
  1. H

    I'm new to this but I like it

    Hi people Wow this place is ace I'm learning good stuff on here. my name is dave Im still learning so please advise would be very much appreciated I'm now on my 3 grow first two didn't turn out so good but I am not giving up. I was using vitalink range for my first 2 i have now switch to fox...
  2. B

    Kandy Pens: K Vape 2.0 Herbal Vaporizer

    Price: $99.95 Plus shipping, taxes. Features: Second Generation K-Vape Dry Herbal Vaporizer True Convection Technology No Combustion 30 Second Heat Up Time 3 Temperature Settings (360F, 380F, 420F) Large Stainless Steel Chamber (.6 gram capacity) Reenforced Mouthpiece Black Rubber Durable...
  3. Katelyn Baker

    Cannabuzz - Is The DEA A-Okay?

    HEY, YOU GUYS, did you hear? The federal government is about to make weed legal. No, for reals, I saw it on Facebook, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is going to totally make it so doctors have to give it to you, for free! Thanks Obama! I'm gonna make my doctor give me an ounce next...
  4. Katelyn Baker

    Marijuana Battle Heating Up

    We will know a lot more about Arizona after voters go to the polls on Nov. 8. Aside from which Republicans and Democrats will take office, we'll have a good idea whether this state is truly conservative or if it's leaning left. The question that will help define that: whether Arizona is...
  5. R


    Hi all, I am new to growing MJ and haven't smoked in 20 years. Currently have 5 early miss autoflower that have just popped, always wanted to try growing. lots of good info on here, I may try some to see if it helps with arthritis pain.
  6. onewarmguy

    Rules for magnetic ballasts?

    Hey folks, I got an amazing deal on a used 1000W HPS system, 48" reflector, MH/HPS magnetic ballast and 2 HPS bulbs. I'm thinking that 1000W is a little much for 2 plants, which is all I ever have growing, can I use a 400 or 600 bulb with the 1000W ballast? Or is that a no no? Also how much...
  7. Katelyn Baker

    ND: Elgin Farmer Considers Hemp Growing An Experiment

    Rural Elgin - Clarence Laub figures there's no right or wrong outcome to an experiment, just a learning curve. That's the view he's taking of a 10-acre hemp plot near the family farm south of Elgin that's part of a statewide pilot program to see if the crop has potential for North Dakota...
  8. H

    Hey guys

    first/second time grow with og kush approximately 5 month since sprout. should have a few questions later regarding my plant hope all is well
  9. W

    Can I smoke weed that's already been vaped?

    And get stoned? I'm out of bud and I'm down to rolling roaches but I only have enough roaches for maybe 3 joints,if I'm lucky.I've been saving my previously vaped bud because I heard it can be used to make cannabutter but I'd like to get stoned right now. I have a blackberry plant that's almost...
  10. N

    NicGyver's First Grow Journal - Soil - Multiple Strains - 2016

    Hello. This is my first attempt at a grow journal on the site. This will be my 4th actual grow, but the last 2 went poorly so I'm hoping to isolate the issue this time around. I have had issues in my last 2 grows during the transition phase from veg to bloom. Here are my specs: What strain...
  11. T

    Problems mid flower

    Hey guys My plant is in its 4th week of flowering and I am having some problems. The lower leaves are starting to turn brown(picture) and some of white spots on them. I have tried rubbing it off to see if its mold but nothing came off. so far it is only on three leaves. Other than these leaves...
  12. K

    Male or female seeds - Is this true?

    So i was researching seeds and came across a chart that showed female seeds have a round end called a volcano and male seeds dont have the circular indent but have more of a protrusion...sounds funny but was wondering how accurate this info was....made a mistake on my last order and ordered...
  13. Katelyn Baker

    CBD Oil Helped Us - It Can Help Others

    Any parent will agree there are no limits to what we would do to save our children. Even if that means becoming an outlaw. Until last year, my 7-year-old daughter Bethany, who suffers from a rare form of epilepsy, was experiencing more than 100 seizures a day. She had become bedridden, unable...
  14. Katelyn Baker

    CBD Oil Helped Us - It Can Help Others

    Any parent will agree there are no limits to what we would do to save our children. Even if that means becoming an outlaw. Until last year, my 7-year-old daughter Bethany, who suffers from a rare form of epilepsy, was experiencing more than 100 seizures a day. She had become bedridden, unable...
  15. OlderGrower

    July 4th- Independence Day or is it July 1st?

    Good morning all, I started to think about the 4th of July and what it means to me personally. Yes it is a great day in American history but in the grand scope of things, I personally never experienced having to live under King George unless you count King GW Bush, but thats a whole...
  16. Katelyn Baker

    Ohio's Lawyers Have Ethics Questions About Medical Marijuana

    Columbus, Ohio - Attorneys are asking whether Ohio's new medical marijuana law that bars employers from disciplining professionals from working with marijuana businesses applies to them. Lawyers have submitted at least two requests for formal opinions on the matter to the state Supreme Court's...
  17. Katelyn Baker

    Ohio's Lawyers Have Ethics Questions About Medical Marijuana

    Columbus, Ohio - Attorneys are asking whether Ohio's new medical marijuana law that bars employers from disciplining professionals from working with marijuana businesses applies to them. Lawyers have submitted at least two requests for formal opinions on the matter to the state Supreme Court's...
  18. G

    Spider mites or aphids?

    i am thinking they are mites. but i am not sure myself. this is from my first grow. about 20 days from harvest. ive gone ahead and pruned all leaves that seemed most affected to prevent spread to others and have done my best to move it away from other plants. would appreciate some feedback and...
  19. ptk2k

    Monster Plant - Indoor Grow Questions

    Hey all, so I have a room 15'x10'x10' and would like to try to grow a MONSTER lady in there. I currently have 1,300 watts between three LED lights, but I plan on adding another light or two once I have the room set and ready. What is the largest size pot I should use for the amount of...
  20. Katelyn Baker

    Award-Winning Cannabis Cooker Switches Gears In State's New Marijuana World

    The Mad Hatter is angry and sad. No longer will Sheila Scott cook and sell her medical-marijuana cookies, bars and other high-dose treats. The proposed rule that became law July 1 allows certain high-dose delivery systems (suppositories, tinctures, etc.), but honors existing state rules...
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