
  1. Ron Strider

    Decriminalization Is Not Effective, Says Cannabis Lawyer

    The legalization of marijuana has become so mainstream that a segment called "Marijuana Moms" appeared on the "Today Show" earlier this month, featuring moms who regularly smoke weed and claim it makes them better parents. But make no mistake, scores of people, particularly poor and of color...
  2. Ron Strider

    CO: The Moms Who Want Autism To Qualify For Medical Marijuana

    We ought to listen to moms. They often know more than we do, do more than we know, and we all know more than a few who would give their lives for their families. That's the idea behind Mothers Advocating Medical Marijuana for Autism (MAMMA). Originally founded in Texas, there are now 13...
  3. Ron Strider

    What's Driving Hemp CBD Growth

    The history of hemp in the United States stretches back to the founding of the nation itself. But these days, it’s not hemp’s past that’s generating buzz so much as it’s the multipurpose plant’s present and possibly profitable future. For according to Vote Hemp and Hemp Business Journal data...
  4. Ron Strider

    What Every Cannabis Entrepreneur Needs To Understand About The Cole Memo

    The Cole memorandum pops up frequently in media reports and discussions about the legal marijuana industry. This is especially true in recent days, when it appears it could be under attack by the Trump Administration. But just what is the Cole Memo? Simply put, it's all that stands between...
  5. Ron Strider

    Cannabis Terpene Cocktails - Healthy And Herbal

    At this point, it's hard to be surprised by any ingredient in a cocktail made by a creative mixologist. Duck fat? It's been done. Peanut butter? Why not. Charcoal? Absolutely. Every veggie in the garden? Old hat. So it only makes sense that these bartending Picassos have to dig ever deeper to...
  6. Ron Strider

    WA: Billboard Against Teenage Marijuana Use Called Racist

    An anti-marijuana billboard aimed at Hispanic youth in Yakima, Washington, drew ire from the public that it's wording is racist and "lame." The billboard from the state Department of Health features images of Hispanic kids' faces along with the message, "We don't need pot to have fun. We're...
  7. Ron Strider

    CA: Cannabis Is Poised To Be Silicon Valley's Billion Bollar Cash Crop

    The marriage of technology and cannabis entrepreneurship has gone from a passion-project for growers, to a full-fledged venture capitalist (VC) bonanza in just the past year and a half. Marijuana startups are no longer simply the domain of experts on cultivation and plant-strain for medical...
  8. Ron Strider

    Canada: Vancouver Pot Activist Calls For Open Cultivation Of Cannabis Plants

    A cannabis plant in every yard? That could be the slogan for Dana Larsen's Overgrow Canada pot-seed campaign. The marijuana advocate led a project this year to give away 5 million cannabis seeds this year; last year he and his colleagues gave away 2.5 million. "We're encouraging people to...
  9. Ron Strider

    WI: Rep. Melissa Sargent: A State Budget Solution That Would Work: Legalize Marijuana

    It's no secret that Wisconsin is in the middle of a severe budget crisis. We are facing a billion-dollar deficit, we can't afford to fix our roads or fund our schools, and middle-class families are struggling to make ends meet. Gov. Scott Walker and Republicans in the Legislature have been...
  10. Ron Strider

    NY: Entrepreneurs Are Betting On A Billion-Dollar Future For Hemp

    Meet your local hemp farmers. Before he started JD Farms, Mark Justh was a managing director for JPMorgan Chase & Co. in Asia. His co-founder, Dan Dolgin, worked in counterterrorism for various agencies in Washington. Now these two men are partners in the hemp business. JD Farms specializes in...
  11. Ron Strider

    The Women Of Color Out To Reclaim Marijuana Culture

    As marijuana gains some measure of mainstream acceptance as a medical and recreational drug, its industry is becoming more commercialized. And many users, especially in communities of color, want to reclaim its counter-culture significance. The group Women.Weed.Wifi. has started a movement to...
  12. Ron Strider

    KS: New Store Sells Hemp Products, Legally

    A new store is open in Topeka and it's the first of it's kind in the capital city. The store is called CBD and they offer a variety of hemp products that contain CBD. The CEO and founder of CBD American Shaman said, "Hemp is a great source of CBD and guess what, it's legal." CBD oil is...
  13. Ron Strider

    Weed Butter - The Really, Really Easy Way

    I've been making cannabis-infused edibles for friends and patients for 25 years, and it's always brought me great happiness to hear about how they provide pleasure and relief from a host of ailments. (Unless the treats are consumed in greater-than-recommended doses, in which case it's a waking...
  14. Ron Strider

    The Bespoke High Is the Future Of Marijuana

    I'd been traveling for work–to Europe then to Asia then to Europe again while pinging back-and-forth from L.A. to New York. For months my carryon contained the sneakers that I didn't use in the hotel gyms I never visited. I was exhausted to the brink of tears since previous to this spate of...
  15. Ron Strider

    Marijuana Advocates Optimistic In Northeast Despite Setbacks

    Lawmakers in Vermont yesterday stopped short on a bill that would have legalized possession and sale of Marijuana. Meanwhile, in New Hampshire, a bill to decriminalize pot possession is headed to Governor Sununu, who says he’ll sign it. And in Massachusetts, where recreational use of marijuana...
  16. Ron Strider

    How To Stop A Cat's Nighttime Howls

    I've had my orange tabby since he was a kitten and he will be 18 years old next month. He likes to sleep on me at night to stay warm. Probably because of arthritis – I can relate – he started changing positions every 5 or 10 minutes, which of course wakes me up. I started putting a few...
  17. Ron Strider

    Pot Etiquette: Mind Your Marijuana Manners

    Can I get high with my kids? How do I keep my minivan from smelling like reefer? Parenting in the age of legal weed presents a whole new set of conundrums. Here, Kathryn VanEaton, a Colorado blogger who goes by "The Stoner Mom," and Margie Skeer, an assistant professor of public health and...
  18. Ron Strider

    NV: Marijuana Tourism Website Braces For The Recreational Boom

    When Nevada officially begins the sale of recreational marijuana to adults, one aspect that will be watched closely will be its impact on tourism. Visitors will include the longtime cannabis aficionados, of course, but even more will be casual or even new users. "Our content is driven toward...
  19. Ron Strider

    OR: Marijuana Startup Economy Booms As The Medical Cannabis Industry Struggles

    Imagine you’re starting your own marijuana farm. First you get land and water rights. Then you’ve got to find the right strain of cannabis. That can involve as much luck as science. “There’s a lot of legend and laws,” said Mowgli Holmes, the chief scientific officer at Phylos Bioscience. “In...
  20. Ron Strider

    CA: North Bay Hospitals To Weigh Medical Cannabis

    An unusual proposal to use the facilities of local hospitals as dispensaries for medical marijuana is slowly gaining momentum, but even advocates acknowledge it's a longshot – because, among other reasons, cannabis is still against federal law. "Let's face it, there are going to be licensed...
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