
  1. Ron Strider

    Man Sentenced To 17 Years For Half-Ounce Of Marijuana Goes Home

    As early as today, Corey Ladd will get to hug his 5-year-old daughter Charlee for the first time outside of prison. In 2011, Ladd was arrested in New Orleans for possessing half an ounce of marijuana. Because he had two prior felony convictions for simple drug possession, he was charged as a...
  2. Ron Strider

    Welcome To Ganjachusetts

    Smell that? It's the scent of money. Now that recreational pot has been legalized in Massachusetts, entrepreneurs are on the brink of a billion-dollar green rush–that is, if bureaucratic fumbling and political infighting don't ruin the high. On a warm day in February, Kris Krane wants to show...
  3. Ron Strider

    This Firefighter Took Doctor's Advice For Medical Marijuana - Now He Could Be Fired

    Brad Wiltshire doesn't like to complain, but to talk to him is to understand how much pain he is in. Dystonia, the disorder that he was diagnosed with a decade ago, causes muscles in the 56-year-old's face to fight against each other, so his voice is strained and agitated, even when he's not...
  4. Ron Strider

    Samantha Bee's Tale Of Two Drug Cases Puts Jeff Sessions' Throwback Drug War On Trial

    On this week’s Full Frontal With Samantha Bee, Bee sandwiched her weekly rundown of the various layers of bullshit the Trump administration is burying the country under to focus on the predictably racist and atavistic drug policies of currently embattled Attorney General and “apple-cheeked...
  5. Ron Strider

    CO: Cops Can Destroy Seized Marijuana, Even If You're Growing It Legally

    Just because a court finds you were legally growing marijuana plants doesn't mean you get those plants back after police have seized them. Local leukemia survivor Bob Crouse found that out the hard way. Recall from past reporting by the Independent that his case began in 2011, when cops...
  6. Ron Strider

    Marijuana Licensing

    If libertarians were in charge of legalizing marijuana, their first instinct would be to reach for an eraser. That is, libertarians would simply eliminate existing laws that outlaw marijuana, rather than “design” the marijuana market by establishing a licensing board, capping the number of...
  7. Ron Strider

    Battling The Racial Roadblocks To Joining The Legalized Marijuana Trade

    Darryl Hill, hailed for integrating college football in his youth half a century ago, was a successful entrepreneur with no criminal record and plenty of capital when he applied for a license to grow marijuana in Maryland – a perfect candidate, or so he thought, to enter a wide-open industry...
  8. Ron Strider

    Secret Service Relaxes Marijuana Policy In Bid To Swell Ranks

    The Secret Service is relaxing its drug policy for potential hires, as its new director, Randolph Alles, laid out a plan to swell the agency's ranks by more than 3,000 in the coming years. Speaking Thursday to reporters in his first press briefing since his appointment, Alles, 38 days into...
  9. Ron Strider

    SD GOP AG Foiled In Bid To Persecute Tribal Pot Consultant For Political Advantage

    South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley (R) thought he had the perfect case to help burnish his tough-on-pot prosecutorial credentials as he eyes the governorship in the socially conservative state. It didn't work out that way, though. Eric Hagen, who was set to be sacrificed on the altar...
  10. Ron Strider

    The War On Drugs Explains The Trump Administration

    What's the standard line on President Donald Trump these days? That he's an erratic creature of no fixed commitments and no stable policy objectives? Not so fast. In fact, Trump's entire administration can be understood through the lens of his weird, consistent, unwavering adherence to a 1980s...
  11. Ron Strider

    Canada: Medical-Marijuana Grower Funds Legal Fight For Insurance Coverage

    One of Canada's largest medical-cannabis producers says it will fund a Nova Scotia man's ongoing legal fight to have his marijuana prescription paid for by his employee-insurance plan — the latest move in a nationwide push by industry, patients and their advocates for more widespread cannabis...
  12. Ron Strider

    CA: OC Congressman Dana Rohrabacher Is California Pot Industry's Great Federal Hope

    Just as California is settling to its position as the largest state to legalize recreational marijuana, the federal government under President Donald Trump is signaling a possible crackdown on a drug that is still banned under federal law. But pot enthusiasts and entrepreneurs have a vocal...
  13. Ron Strider

    AR: Medical Marijuana Card Sought By Former Law Enforcement Officer

    The department of health estimates 30,000 Arkansans will start applying for medical marijuana identification cards at the end of June. A former law enforcement officer will be among them. "You've always been told, 'It's bad. It's illegal. Bust 'em,'" said Kevin Hoffman. "And I don't...
  14. Ron Strider

    VT: Gov. Scott Vetoes Legal Marijuana, But Summer Could Bring Compromise

    Gov. Phil Scott rejected a marijuana legalization bill that passed the Vermont Legislature this month, but said he was willing to work with lawmakers on a compromise. Scott said he would send the bill back to the Legislature with suggestions to strengthen the bill to his liking. His specific...
  15. Ron Strider

    Clock Ticking On Marijuana Legalization Decision In Vermont

    The clock is ticking on a big choice from Vermont Governor Phil Scott who must decide by mid-week if recreational marijuana should be legal in his state. Scott is now weighing whether to sign or veto a bill by the end of the day Wednesday that would legalize possession by adults 21-and-up of...
  16. Ron Strider

    FL: John Morgan "Prepared To Invest $100M" In Medical Marijuana

    John Morgan spent nearly $7 million pushing two statewide ballot initiatives to expand medical marijuana throughout the state of Florida. But that's a drop in the bucket compared to what the wealthy Orlando attorney and possible gubernatorial candidate says he's prepared to invest in the...
  17. Ron Strider

    Mexican Journalists Lose Another Colleague To The Drug War

    In his last public remarks, made on a live television show, "El Almohadazo," on Monday morning, the Mexican journalist Javier Valdez Cárdenas spoke by Skype with the show's presenter, Fernanda Tapia. Their conversation dealt with issues pertaining to Mexico's decade-old drug war, in which at...
  18. Ron Strider

    How California Marijuana Legislation Is Helping Wipe Criminal Records Clean

    Jay Schlauch's conviction for peddling pot haunted him for nearly a quarter century. The felony prevented him from landing jobs, gave his wife doubts about tying the knot and cast a shadow over his typically sunny outlook on life. So when an opportunity arose to reduce his record to a...
  19. Ron Strider

    Student's Cannabis Oil Medicine Legal In Georgia, Schools Say Otherwise

    Each day about lunchtime at Warner Robins High School, 17-year-old CJ Harris must leave campus to take his medicine. His dad, Curtis Harris, drives to school, gets CJ out of class, and the two ride around the block or sometimes head home. CJ draws some cannabis oil in a syringe, squirts it...
  20. Ron Strider

    Virginia Congressman Again Pushing For Decriminalization Of Marijuana

    Congressman Tom Garrett is again pushing Congress to decriminalize marijuana at the federal level. On Wednesday, Garrett was joined by families who helped pass medical marijuana legislation in Virginia. Two years ago, Lisa Smith asked Virginia lawmakers to pass a law allowing her daughter...
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