
  1. C

    Ohio Senator Feels Marijuana Bill Has Some Flaws

    With medicinal marijuana likely coming to Ohio this fall, there are some important facts people need to know before taking the drug. Ohio Senator Lou Gentile said he feels the bill was rushed through the legislature, and there are some flaws. Including, employers can still fire their employees...
  2. C

    Ohio Pot Refugees: We'll Come Home If Kasich Signs Bill

    The Liberty Township family that moved to Colorado to treat their daughter with marijuana for her epilepsy is considering a move back to Ohio if Gov. John Kasich signs the medical-marijuana bill that the legislature passed last month. "I have smiled inside and out at the thought of being able...
  3. C

    Ohio Pot Refugees: We'll Come Home If Kasich Signs Bill

    The Liberty Township family that moved to Colorado to treat their daughter with marijuana for her epilepsy is considering a move back to Ohio if Gov. John Kasich signs the medical-marijuana bill that the legislature passed last month. “I have smiled inside and out at the thought of being able...
  4. J

    Deficiencies and pH meter accuracy concerns

    Hello all I'm looking for some advice on wants causing taco effects on the leaves and how much nutes my plants need. I currently have 6 plants in 1 gal pots. They where transplanted into said pots about 10 days ago in FFOF medium with 30% perlite. Now my plants are showing signs of likely heat...
  5. C

    AU: Why The Back-Pedalling On Medical Marijuana?

    I think I am the only member of parliament in Australia to acknowledge my recreational use of cannabis. In fact, I have enjoyed the many blessings that cannabis can bestow for a lot of my adult life and have not lost my mind or become a serial killer. Indeed, I became a politician and some have...
  6. C

    AU: Why The Back-Pedalling On Medical Marijuana?

    I think I am the only member of parliament in Australia to acknowledge my recreational use of cannabis. In fact, I have enjoyed the many blessings that cannabis can bestow for a lot of my adult life and have not lost my mind or become a serial killer. Indeed, I became a politician and some have...
  7. G

    Greffon's - Crop King Seeds - Auto Northern Lights Journal - 600W LED

    Hey everyone! I've been lurking around here for a bit. With encouragement from the contests currently being run by Crop King Seeds I've decided to create a journal. I have grown an autoflower strain before. I do not have any experience otherwise. My previous experience was a ghetto (for lack...
  8. C

    Marijuana Legalization 2016: Is The Cannabis Movement Overextended?

    In early May, the national advocacy group Marijuana Policy Project sent out a panicked email titled "Alone, beaten down and incredulous in Boston." MPP had been working to land a marijuana legalization measure on Massachusetts' ballot this November, but a recent fundraising event in Boston had...
  9. C

    Marijuana Legalization 2016: Is The Cannabis Movement Overextended?

    In early May, the national advocacy group Marijuana Policy Project sent out a panicked email titled "Alone, beaten down and incredulous in Boston." MPP had been working to land a marijuana legalization measure on Massachusetts' ballot this November, but a recent fundraising event in Boston had...
  10. TheFertilizer

    Foliar Feeding - Why is there so much contradiction?

    I was reading a wetting agent bottle and it said to spray with the lights on. This is contradictory to what I have always heard that you want to spray with the lights off. Then the reason I find is people insist the stomata are open in the morning when the lights are first on, then people say...
  11. N

    Green Crack Confusion?

    Hello, I got some feminized Green Crack that I started from seed, once ready I transplanted them in Pro Mix soil 5 gallon pots. I have a 3x3 tent with 3 plants under a 400W HPS, my green crack seem growing very much like a salad, it doesn't seem to be stretching, I'm a little confused... It's...
  12. M

    Tips for a new grower

    Hello guys, Just recently got my hands on a set-up and was hoping to ask a few questions that would be crucial to my grow. I have got my 600 watt HPS set-up but its a small grow room "80x80x140cm". Problem is i cannot fit a grow tent in there and i cannot put a extraction fan in there. I...
  13. C

    Utah Lawmaker To Sponsor New Medical Marijuana Legislation

    Medical marijuana proponents have found a new legislative sponsor as they gear up to take another run next year at pushing through a measure to make pot legal for people with certain medical conditions. Rep. Gage Froerer, R-Huntsville, said Wednesday that he plans to sponsor a medical marijuana...
  14. C

    Utah Lawmaker To Sponsor New Medical Marijuana Legislation

    Medical marijuana proponents have found a new legislative sponsor as they gear up to take another run next year at pushing through a measure to make pot legal for people with certain medical conditions. Rep. Gage Froerer, R-Huntsville, said Wednesday that he plans to sponsor a medical marijuana...
  15. ptk2k

    Why does my Sativa dominant plant look extremely Indica?

    hey all! so i've been growing a Strawberry Cheesecake (70% indica) right next to a Sativa Des Rois (AK-47 pheno, 75% sativa) about day 50 from seed. And the AK pheno looks insaneeeely indica. Like prehistoric indica haha. On the other hand, the strawberry cheesecake looks as expected, like a...
  16. C

    Complete Newbie - Saying hello and asking for opinions!

    Hey there! I am totally new to the forum and to growing. I signed up because the interwebs is full of waaayyyyy too much information from a whole lot of people who know ... nothing about everything -_- I'm guessing the rest of my post will belong somewhere else, but I'm going to type it...
  17. T

    Creating a hybrid question

    Let's say I want to cross a Blueberry with a Jack Herer. Does it make a difference whether I pollinate a female JH from a male BB, or a female BB from a male JH? Can I expect the same results either way, or does a hybrid have more of a tendency to take on the traits of either the mother or the...
  18. N

    Ready to harvest?

    Hello 420Mag Am i'm ready to harvest my plant? it's a autoflowering and i'm one of the newbies here... :D Here's some pics... I know it have some small buds, But since it my first time i'm okay with it -Nonken
  19. C

    Mayor John Tory Unapologetic For Toronto Police Raids On Marijuana Dispensaries

    Mayor John Tory made no apologies for last week's raids of medical marijuana dispensaries across the city, in which 90 people were charged with trafficking-related offenses. "I have no problem with the legislative course we're on, decriminalizing marijuana but the distribution system is out of...
  20. C

    Legalise Dagga - Malema

    Johannesburg - Economic Freedom Fighters leader Julius Malema on Monday said he supported the legalisation of dagga. "We have no problem with marijuana being legalised. It must be legalised. It must be dealt with professionally so that it is not abused and used for wrong purposes," Malema told...
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