
  1. G

    1 week into flowering - Still can't tell if it's a male or female

    Have on a 150 watt hps why I'm trying to keep it small. Since I started this one I have bought feminized seeds and just don't want to start them until I know what this is. Thanks to anyone with help and sugg. Seems like it's going pretty well so far. Want to move to a 300-400 watt has light if...
  2. B

    When I plant my taproot to soil cup should I keep in dark in saran wrap for 2-3 days?

    When I put my taproot in a cup of soil should I cover it with Saran Wrap and keep it in the dark 1 to 2 days or can I put a cfl light on it right away I have been having problems with it it starts to grow and then looks like it just dries out and dies but I have been watering it with ph6.5...
  3. J

    Spider mites late in flower

    As above... I am about 2 weeks from harvest and I just noticed I have spider mites. I have some Monterey ordered, but should I even do anything this close to harvest? What would you guys do? Any help would be great! Thanks!
  4. W

    Is this a realistic idea? Newbie

    Right... a few years back I had a go at growing and managed something smokable, though wasn't much of a success. (Timer failure while away) Now I've got a few items kicking about and thinking about a stealth grow with hydroponics. Now don't laugh (it has to be total stealth)... but is this...
  5. S

    I've been an eedjit with molasses

    :oops::oops:Help have I killed my ladies? I put a tablespoon of blackstrap in a litre of water... just realised it should have been a gallon. Have I killed them? Or are they diabetic now??? I can't look until the dark cycle has finished but I am crapping it at what I will find....:(
  6. S

    Purple Cheese - LED - 1st Grow

    Hi everyone, I have been lurking around reading threads for a couple years actually. I have my house now and have finally been able to start growing. So with that I made an account here and hope to gain some knowledge. This is technically me second grow... i didn't make a log for my first...
  7. R

    California Aims To Revamp How It Regulates Medical Pot Industry

    California blazed a trail to legalize medical marijuana 20 years ago. But the Golden State is only now confronting the full complexity of regulating consumer safety and business practices in an industry that has ballooned to an estimated $2.7 billion annually. It's no simple task, requiring...
  8. R

    OR: Scores Of Lane County Applicants Apply To Grow Retail Marijuana

    It sounds like a Silicon Valley tale: Eugene brothers Paul and Brice Sherman and friend Adam Chase launch their startup with a year of 80-hour workweeks and nearly $200,000 in seed money. The Monroe Street warehouse where they lease 2,500 square feet was built a half-century ago and looks it...
  9. lexort420

    The Hempire Strikes Back!

    Well I finally have germinated the seed that I wanted to start this journal with its not to say its the only strain i will be doing in this journal its just where we are starting lol. Not much has changed since my last journal only now i have some quality genetics to be working with this time...
  10. O

    S.O.S. seedlings bank

    Anyone have any reviews from Southern Oregon Seeds? Looking for a couple autos to throw in with my photos and they popped up on Google search. Anyone have first hand experience they would like to share? Much appreciated!
  11. Littlegee1988

    Nutrient problem

    Got some nutrient problems going on here that I'm a little unsure of both plants seemed fine then within a matter of days have developed light spots turning necrotic, both plants are about 3 weeks old now, still in veg, grown in biobizz lightmix and have had one 1/2 strength feed with plant...
  12. H

    Melanoma in brain

    Greetings everyone, I'm new to CCO. I'm glad I have stumbled upon this website. For the last several days I have been reading these forums and must say they are filled with plethora of information. It is nice to see how much knowledge people are willing to share simply to help one another...
  13. J

    Maximize lighting potential 12x12 room

    I am starting a new 12x12 flowering room. I have experience I don't feel like going thru it with you guys but 5 grows with shitty equipment. I hope that doesn't offend anyone last forum people were upset. I have always ran hand me down equipment and never tried to maximize yield just grow and...
  14. H

    Is my WW/Bubba Kush ready? Decent pics

    Hello everyone! First time grower, first time posting on the forums. I've been lurking here through my grow, soaking up all the knowledge. Things have been going well so far and I have some nice looking flowers, but I'm not sure if they're ready to harvest yet. The pics were taken today...
  15. Gronk

    My hello to the community

    Hey guys and gals. Thought I would take the time to intro myself and tell you all a bit about myself. 60 years old. Retired, on disability. 2 herniated discs in my neck. Well 1, as they replaced one 8 years ago with a little red plastic life-saver looking thingy. I also have COPD. Advanced...
  16. H

    Honz here

    Hi Everyone, Thought I would join the site and benefit from all the great information that everyone is kind enough to share. My wife and I have just received our aproval letters from the State of NV to get our medical cards. Actually, she just received hers, I am still waiting. We applied at...
  17. ScrogOrDie

    Tips on CO2

    Hi all, long-time grower here. I have never used CO2 before, and just wanted to know whether it's worth investing in. I have heard typical yield increases are around 20% with the most important benefit in increased speed of growth. I'm guessing we're gonna have a hot summer where I am, and I...
  18. ScrogOrDie

    4000W with Passive Intake or Closed Tent with Co2?

    Hi all, long-time grower here. I have never used CO2 before, and just wanted to know whether it's worth investing in. I have heard typical yield increases are around 20% with the most important benefit in increased speed of growth. I'm guessing we're gonna have a hot summer where I am, and I...
  19. TheFertilizer

    Seedlings - Nutrients or not?

    I have been reading Jorge Cervantes' book and he says not to use nutrients on seedlings for the first two weeks of growth and that tap water should have enough solids in it to feed. Then I looked up my GH Flora Nova feeding chart and it said to start feeding 1.5 mL per gallon at the first week...
  20. G

    Should I keep my box, invest in a tent or DIY?

    NOOBIE Right now I have 2 white widows growing in my box. My setup is 4 cfls for grow and 4 for veg. The only nutrients i have are the ones that came with the box. I've done 2 grows so far both of them failures (out grew my box). I want to move on to something bigger but i figure...
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