
  1. F

    Help! Only 3 weeks into flowering - Getting too tall - You all gave me too good help

    I am in week 3 of Flowering and have made many changes thanks to some of the great 420 Members. Because I was given such great advice, the changes have made my ladies grow quickly in the last few weeks. My plants will soon be touching my 600 watt bulb and I do not know what to do as it is...
  2. R

    MO: Will The Legislature Have A Say In Medical Marijuana?

    The legalization of cannabis, marijuana and hemp have slowly and steadily made progress across the United States, with 23 states and the District of Columbia having legalized medical marijuana in some way and three states ending their prohibition on the substance entirely. Missouri has become...
  3. R

    OH: Medical Marijuana Supporters Form Campaign Team

    A leader in last year's effort to thwart a proposal to legalize marijuana was named Monday in Ohio to run a possible November campaign to legalize medical marijuana. Ohioans for Medical Marijuana said Brandon Lynaugh will be the campaign manager. He worked on several previous statewide ballot...
  4. R

    Marijuana Grows As Big Business In California

    After decades of thriving in legally hazy back yards and basements, California's most notorious crop, marijuana, is emerging from the underground into a decidedly capitalist era. Under a new state law, marijuana businesses will be allowed to turn a profit, which has been forbidden since 1996...
  5. A

    Light Timing?

    Ok, so Currently have one start of week 2 veg and 2 others week 1 would it be ok to do a 17/7 or 16/8 lighting schedule during the veg stage? trying to get peak growth, but save energy costs... current system, 800w hps and 1000w MH running in a 8x8x4 so plenty of lumen for what i have...
  6. K

    New to Guerilla Growing - pH question

    Hello I have been successfully growing indoors for the past few years with promix and general hydroponics liquid nutrients. I PH the water every time to 5.8 with or without the nutes to keep my soiless ph in the 5.8-6.2 area. This year I have found a spot and going guerrilla. I have mix...
  7. R

    Persistent leaf problem driving me crazy

    hi guys im hoping i can pick your brains about some leaf problems im having. the strains are white lemon, early vixen,big bud, great white shark and juicy fruit. all strains are showing some leaf problems. they are planted in pro mix and i give them half strength ph perfect sensi grow a+b and...
  8. B

    Twin tent setup - So many questions!

    Hi all Long time lurker. Hope this is posted in the correct place. I'm in need of some advice on a twin tent set-up... a la I've never done anything on this scale before and there are a few constraints that I'm struggling with. Ok so background info. Location is a cool (15C/60F)...
  9. B

    Cowboys brought me here

    Hi all, Long time lurker, 1st time poster. Cowboy builders have left me penniless with a house I can't live in so here I am. Fortunately I have a cellar... and electricity so about to embark on an adventure. Thanks for having me :thumb: Love the openness and knowledge in the community. My...
  10. R

    SC: Lawmakers Should Back Medical Marijuana Bill

    Nearly half of the states have approved the medical use of marijuana, as prescribed by a physician, recognizing its therapeutic value for patients with long term pain from cancer, seizures, PTSD, multiple sclerosis, AIDS and other ailments. Not South Carolina, though. Not yet. Members of...
  11. A

    What size LED will be sufficient for my grow space?

    Greetings from the east coast of South Africa. We appear quite limited in options down here, so here goes... I have a tent, approx 4' x 2' - check. I am considering a 140W, a 210W or a 280W LED. They are rather expensive so I'm hoping to purchase 1 for now. I could supplement with some CFLs...
  12. R

    CA: Why Medical Marijuana Employees Need A Doctor's Note To Work

    Pharmacy employees don't need to be on Vicodin to legally dispense prescription opiates, but anyone who works at a medicinal cannabis dispensary has to be a medical marijuana patient. Many in the industry say the long-standing requirement is outdated and even absurd, especially since...
  13. R

    PA: Group Seeks Local Acceptance Of Medical Marijuana

    An advocacy group for the legalization of medical marijuana has begun making rounds in northeast Pennsylvania, looking to build community awareness and promotion for the decriminalization of marijuana at a municipal level. Keystone Compassionate Care has been involved with other grassroots...
  14. R

    More Maine Doctors Certifying Medical Marijuana Patients

    A few years ago, Dr. James Li would never have dreamed of certifying his patients to use medical marijuana. "I was a total skeptic," says the emergency room doctor at LincolnHealth's Miles Campus in Damariscotta. "I didn't think there was any credibility. I thought it was a way for people to...
  15. M

    New members

    High there !! Mooser and Lucy here as newly signed up members. Retired CAF veteran and wife of 40 years. Recently retired (again) due to severe osteoarthritis in all major joints. Always have been growing a bit, but now taking it much more serious. Will talk soon
  16. weedman79

    420 cks?

    CKS...What kind of promo will you guys have on 420?
  17. B

    Mini Dehumidifiers - Completely Useless?

    High, bought one of these a while ago and it appears to do little to nothing. Have 2 exact same hygrometers/temp gauges - tested them for a week- same readings 1 in TV room - rainy at the moment so high outside RH. It reads 54 % & 24.8 C, 1 in grow room 68 % & 25.8 C - door open with...
  18. K

    Help Please

    Okay So I Started roughly a week ago in a setup I've made under CFL's (3 of them) There's only the 1 Plant and this is a first time thing. I've just watered and have found that the tips of the leaf's have a sort of white dot on the tip?!!! I use Coco Coir and have recently transplanted...
  19. G

    Seedlings too tall

    I have them under florescent lights, started them in plugs in a dome. Within about 5 days they seemed to outgrow the dome. I realized I didn't have enough light on them so they got too tall. I didn't get the correct soil, I put them in just plain topsoil. It's now been 5 days since I moved them...
  20. M

    Saying Hello

    Hello World! I joined here because I have spent a couple of years watching the laws and trying to get a feel of how the wind is blowing and now I feel it is time for a big move. My whole life I have had severe anxiety and panic issues that have been detrimental to my overall health. I have...
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