I found in a batch of bud I bought and so far only one has sprouted within the last...
  2. L

    400W bulb 125W ballast

    Hey guys. So heres my situation. I bought a 125w set up and ended up changing the 125W bulb to a 400w bulb since I had 4 plants growing and knew i needed more wattage. What I didnt realize since indoor growing is new to me is that apparently my ballast is a 125W magnetic ballast. Iv had the 400W...
  3. Ascended Master Kief

    Oh, which light to prefer

    Well, I'm sort of at a lighting crossroads. Not really. I just can't make up my mind which light I want to save up for. To start, I have been using a dozen 23w CFL bulbs, for grow and for flower. I switch spectrum bulbs as necessary between stages of grow. I have been getting less than...
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