
  1. G

    Help - Leaves are wilting and light colored

    Hey this is my third grow and ive never had this issue...so any input would be greatly appreciated.
  2. F

    Had 3 candies of 10 mg and 1 mint of 5 mg - Can I pass the hair test?

    I am so stressed out and found this website hoping someone can give me insights... I was in CO and had 3 candies of 10mg and 1 mint of 5 mg in the same day (2 weeks ago). I just heard there is a hair drug test coming! I don't know the exactly time but it should be in the next week or two...
  3. P

    I had a Stroke

    Old Smoker, New Member .I had Stroke and Aphasia. I use it for the pain, It dont help for the aphasia ...
  4. M

    I'm back

    I actually quit smoking weed over a month ago. Had started having some paranoid issues & lost my connections & couldn't afford it, etc. but I had a change of heart yesterday. actually, the night before, I got out my old pipe & cleaned it & smoked resin. not enough to get stoned, but enough...
  5. C

    First Attempt - $100 For 4 Lights In A 2'x3' Area

    Ok guys, this is my progress so far. I grew random seeds that I had left over. They were germinated in water and then moved to a mix of miracle grow potting soil and worm castings. They have since been moved up to 2 larger containers. From the 4 I planted, I had one clear male and what I think...
  6. S

    Happy to have found this site

    Hi All: Well about myself, 61 years old started smoking pot in the early 70's quit when it became a choice between getting high now and then and keeping my job. So after a break of... wow 30 years, I'm retired now, no more testing so thought what the hell. Got into my car last May and drove...
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