
  1. Katelyn Baker

    NJ Veterans Fight To Use Medical Marijuana For Treatment Of PTSD

    He still sees them, more than three decades after the horrific crash wiped out 18 of his military brothers. He climbed all through the foggy night to find their battered bodies, still seated in the ripped-open hull of the cargo plane that they'd been ready to parachute from minutes before it...
  2. Katelyn Baker

    Cannabis Oil Cures 3 Year Old Boy Of Cancer After Doctors Gave Him 48 Hours To Live

    A young boy named Landon Riddle was diagnosed with Leukemia, and was told by his doctors that he only had an 8-10% chance of living for more than a day or two. "His whole chest was full of leukemia tumors, which is why he couldn't breathe. They started him on chemo, but told us that he probably...
  3. Katelyn Baker

    Cannabis Oil Cures 3 Year Old Boy Of Cancer After Doctors Gave Him 48 Hours To Live

    A young boy named Landon Riddle was diagnosed with Leukemia, and was told by his doctors that he only had an 8-10% chance of living for more than a day or two. "His whole chest was full of leukemia tumors, which is why he couldn't breathe. They started him on chemo, but told us that he probably...
  4. Katelyn Baker

    PA: Will Pot Activist's A.G. Candidacy Go Up In Smoke?

    For N.A. Poe, a marijuana-legalization activist from Philadelphia, running for state attorney general was a lark to draw attention to the issue. The state Republican and Democratic Parties didn't find it funny. Both parties filed legal challenges Monday seeking to remove Poe - a stage name...
  5. Katelyn Baker

    Older Americans Turning To Medical Cannabis To Heal Cancer And Other Diseases

    A lot of attention and concern has been placed on kids using medical cannabis with parental or medical guidance. Many of the "concerns" are misplaced and out of date, based on the "Reefer Madness" propaganda of the 1970s, which induced an unjustified phobia of cannabis or marijuana. Some of...
  6. Katelyn Baker

    Older Americans Turning To Medical Cannabis To Heal Cancer And Other Diseases

    A lot of attention and concern has been placed on kids using medical cannabis with parental or medical guidance. Many of the "concerns" are misplaced and out of date, based on the "Reefer Madness" propaganda of the 1970s, which induced an unjustified phobia of cannabis or marijuana. Some of...
  7. Katelyn Baker

    ON: Customers Appreciate The Convenience And Variety Of Pot Dispensaries

    Jordan Chambers dropped in to the Weeds marijuana dispensary on Montreal Road recently and bought a package of cannabis-infused chocolate turtles and two coconut dreamy bars. "I think this is great," she said of the dispensary, whose display cases are stuffed with jars of dried weed and...
  8. Katelyn Baker

    TX: Small Town North Of Dallas Could Become Hub Of Medical Cannabis Industry

    Gunter - A cotton gin that sat empty for decades in this small North Texas town could be filled next year with the first cannabis plants legally grown in the state. The man investing in the old buildings plans to open a greenhouse and processing facility to make cannabis oil as a medical...
  9. Katelyn Baker

    TX: Small Town North Of Dallas Could Become Hub Of Medical Cannabis Industry

    Gunter - A cotton gin that sat empty for decades in this small North Texas town could be filled next year with the first cannabis plants legally grown in the state. The man investing in the old buildings plans to open a greenhouse and processing facility to make cannabis oil as a medical...
  10. Katelyn Baker

    Cannabis - Why I Went From Fearful To Fan

    Cannabis. It's all over the news these days. It's hard to ignore, yet for years I was the person who tried to ignore it, and quite frankly was fearful of it. So, I stayed away from it. Some way, somehow, all the way through my teenage years, through my 20's, and even into my early 30's. I was...
  11. Katelyn Baker

    Cured By Cannabis

    Consider the hemp store owner who was told she had weeks to live after suffering massive liver failure. Or the cannabis chef plunged into a miasma of pain-killing narcotics after his car careened off an I-805 overpass. Or the life-and-death leap of faith Edgar Garcia is taking as he tries...
  12. Katelyn Baker

    Cured By Cannabis

    Consider the hemp store owner who was told she had weeks to live after suffering massive liver failure. Or the cannabis chef plunged into a miasma of pain-killing narcotics after his car careened off an I-805 overpass. Or the life-and-death leap of faith Edgar Garcia is taking as he tries...
  13. Katelyn Baker

    Bay Area Man Becomes First Patient In Florida To Receive Cannabis Spray As Treatment

    Palm Harbor, Fl — Richard Murphy endures daily seizures and admits life has changed dramatically after a car accident back in 2014. He can no longer function the way he once used to after suffering a traumatic brain injury. His wife, Pam, tells WFLA, "Our lives have changed. He's on so much...
  14. Katelyn Baker

    Bay Area Man Becomes First Patient In Florida To Receive Cannabis Spray As Treatment

    Palm Harbor, Fl — Richard Murphy endures daily seizures and admits life has changed dramatically after a car accident back in 2014. He can no longer function the way he once used to after suffering a traumatic brain injury. His wife, Pam, tells WFLA, "Our lives have changed. He's on so much...
  15. Katelyn Baker

    Cayman Islands - Cannabis Oil Still Not Approved For Medical Use

    In May 2016, Premier Hon Alden McLaughlin told his legislative colleagues that his administration had "carefully considered" the merits and drawbacks of using the cannabis derivative, cannabis oil, in the treatment of certain cancers and that "government is persuaded that it is better to favour...
  16. Katelyn Baker

    Cayman Islands - Cannabis Oil Still Not Approved For Medical Use

    In May 2016, Premier Hon Alden McLaughlin told his legislative colleagues that his administration had "carefully considered" the merits and drawbacks of using the cannabis derivative, cannabis oil, in the treatment of certain cancers and that "government is persuaded that it is better to favour...
  17. Katelyn Baker

    Ex-Hells Angel Sues Ottawa Cops Over Medical Marijuana Bust

    A former Hells Angel is suing Ottawa police for false arrest, alleging he was charged with illegally possessing weed even after he showed officers a medical marijuana licence issued by Health Canada for treatment of his post-traumatic stress disorder. In a statement of claim filed in Ottawa...
  18. Katelyn Baker

    Ex-Hells Angel Sues Ottawa Cops Over Medical Marijuana Bust

    A former Hells Angel is suing Ottawa police for false arrest, alleging he was charged with illegally possessing weed even after he showed officers a medical marijuana licence issued by Health Canada for treatment of his post-traumatic stress disorder. In a statement of claim filed in Ottawa...
  19. Katelyn Baker

    PA: Medical Marijuana Advocate Who Risked Arrest Loses Battle With Cancer

    Camp Hill, Pa. — A central Pennsylvania man who inspired thousands in his battle to legalize medical marijuana has died. Randy Robertson was featured in two ABC27 News reports. In October, he said he chose to use medical cannabis illegally after a rare bile duct cancer spread to his lungs and...
  20. Katelyn Baker

    PA: Medical Marijuana Advocate Who Risked Arrest Loses Battle With Cancer

    Camp Hill, Pa. — A central Pennsylvania man who inspired thousands in his battle to legalize medical marijuana has died. Randy Robertson was featured in two ABC27 News reports. In October, he said he chose to use medical cannabis illegally after a rare bile duct cancer spread to his lungs and...
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