
  1. Y

    Need Advice On Detoxing From Dabs - Urgent!

    Okay after school ended I started smoking in May pretty much every day. In June I slowed down to maybe three or four days a week. However I have been taking dabs periodically throughout this entire time of June.It's now July and I have stopped since the 5th and have a drug test on the 28th. I am...
  2. Y

    Need Drug Test Advice for Dabs

    Okay after school ended I started smoking in May pretty much every day. In June I slowed down to maybe three or four days a week. However I have been taking dabs periodically throughout this entire time of June.It's now July and I have stopped since the 5th and have a drug test on the 28th. I am...
  3. T

    Going to live my dream

    hello i am Luke, i have a passion for cannabis and growing. I am well educated on growing. I live With PTSD (post traumatic stress distorter) from stopping a shooting at a after prom party and Cannabis is the best med for me, however i live in a hater state. Ive been a hard working underground...
  4. B

    Just need some help with a drug test coming up

    Alright, I'm going into Best Buy for an interview and I don't know if I'll get the job, if I do though I'm pretty sure they drug test. I'm 6' 2" and 250lbs. I've smoked three times in the past month and the last time I toked up was 18 days ago. I really want this job and as soon as I started...
  5. F

    Blood mixing in on saliva test?

    Ok, so i took the saliva test however i smoked a few nights ago, like 4 or 5 so today i flossed great, brushed long and everywhere, peroxide rinsed, mouth wash rinsed (Listerine), and ate mints the whole way. however when i took the test i notices when i pulled the swab out there was a spot of...
  6. N


    I have a friend who recently got a job at lowes. they had to take a drug test, they smoked the night before the test, and passed. the test was an oral swab. she didn't go out of her way to take any precautionary measures, and she passed. has anyone heard of the oral swab test? and do you think...
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