
  1. R

    North Carolina: Farmers Free To Grow Hemp Again

    While cooking oil was the main topic of Dean Price's presentation to the school board, another key component to biofuel would be the growth of farm crops that could supply fresh oil. Price said two products that could be grown here in North Carolina are canola and hemp. Back in 1900, hemp was...
  2. MassMedMan

    MassMedMan's Hi Brix Perpetual

    Ok, welcome to my newest, and hopefully last journal here on 420. I say last because this one is a perpetual, and my only one I'll run. In the past, over the summer, I had way too much going on. Too many journals, too many projects and not enough time. The good thing is I harvested around...
  3. L

    Greetings - I'm psyched

    I'm happy to be able to share some of my knowledge that I've garnered in this hobby for the last 7 years. I've figured out how to automate each stage (from germination to curing) to virtually eliminate making all of the mistakes of my past. My mission is to only post when I have info that helps...
  4. Newnugz

    What's your opinion on my set up options?

    So basically I have a good space and good load of various equipment. I need some opinions on how to make best use of my space and light. So I found an ad on kijiji for 2 1000hps ballasts, 4 bulbs, 4 parabolic reflectors, a huge squirrel fan, a bunch of moguls etc and I talked him down to a...
  5. J

    How to adjust the pH of water?

    Hi My first post on the forum great to be on a excellent site, I have a white widow plant 1 and half weeks in growth the edge of the leaves look like they are going slightly yellow. I have just been feeding it normal tap water with a P.H of 7.2 yes I know it should be 6.0-6.5 so next feed I...
  6. E

    Empy's Auto Outdoor Grow 2016

    Hey everyone, i am Empolon! I am new to this forum and have never grown cannabis before, in fact i have never been into growing or cultivating plants. I live in a country where selling marijuana is illegal and i am not going to sell a single gram of it. However i need to use it medicinically imo...
  7. R

    Congress Just Ended The Ban On Medical Marijuana

    The federal ban on medical marijuana is finally a thing of the past. Slipped inside a major budgetary spending bill that was purported to prevent the government from shutting down, is an interesting earmarked section that finally lifts the federal ban on medical marijuana. The relevant excerpt...
  8. R

    Congress Just Ended The Ban On Medical Marijuana

    The federal ban on medical marijuana is finally a thing of the past. Slipped inside a major budgetary spending bill that was purported to prevent the government from shutting down, is an interesting earmarked section that finally lifts the federal ban on medical marijuana. The relevant excerpt...
  9. S

    Stir's Coco Grow 1

    First off all, I'm new so high all :420: This will just be an experiment as I have not grown in around 10 years Spur of the moment thing when I found a few bag seeds in some decent weed. Goal is to start growing again with great genetics which I will have to import but for now this will...
  10. C

    How long before I need to cut them down?

    How long do I have left in flowering
  11. K

    Reflective insulation good enough?

    Making a grow box, is this going to do the trick? Will have 2 MarsII Hydro 300 LED's. Hoping to trap the heat the LED's make in the winter. Gets down to 40F in the house in the winter at times, and I figure I could always have one on, and alternate between the 2 to keep the heat going. Let me...
  12. Happyjoy

    Help! Lights left on 5 extra hours during flower - What to do?

    hey there everyone. ive got a quesiton. im about 3 weeks into 12/12. my timer broke on me without me noticing, and the lights stayed on 5 hours longer than they should have. in other words, theyve been going on at: 7PM, and off at 7AM. this morning at 11AM, i noticed theyre still on. i...
  13. N

    Nhgrow's Perpetual LED Multi-Strain Organic Coco - Just The Start - Building Ongoing

    What strain is it? currently lemon shakespeare and mob. popped some seeds that were given to my from a friend who saved from them top quality bags Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages? lemon is sativa dom and mob is indica dom Is it in Veg or Flower stage? If in Veg... For how...
  14. T

    Lighting Question

    Hi all, thanks for visiting, and thanks in advance for any shared knowledge. These forums have been more helpful than I ever imagined... Anyways....I'm at day 45 of flower with two White Widow plants in a closet grow. The plants have been under a dual 300W LED array ( 2 rectangular LED units...
  15. J

    Help - Newbie cloner inquiry

    Hello, never cloned before. I have a grow journal going in the other forum. I had take some clones last week and I would like to know from knowledgeable people if they are healthy. Everything i've read says that they are ok and its normal to take up to 2 weeks to see tiny roots even. But i dont...
  16. Chinnubie

    Chinnubie's 2 Feminized White Widow

    So here goes another adventure into keeping plants alive to succeed and thrive. I've built a small closet in the basement roughly 3'x4'x7'. Ran an outlet for easy access to electricity, plus found out this closet will be running on it's own 30 amp circuit breaker. That's a biggie for me, since I...
  17. Ripples

    Marshydro Reflector96 LED?

    Amazon has them on sale... 2 for 390$... Was thinking of trying for one of my veg tents... 4x4x7 was going to put both units in this tent and use for veg only... Anybody have this set up? I have 2 other tents set-up for my flower so again this is strictly for veg...
  18. stevebass

    Finally joined!

    Hello 420 Community! I've been creeping the forums for months and finally decided to join. I've already gained a wealth of knowledge simply by reading the plethora of content found within the community. I now look forward to learning from the advantage of posting threads and replies. Last...
  19. GrowInTheDark

    Brown pistils in early flowering?

    Hi i have 6 plants that are 12 days into flowering, they are 63 days old, grown in potting mix and under 8 100w cfl 2700k bulbs. i give them calmag, and 2-7-7 npk nutes. I noticed that some of the pistils have started going amber/brown on one plant, and i was wondering if this was normal? This...
  20. GrowInTheDark

    What time to spray Pyrethrins?

    Hi I have a bit of a pest problem, so i bought go green botanics plant spray, for mites and thrips. I am 12 days into flowering, and i was wondering if it was best to apply it when i first turn the lights on, or before i turn them off? They have 4 hours of light left today. Would it be...
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