
  1. I'mOne.lebanese.soil.16.jpg


    Lebanese regulars in soil. First one to pop the top.
  2. I'mOneAcelebanese4.jpg


    Paper cup covers for my baby lebs
  3. I'mOne leb seedlings6.jpg

    I'mOne leb seedlings6.jpg

    ACE lebanese regulars in clear cups germinated in paper towels then transferred to clear cups
  4. I'mOne Starbucks cup 0.jpg

    I'mOne Starbucks cup 0.jpg

    My lebanese seedlings in starbucks cups
  5. Neiko

    ACE Seeds Plant Pics

    Hello all ACE seeds fans. Now that ACE is a sponsor I wanted to have a place to show off your ACE plants and possibly coax Dubi from ACE to participate when he can. We don't really have a vendor forum so I was hoping this could act as one. There are a lot of growers here on the Mag that run ACE...
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