
  1. BlazingBill

    Petition For the White House to Legalize

    The White House We need 100,000 sigs for them to look at it and it has to be done by MAY 19.2016 So please spread the word and lets get this out there. Thanx! Bill :thanks:
  2. R

    Ark. Professor Explains Legal Difference Of 2016 Push To Legalize Medical Marijuana

    On Wednesday (Feb. 17), Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge approved the popular name of an amendment that would legalize medical marijuana. University of Arkansas law professor Jon Marshfield said the approved description of the proposed amendment would be available to voters if the...
  3. R

    Higher Ground: Last Joint Standing

    Last spring Michigan was popping with a potential of three different initiatives to legalize recreational marijuana statewide. Today it looks like the last initiative standing is the MILegalize effort. "I think that our approach represents the centrist position and is capable of being a...
  4. R

    Renewed Effort To Legalize Medical Marijuana In West Virginia

    Veterans and their supporters gathered at the War Memorial on the capitol grounds, with a message for lawmakers: legalize marijuana for medical use. Vets said it's helpful medicine for troops coming home with post traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. Right now they are given pills instead. "I...
  5. R

    Marijuana Legalization 2016: Which States Will Consider Cannabis This Year?

    As pot legalization gains momentum across the country, more states are looking to let either lawmakers or voters decide on cannabis on the 2016 ballot. Four states and Washington, D.C., have passed legislation to permit recreational marijuana entirely, and others are gearing up to consider...
  6. Jacob Redmond

    Nebraska Lawmaker Pushes To Legalize Medical Marijuana

    There's a push to legalize medical marijuana in Nebraska. Two meetings were held in Norfolk and Dakota City Wednesday. Nebraska Senator Tommy Garrett recently took a trip to Minnesota last month to study how that state has implemented strict medical marijuana bill. He says he's not in favor...
  7. Jacob Redmond

    Nebraska Lawmaker Pushes To Legalize Medical Marijuana

    There's a push to legalize medical marijuana in Nebraska. Two meetings were held in Norfolk and Dakota City Wednesday. Nebraska Senator Tommy Garrett recently took a trip to Minnesota last month to study how that state has implemented strict medical marijuana bill. He says he's not in favor...
  8. SweetLeef

    Bernie Sanders will legalize Cannabis

    I don't know about all of you, but I was feeling the Bern long before he said he'd legalize cannabis. I believe it's time for a change. We need to overturn Citizens United, we need to strengthen the Voter Rights Act, we need to install pay equity for women, as well as stand by them and...
  9. K

    Hello from #Bi48 Sponsor to Legalize in Mississippi

    Hello from Mississippi! My name is Kelly Jacobs, I'm a stay at home mom, community activist who decided to write a ballot initiative that would regulate marijuana like we regulate alcohol and require the governor to pardon non violent cannabis criminals. If Mississippi is successful, the...
  10. homegrownFL

    Petition to allow Hemp cultivation in the state of Virginia

    We hereby petition the General Assembly and Governor Terry McAuliffe to pass legislation that licenses and regulates the production of Industrial Hemp as an industrial and agricultural commodity. Help us save the world with Hemp. Signez la pétition Virginia Delegate Joseph Yost introduced House...
  11. K


    Good Evening, My name is Ken and I am trying gather as much info and I can on cannabis. I suffer from severe Tourettes Syndrome and I am not responding to Pharmaceuticals at all. As a matter of fact then have done more harm then good as I was just dx'ed with Tardive Dyskinesia due to my...
  12. T

    Hello fellow potheads!

    Just wanted to introduce name is Totty Patron and I am a music artist from Chicago, IL, which recently legalized marijuana for medical use. I support marijuana for medical use, however, I REALLY support for recreational use! Cigarettes, which do ABSOLUTELY nothing to enhance sensor...
  13. T

    Hello fellow smokers

    Just wanted to introduce name is Totty Patron and I am from Chicago, IL which recently legalized marijuana for medical use. I support marijuana for medical use, however, I REALLY support for recreational use! Cigarettes, which do ABSOLUTELY nothing to enhance sensor reception or have...
  14. capt-pancake

    The Liberation of Missouri

    i beelieve it to be wrong that marijuana is still illegal in missouri.missouri has some of thee bigest farms iin the country.if it were to be legalized we could grow it in massive amounts to were we could sell to other states and maybe even ship to other the rate people consume weed...
  15. O

    Israeli Cannabis + Annonymous march

    Hi Guys, I'm the editor of the Israeli Cannabis website: קנאביס - מגזין עם כיוון I am also a member of the Isralei Legalization group "The truth Generation" - מגזין קנאביס | אתר הקנאביס מס' 1 בישראל - מידע חדשות ותרבות We saw Annonymous' calling for legalization marches on Octopber...
  16. T

    4/20 - 420 celebration

    Heyy, First of all hello (First post on forum Newbie) hehe. I Live in Israel for 8 Year's now but never bothered to ask has there ever been a 420 Festival in israel If there was when ? , And if there wasnt is there anybody out here that wants to organize one for this year? :cheertwo:
  17. 1

    Paul Win a Real Possibility Now That Newt is Out!

    New world order Newt has now dropped out of the racing leaving a heads up match between Paul and Romney. Ron Paul 2012: Can He Beat Mitt Romney Now That Newt Gingrich Is Bowing Out? Ron Paul 2012: Can He Beat Mitt Romney Now That Newt Gingrich Is Bowing Out? - International Business Times...
  18. W

    Petition on

    Legalize and Regulate Marijuana Petition On this site, people are allowed to make petitions, and if they reach 5,000 signatures in a month, they get examined by officials and even Obama. Today is the last day, and look how many votes there are. Sign yourself, and post in other forums so more...
  19. D

    420 - We Can't Have That

    I'm an old lady who doesn't smoke the stuff, but I'm rabid about individual rights - so I rapped this 3 minute video cartoon - "420 - We Can't Have That" Enjoy!
  20. M

    Free Marc Emery

    On May 10th, 2010 the Canadian Minister of Justice, Rob Nicholson, extradited Marc Emery to the USA for an expected five-year prison term for selling marijuana seeds over the Internet and funding marijuana legalization efforts worldwide. Click here for the news coverage. Go to the NEW website...
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