
  1. S

    Presexing 23 days old

    My plants are booming but I seem to have some males.. I topped 2 of them at 21 days and they showed preflower pretty within a day or so.. Next day I topped the rest and now have 4 showing some sort of preflower coming.. Looks like I have at least two males. Plants are 24 days old today. Would...
  2. Far East Buds

    Cutting Edge Solutions

    I recently did alot of changes to my grow area and was going to change up the Lucas method with Gh i have been using. My hydro shop recommended I use Cutting Edge Solutions products. I have read a good amount about them as much I can seem to find. It seems like a good fit for top feed hydro...
  3. ui3ywer8y3

    January 2016 - Outdoor Grow

    I want to start by saying Happy New Year! :partyboy: This is my January outdoor grow journal, and I'm already planning a March grow. For this round I have 2 separate batches of bagseed. I won't know if I have sativas, indicas, or both until I get some growth. Today I made terrariums for each...
  4. R

    Florida: Medical Marijuana Likely To Make November's Ballot

    The seeds were planted two years ago. This year we might see medical marijuana take root in Florida. An organization, United for Care, says they have gathered around 900,000 petitions to put a medical marijuana amendment on the November ballot. The Supervisor of Elections office is in the...
  5. H

    1st time clone attempt!

    casualties from my super cropping/topping so am trying to clone without solution...only tap water. started yesterday...any tips?? have six fan leaves and 1 whole top (couple nodes). let's see what happens..thx!
  6. I

    Seed production from fem seeds

    I have seeds from Holland and need to have a seed crop due to the expence of my purchase. Planning to cross breed with a auto- flower breed. I"ll try 2 auto flower Male plants and 2 female fem super skunk plants and hope for some kind of seeds to be used in the future as seeds are hard to...
  7. JJspinna

    Closet space HPS or LED advice

    Looking for some final advice before pulling the trigger on lighting. I have spent a pile of time reading through Journals and reviews yet I'm struggling with the final decision. I have not used any form of LED in a grow room in the past and they really have caught my attention for obvious...
  8. G

    Ready for harvest?

    hay guys so this is my first grow and my pineapple express and blue treacle are looking good. both auto they actually turned out really small. im putting that down to trying to get my temp right when they were seedlings. however can you guys have a look and see how long i am till harvest? im...
  9. R

    Georgia: Governor, Commission Against In-State Growing

    The Georgia Commission on Medical Cannabis has voted against recommending in-state cultivation of marijuana to produce the low-THC that is now legal to possess in Georgia by those with certain medical conditions. And Gov. Nathan Deal, who has expressed skepticism about in-state growing of...
  10. R

    The Marijuana Breathalyzer's Uncertain Future

    Mike Lynn is cautiously excited. A 49 year old family man who lives in the Bay Area, Lynn has been an emergency room doctor at Highland Hospital for most of two decades. His company, Hound Labs Inc., has just developed the technology to produce a breathalyzer that can detect marijuana, but its...
  11. S

    First time posting - Long time reader

    First of all, hello to all of you out there, this is indeed a community that cares for each other's success, and that is awesome! I have been a medical meds patient for 3 years at which point, I started growing my own for the first time ... once I was legal. I only grow for myself, so a...
  12. R

    Software Firms Benefit From Government's Seed-To-Sale Marijuana Tracking

    Leaders of Nevada's emerging marijuana industry say there are few consumable substances watched more closely than the vegetation that goes into cannabis products. Over the last decade, as nearly 25 states have authorized the use of marijuana in some form, several jurisdictions have imposed...
  13. R

    Nutrient burn or heat stress?

    Hi, I'm so very new at this. I did a lot of research before I started this first grow, actually I only started with 1 plant as well since from what I have read new growers always do something wrong so I didn't want to wast my time with several to tend to. It is 5 weeks old now and over the past...
  14. T

    Do you still have to water when growing hydro DWC?

    Hi everyone, this may sound like a stupid question but do you still have to water your plants if growing hydro DWC? I understand you have to change your water every week and keep the water in the bottom topped up and nutes added etc. But do you have to sprinkle water on top still? Cheers :)
  15. R

    Another Push For Legal Pot In Indiana Not Likely To Work

    The husband and father was near death from Crohn's Disease in 2009. Over a three-month period, his weight dropped from about 175 pounds to 117 pounds. He had his large intestine, colon and rectum removed, and he was largely confined to his bed or a chair. He had no appetite and was surviving...
  16. M

    Autos - Bubblelicious & Blue Mystic - Soil - LED - 1st Grow - Indoor

    Hello Everyone! I go by the name of Mz Siroz and this is my first ever grow! Woot Woot!!!:welcome::cheertwo: I am growing two Nirvana Bubblelicious Autos and one Blue Mystic Auto. The soil I am using is Fox Farm Ocean Forest 3 gallon fabric pots 2 - 225W LED Full Spectrum Grow Lights The...
  17. Nicholas Flamel

    Sinsemilla vs. Pollinated buds and Potency

    Hey guys and gals. I am on my second grow and i have made some fem pollen with colloidal silver to make seeds. The pollen has already been introduced to the girls and i should have a lifetime supply of seeds soon. Do you think the seeded buds will loose some of their potency? This is for...
  18. C

    Thank you all!

    Hello everyone! I have been a lurker for many of months now and I thank you all for this amazing resorce. Let me start out by saying I'm sorry for the spelling. I know I am horrible at it I blame it on my public school education! as you can all tell by my profile I live in Alaska and we...
  19. L

    Jack Herer Plant Question

    I have gotten some clones and have been letting them veg under a hydrofarm veg light for about 3 weeks they have gotta pretty big since i have gotten them. but i have noticed that they have stopped growing tall and started getting really bushy. and some of the plants have started growing 1...
  20. J

    New Grow - One 3 Month Old Mother - 8 Clones & 8 Kush Seedlings

    I am starting in on a new adventure. My girlfriend and I are hardcore smokers, so how better to support our habbit but to grow our own. I have a bud room that I run a 1000w hps, I also have a veg n grow room, which I now have 8 clones in, this room has 3 400w MH, but of course for 8 young week...
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