
  1. Katelyn Baker

    Nation's Marijuana Laws Make No Sense

    The Winnebago County Sheriff's Department announced this week it had discovered an estimated $1 million worth of marijuana plants growing in two fields, one near West State Street near Weldon Road, the other on North Winslow Road near Durand. The property owners were not aware of what was being...
  2. Katelyn Baker

    CO: Groups Protest After City Council Distributes Cease And Desist Letters

    Colorado Springs, Colo. - Days after the Colorado Springs city council distributed cease and desist letters to cannabis clubs, protesters aren't backing down. Wednesday, groups marched downtown Colorado Springs to send a message to the city. The group started at the city administration...
  3. Katelyn Baker

    CO: Groups Protest After City Council Distributes Cease And Desist Letters

    Colorado Springs, Colo. - Days after the Colorado Springs city council distributed cease and desist letters to cannabis clubs, protesters aren't backing down. Wednesday, groups marched downtown Colorado Springs to send a message to the city. The group started at the city administration...
  4. Katelyn Baker

    NY: Marijuana Arrests Are Down In Buffalo, But Minorities Are Still Being Targeted

    Marijuana arrests in the City of Buffalo and statewide have fallen sharply since 2013, while racial disparities long linked to such arrests have stayed even, according to data provided by the state's Division for Criminal Justice Services. Buffalo saw 769, 682, and 460 arrests in 2013, 2014...
  5. Katelyn Baker

    Canadian Task Force Vice Chair Gives Update On Legalisation Progress

    Dr Ware gave a presentation on the task force's process thus far, then took nearly an hour of questions from the audience at the Vancouver Lift Cannabis Expo We were incredibly lucky at the Vancouver Lift Cannabis Expo this past weekend to have heard from legalization and regulation task...
  6. Katelyn Baker

    TN: Cooper - Marijuana Decriminalization Is Not For Cities To Decide

    Too many questions remain unanswered for marijuana decriminalization to be seriously considered in individual Tennessee cities, but Nashville and Memphis have pushed ahead with decisions on the issue. The Nashville Metropolitan Council was to have taken a final vote on its ordinance Tuesday...
  7. Katelyn Baker

    PA: Medical Marijuana Legalization Sparks Business Interests

    Pennsylvania may still be shedding one of the most archaic wine and liquor systems in America, but Diane Czarkowski already has visions of marijuana dispensaries dotting the local landscape. These would be dispensaries for people with serious medical conditions, she is quick to point out, but...
  8. Katelyn Baker

    PA: Medical Marijuana Legalization Sparks Business Interests

    Pennsylvania may still be shedding one of the most archaic wine and liquor systems in America, but Diane Czarkowski already has visions of marijuana dispensaries dotting the local landscape. These would be dispensaries for people with serious medical conditions, she is quick to point out, but...
  9. Indigoism

    Quick few questions

    Hey guys :) It's been a few days since I have posted here, I am currently 5 weeks into my first grow it is a Blueberry Auto and I am growing her outside during the day and under a little cfl most of the night in soil. She started to pre-flower 3 days ago and the only nutes I have given her was...
  10. Katelyn Baker

    TN: Nashville Passes Marijuana Decriminalization Measure

    Nashville's Metro Council made history Tuesday by approving the city's first measure to allow lesser civil penalties for people caught with small amounts of marijuana, but it may set the stage for a confrontation with the state. Meanwhile, some Nashville judges are now raising concerns that...
  11. A

    Too many nutes or not enough?

    Every few weeks I have added a half cup of happy frog to the top of the soil and I'm trying to figure out if I need more or if I should skip it this time. She should have about 3 weeks left before it's time to cut her down. I will also be adding some camg+ and sns203 for gnats.
  12. S

    Best light schedule for auto while in veg

    I've am growing 2 Malawi gold auto fem. I have the lights 24 hrs, they are growing very well. When they start to flower I am planning on a 18/6 light cycle. Can I get some expert advice on this, I have read the threads on light cycles and no one mentions a difference in hours of light from veg...
  13. Katelyn Baker

    Grow Up And Legalise Cannabis, New Zealand

    The fact cannabis isn't legalised is perplexing for many reasons. Let me start with the perception that legalisation will throw our country into ruin and lead to our children being hopeless drug addicts. This sort of talk comes from people who may mean well, but have a loose grip on the...
  14. Katelyn Baker

    Marijuana Legalization In Massachusetts - Getting Over The Hump

    No matter how you slice it, there's a stark statistical reality regarding marijuana reform in Massachusetts over the past decade: it's undefeated at the ballot box. This includes binding state-wide initiatives that were passed by voters (decriminalization in 2008, medical marijuana in 2012), and...
  15. Katelyn Baker

    VT: A Regulated Cannabis Market Promotes Public Safety

    Having failed to convince the public that our disastrous War on Drugs will find success if we just wait long enough, prohibitionists have frantically switched arguments, and now warn about the supposed evils of "big weed" and "commercialization", rather than the substance itself. If we legalize...
  16. Groovy Bud

    Groovy's Post-Hiatus Hydro Grow - 4x4 - 400MH/600HPS - DWC - 4 Strains

    Greetings again :420: After my long 1 year hiatus, I am returning to hydroponics growing. Many things in me have changed, and I have grown to be less stressed and paranoid about everything I invest time in. As some of you may recall, I had my journal filled with the most detailed...
  17. O

    Poor bud formation

    Sup guys I have a problem and or questions. I'm got some super sour og going and I'm on day 29 of flower and the bud formation is very poor. To help out some, here's the type of light I'm using. LED Full spectrum double chip 10w(2pcs 5w chip in every led) 800 watt (80pcs 10w) 410nm,430~440nm...
  18. Katelyn Baker

    CA: Cannabis - Local Officials Talk Compliance Vs Criminality

    This year Humboldt County and California touted new programs to legitimize medical marijuana growers who have long operated in the dark, but the line between compliance and criminality still remains somewhat blurred. In Humboldt County, those seeking to operate a medical marijuana business...
  19. Katelyn Baker

    How Medical Cannabis Changed My Life

    Medical cannabis is slowly becoming part of the mainstream discussion in the UK. The NHS is trialling a cannabis vape pen, you can now buy medical oils with a high CBD content (the chemical in weed that helps mitigate the symptoms of lots of nasty ailments) and just last week a parliamentary...
  20. Katelyn Baker

    How Medical Cannabis Changed My Life

    Medical cannabis is slowly becoming part of the mainstream discussion in the UK. The NHS is trialling a cannabis vape pen, you can now buy medical oils with a high CBD content (the chemical in weed that helps mitigate the symptoms of lots of nasty ailments) and just last week a parliamentary...
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