
  1. Nicholas Flamel

    Best Hygrometer value for drying

    Good Monday, i need to get a hygrometer to dry my harvest and i have read that calliber lll are acurate. But this was posted in 2007. So i wanted some up to date opinions from my fellow gardeners. I was going to get one from Amazon but they have so many to choose from. They have a digital...
  2. S

    Electrical problems!

    Greetings all, I have two wonderful lights 240W and a 400W. Have been using them for a while now and got the hang of it but now that i moved, weeee have a problem with our electricity in the neighborhood. What I mean is sometimes ( often) there are electrical cut outs in the whole...
  3. golfer420

    Crop King Potency

    A couple of questions came to me today :hmmmm: How many different samples do you submit for the potency results on each strain? How are the different strains grown? Are they done with traditional HPS, LED, both? How about the medium? I was curious to what the results would be on a...
  4. Q

    Howdy y'all - First time grower

    Hey everyone just as all us newbies say i want to first thank this community for being around and also for all the valuable information i have been fortunate to learn from the many post i have read. Make it short and simple as the title says i am a new grower no experience whatsoever, and i am...
  5. S


    As far as preflowers go.... is it the male or female that shows preflowers first? I have 6 plants that i have just started on the 12/12 cycle and 3 of them are starting to show signs of preflowers. The flowers are still not clear as to whether they are male or female as of yet. But the 3 that...
  6. Jacob Redmond

    Medical Marijuana Has Started To Grow In Southern Illinois

    Medical marijuana is already available for sale in a local dispensary, and now, local cultivators have been given the green light to begin growing strains, according to Illinois Department of Agriculture. While the region is still a few months away from seeing locally grown medical marijuana...
  7. Jacob Redmond

    Medical Marijuana Has Started To Grow In Southern Illinois

    Medical marijuana is already available for sale in a local dispensary, and now, local cultivators have been given the green light to begin growing strains, according to Illinois Department of Agriculture. While the region is still a few months away from seeing locally grown medical marijuana...
  8. B

    Exhaust fan noise

    Hey guys if any of you are frustrated with the noise from inline fans, I found this fan to be exceptionally quiet. Mine is secured right to the ceiling with no resonance or vibration issues. I have the FFC 300 and am really happy with it. MUCH quieter than a 4" inline vortex fan. 404 Error |...
  9. P

    Hydro & soil?

    All the time that I have been a member, I have noticed that a large amount of people use soil. I'm not knocking it, but I do see a lot. I'm a hydro man, always have been. It's a bit more work, but every thing is clean. And you can harvest at least 2 X a year Am I missing something...
  10. HizzyB

    Hizzyb's Purple Dream Defoliation For High Yield - Rx Green

    HizzyB here. I've watched the veteran growers here defoliate for higher yields and the arguments that come with it, seen great things and have seen problems. I know all of the valid points and am willing to discuss them. Hoping the arguing isn't a default setting for this topic. I am...
  11. SpaceLulu

    Measuring temperature for seedlings

    Hello everyone, I just started growing few days ago. And I have seedling that are a few days old, under a 250W MH. I have an ventilator inside the tent that is blowing right at the seedlings (it is not too strong wind), and I have a fan that is extracting the air. The bulb is in CT (no went...
  12. Jacob Redmond

    The Surprising State That Could Become The 24th To Legalize Medical Marijuana

    Next year promises to be action-packed in a variety of ways. Americans will be electing a new president, the make-up of Congress could once again shift, and more states are likely to be placing marijuana initiatives on their ballots to expand its use medically or recreationally (or both) as Ohio...
  13. Jacob Redmond

    The Surprising State That Could Become The 24th To Legalize Medical Marijuana

    Next year promises to be action-packed in a variety of ways. Americans will be electing a new president, the make-up of Congress could once again shift, and more states are likely to be placing marijuana initiatives on their ballots to expand its use medically or recreationally (or both) as Ohio...
  14. M

    Trichomes vs THC

    I'm wondering how TCH in any given plant is measured. That is to say, what is it that gives one plant a higher TCH content that another? If you have two different strains of marijuana growing side by side and both have equal, or close to, tricomes on the flowers, how is it that one plant may...
  15. O

    DWC aero cabinet newb

    Please help...
  16. I

    Ixixsu's Micro Grow - 22W DIY LED - DWC - Unknown Strain

    Hello everyone, here's my journal. I'm not very experienced to growing, yet no amateur. Decided to do a micro grow after couple of years absence of growing. I'm doing this for fun, so we'll see how it goes. I build a small chamber in a pc chassi where i will both veg and flower. It's complete...
  17. Jacob Redmond

    In Hiring Weed Czar, California Seeks A Technocrat, Not A Stoner

    If there's one nagging concern keeping you from applying to be the chief of the state's new Bureau of Medical Marijuana Regulation, here's some good news: There's no pre-employment drug test. But if passing that test would have been a problem, there's some bad news: You might not have what it...
  18. Jacob Redmond

    In Hiring Weed Czar, California Seeks A Technocrat, Not A Stoner

    If there's one nagging concern keeping you from applying to be the chief of the state's new Bureau of Medical Marijuana Regulation, here's some good news: There's no pre-employment drug test. But if passing that test would have been a problem, there's some bad news: You might not have what it...
  19. Ripples

    Soilless pH

    I'm using a soilless medium (B Cuzz' 70% peat 30% perlite) I really like this mix, it has worked well for me. With regards to the PH..... Where does this fall in? Not soil, not hydro? I have been running my PH at 6 +/- 0.2 On my 4th grow with no major problems yet! This time around I did...
  20. Curly Beaver

    Can eating raw cannabis cause elevated Potassium levels?

    Off the wall question of the day. I have been having some pretty severe leg cramps at night so my medical provider did some blood work and found I have a higher level of potassium that normal. Seems how I don't eat bananas she mentioned that eating green leafy vegetables could raise it as...
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