
  1. D

    Dghoyos' Diesel Ladies - First Time Grow

    I'm a little late to start the journal, but here goes. I call myself dghoyos (don't get high off your own supply). Funny, right? Well anyways, I can't take the weed high as it kicks my ass. I am growing this for my wife as she is the smoker of the house. :) I have a few years under my belt...
  2. swwilson20

    Light leaks and flowering

    So my plants are about 60 days old and they are still in veg, limping along. I have a couple of very small pin hole which didn't come standard with the tent :/ but they are easily fixed. Ive read light leaks of any kind are terrible especially when trying to initiate flower. My question is about...
  3. S

    Seedling - Double yolker?

    Hello all :420: Long time grower but not for 10 years now.. Decided to start again, Good Bag seed and very small scale for now.. Anyhow I am new here and did a little research.. I found that 3 cotyledon seedlings are not uncommon but are known to be slow growers and slight more tendency toward...
  4. Jamaican Bud

    What type of lighting is best for auto flowering plants?

    I have 2 1000 Watt high-pressure sodium lights that I'm currently using to flower my cloned plants and I want to use these same lights to try the auto flower variety. I have never tried the auto flowering type before and would appreciate any thoughts on the lighting. I also was thinking a light...
  5. K

    Hello From Thailand

    Hello From Thailand I'm trying to grow outside with a hydroponic machine. My strain is amnesia haze and I also know the flowering time is quite long. But patience is a virtue. I am a 2nd lieutenant in the United States of America Army I was blown up in Afghanistan and have a traumatic brain...
  6. Ripples

    Ripples' - Indoor - Basement - Soilless - Multi-Strain - Chronic/Cheese/LG/SS - 2015

    Intro: Ripples Here! Thanks for checking out my first Journal. By suggestion I have decided to try a journal and see where this goes. This will be my 5th grow. My first 4 went well with each one improving on the previous. I am not an expert by any means but believe I have had some success...
  7. Happyjoy

    6" bathroom vent 170 cfm, vs 5" inline fan 150 cfm?

    hey there everyone. im trying to improve my grow space after adding a 400w hps to the room(only had a 96x3 led till now, now theyre both together). temps are getting 86f during day, and 60 at night during lights off. the room is 2x3x5(height), and i have a simple bathroom type of vent. the...
  8. W

    Cuttings - Effect on yield

    Hi, I have a question regarding taking cuttings and removing effectively bud sites. I have trained my plants and have many potential bud sites on each and they are currently starting week 2 of 12/12, no pre flowers or stretch yet. I promised a friend a few cuttings and forgot and now he is...
  9. C

    Capt Blast Moving Indoors - A Utility Shed Perpetual

    Well, I'm getting there, have a 4x4 tent set up in the shed with 400 watt MH, a 5x5 tent on the way, along with 8/3 UF wire to run power, some insulation, etc, $'s etc... Strain - Indica Critical Kush & Green Crack from seed # of Plants - 10 Grow Type - Soil Grow Stage - Vegetative Bucket Size...
  10. B

    Question regarding fan use

    I use a fan to encourage root growth on the plants (non cannabis plants mind you) by simulating wind conditions and thus making the plants want to anchorage sophomore by growing more roots but from what I have read, once the flowering stage begins, you should not have the fan directly on the...
  11. J

    First Timer Here - Micro Grow

    I've learned so many things already from this and similar communities. So grateful for all the knowledge being shared. -Tent: 1 square foot (12"x12"x24") -LED 12W adding a 24W tomorrow (will be able to keep two 24W) Hope it's enough given such a small space. -Northern Lights Auto/Feminized...
  12. H

    PPM help

    I have a 3gal dwc going on with led, I have a baby veg in it and she showed some signs of stress, so I moved her from 24/0 to 18/6 well when I got up this morning my ph was the same but my ppm keeps going down to the 130 and back up to 420-430 I use frozen water bottles to keep my water cool, I...
  13. Y

    Make Autoflower Seeds With Colloidal Silver: Seed Harvest Help

    Using "Cash Crop" Autoflower Seeds from "Cream Of The Crop Seeds". Grew plant to 1 month and started spraying with CS. Have read you do this for 21 days. Long story short, I thought I waited too long to spray and it would not work. I stopped spraying because I did not want to waste it, and to...
  14. Jacob Redmond

    New Line Of Women's Accessories Block Cannabis Smell

    The idea came to the two friends because “we are fashionable women of means” who cared that all the stuff in their lives - the shoes, handbags, clothes, sunglasses - properly reflected who they are. Their accessories spoke of their professional success and their grown-up sophistication. And it...
  15. A

    Hello from Va

    Hello! Finally decided to post since I've done enough lurking around. I am a mid 50 yr old man who has been smoking for just about that long (at least it seems that way). I have never tried growing until this Aug. It was really more off a whim than anything else. The first grow used cfl only and...
  16. Jacob Redmond

    Canada: Medical Marijuana Proponents Get Vocal

    Approximately 50 cannabis and medical marijuana users, friends and supporters gathered at Vernon City Hall at noon on Friday to make a point about their use of the product. "It's medicine, not a drug," was an often repeated statement by many of the proponents. Jeff Gaudette, who owns MMJ...
  17. S

    Just what have I done? First grow

    Let me get the particulars. This is my first grow I have 4 out of 5 seeds pop and make it to now 2 weeks strong! 400w HID hps all I could get right now nutes are a soft spot right now I think I need to change them I was a touch under educated on this point when I started this grow up and I am...
  18. W

    Outdoor temperature control

    I have been thinking about flowering outdoors. I live in a climate that has 85-100F w/ 70-100% humidity (day) and 70-85F w/ 70-100% humidity (night) March-November. Light times are around 14/10. December-February it is 70-85F w/ 50-100% humidity (day) and 50-70F w/ 50-100% humidity. Light times...
  19. J

    Which DE bulb has the fullest red spectrum and highest umol output?

    I have finally decided to invest in double end hoods and lamps, since one of my nice ballasts was already double end capable, and I was able to get another identical ballast for next to nothing. I am having trouble with bulb selection though. Every bulb I find seems to be the SON-T PIA green...
  20. D

    Going to try and grow my first plants ever and need some advice

    Hey guys, sorry if this is posted in the wrong spot but I just joined yesterday and really don't know what I'm doing. This will be indoors and in soil in my spare room in the house. Start with just 2 plants. This is going to be my very first attempt at growing and would like to know your...
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